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Product: Oracle Manual Pages for Storage Foundation   
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)   



vxckptadm - manage Storage Checkpoint and Storage Rollback


vxckptadm -i dbid
vxckptadm -c checkpoint_name file-spec
vxckptadm -A checkpoint_file file-spec
vxckptadm -t checkpoint_name
vxckptadm -s mount_point checkpoint_name
vxckptadm [ -a checkpoint_prefix file-spec]
vxckptadm [ -k ]
vxckptadm [ -n checkpoint_name ] file-spec
vxckptadm [ -l [ -z ] | -g | -m ] file-spec
vxckptadm [ [ -N ] [ -F atomic | serial ] | -r ]
checkpoint_name file-spec

vxckptadm -U mount-point -C checkpoint_name file-spec
vxckptadm -M mount-point
-C checkpoint_name[:new_checkpoint ]

[ -W ] file-spec
vxckptadm -Q show | on | off file-spec
vxckptadm -p #threads checkpoint_name [ -x buffsz ]
listfile logfile dbid

vxckptadm -d ckpt_policyname ckpt_metadata_policy
vxckptadm -e mvsckpt_operation
where file-spec = -f listfile | file-system-path


This command is part of VERITAS Storage Foundation for Databases.


The vxckptadm utility is not an end-user supported utility and should not be run by users. The VxDBA utility interfaces to this command, allowing management of Storage Checkpoints.

The vxckptadm utility is used for creating, mounting, unmounting, removing, and reporting information on Storage Checkpoints. Information about the current state of database files, tablespaces, and file systems is also saved for use by the VxDBA utility.


The following options are supported:

-i dbid

Initializes the VxDBA database for the supplied dbid argument. The dbid argument specifies the database name.

-c checkpoint_name

Checks the validity of the named Storage Checkpoint over the specified files or list of files.

-A checkpoint_file file-spec

Shows Storage Checkpoint information (such as read/write, complete/partial, and the Storage Checkpoint name) for the Storage Checkpoints specified in the supplied Storage Checkpoint list file.

-t checkpoint_name

Returns the creation timestamp for the specified Storage Checkpoint.

-s mount_point checkpoint_name

Displays statistics for the specified Storage Checkpoint for a specified mount point.

-a checkpoint_prefix

Specifies the prefix to be used when naming a Storage Checkpoint. The default prefix is Checkpoint_. The VxDBA utility only recognize the default prefix. Specifying a different prefix may cause the VxDBA utility to fail.


Prints the current time of day as an integer.

-n checkpoint_name

Creates the specified Storage Checkpoint on file systems where the supplied files or list of files reside. This is the default option for vxckptadm if no options are specified.


A placeholder for -f listfile | file-system-path. Most vxckptadm commands require that a list of files be processed or a list file containing a list of files be specified. The -f option specifies the name of a file containing a list of files to be processed or the file system path.


Lists Storage Checkpoints associated with the specified files or list of files.


Used with the -l option only. Displays a list of Storage Checkpoints and the file system that they reside on for the specified files or list of files.


Displays a list of mount points, file types, and file information for the specified files or list of files.


Displays a list of mount points for all the containers/datafiles listed in the listfile or in a single file. Note that if two or more containers/datafiles in the listfile are in the same file system, then that mount point is displayed only once.


Specifies that the Storage Checkpoint being created should not be removed if the file system runs out of space. The default behavior is for Storage Checkpoints to be removed when a file system encounters an ENOSPC condition.

-F atomic | serial

Specifies the file system Storage Checkpoint mechanism to use. The atomic option is the default and specifies that a Storage Checkpoint will be created for all file systems in a single operation. The serial option specifies that a Storage Checkpoint will be created for file systems in a serial fashion. Note: The serial option has been deprecated and is for debugging purposes only.


Removes the named Storage Checkpoint from the file systems where the specified files or list of files reside.

-U mount-point

Unmounts a Storage Checkpoint from the specified mountpoint.

-C checkpoint_name

Specifies the Storage Checkpoint to mount or unmount.

