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Product: Oracle Manual Pages for Storage Foundation   
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)   



qio_recreate - automatically recreates Quick I/O files after the database is recovered


qio_recreate [ -T database_type ]


This