-M mount-point

Mounts a Storage Checkpoint on the specified mountpoint.


Specifies that the Storage Checkpoint should be mounted in read/write mode. Read-only mode is the default mount option for Storage Checkpoints.

-Q show | on | off

Shows, enables, or disables fileset quotas for the specified file systems. File systems contained in Storage Checkpoints mounted as read/write will inherit the quota attributes of the corresponding primary file systems.

-p #nthreads checkpoint_name

Rolls back to the specified Storage Checkpoint, using #nthreads number of concurrent threads to process the specified files.

-x buffsz

Specifies the buffer size for reads and writes when rolling back to a Storage Checkpoint.

-d ckpt_policyname ckpt_metadata_policy

The -d ckpt_policyname option specifies an allocation policy to assign to Storage Checkpoint data. The -d ckpt_metadata_policy option specifies an allocation policy to assign to Storage Checkpoint metadata. If the specified ckpt_policyname does not exist in the database, an error message will be returned. Cloned Storage Checkpoints inherit the same allocation policies assigned to the original Storage Checkpoint.

-e mvsckpt_operation

Executes Storage Checkpoint policy operations on behalf of DBAs with system administrator privileges. The following Storage Checkpoint operations are available:

-e list file_spec

Displays the definitions of all Storage Checkpoint allocation policies defined in a file system.

-e define ckpt_policyname mount_point

volname1 volname2 volname3 ...
Defines a new Storage Checkpoint allocation policy in a file system with specified volumes. Data allocation is done in the order in which the volumes are specified in the allocation policy.

-e assignckpt ckpt_name ckpt_data_policyname

ckpt_metadata_policyname file_spec
Assigns a Storage Checkpoint allocation policy to a specified Storage Checkpoint.

-e delete ckpt_policyname file_spec

Deletes the specified Storage Checkpoint allocation policy.

-e query ckpt_policyname file_spec

Displays the definition of a Storage Checkpoint allocation policy.

-e queryvset file_spec

Displays the volume set information for the file system.

-e queryfs file_spec

Displays the Storage Checkpoint allocation policies assigned to a file system.

-e queryckpt ckpt_name file_spec

Displays the Storage Checkpoint allocation policy assigned to a specified Storage Checkpoint.


Database Administrators frequently have one or more levels of symbolic links in their file systems to assist in managing database configuration and organization. vxckptadm may not necessarily be able to resolve and recover these symbolic links when attempting to rollback changes to data. This is certainly the case when recovering across mount points.

In order to ensure that data is recovered from a Storage Checkpoint, it is the user's responsibility to ensure that all symbolic links between the database's view of the datafile and the actual file on disk are resolved.

Quick I/O symbolic links are supported if the symbolic links and the files that they point to are on the same VxFS file system.


For Oracle:
dbed_ckptcreate (1M), dbed_ckptdisplay (1M), dbed_ckptmount (1M), dbed_ckptplan (1M), dbed_ckptpolicy (1M), dbed_ckptquota (1M), dbed_ckptremove (1M), dbed_ckptrollback (1M), dbed_ckptumount (1M), dbed_clonedb (1M), dbed_update (1M), dbed_vxdba (1M), oracle_edition (7)
VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle Administrator's Guide
For DB2:
db2ed_ckptcreate(1M), db2ed_ckptdisplay(1M), db2ed_ckptmount(1M), db2ed_ckptpolicy(1M), db2ed_ckptquota(1M), db2ed_ckptremove(1M), db2ed_ckptrollback(1M), db2ed_ckptumount(1M), db2ed_ckptcreate_all(1M), db2ed_ckptdisplay_all(1M), db2ed_ckptmount_all(1M), db2ed_ckptremove_all(1M), db2ed_ckptrollback_all(1M), db2ed_ckptumount_all(1M), db2ed_ckptupdate_all(1M), db2ed_clonedb(1M), db2ed_vxdba(1M), db2_edition(7)
VERITAS Storage Foundation for DB2 Administrator's Guide
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Product: Oracle Manual Pages for Storage Foundation  
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)  
VERITAS Software Corporation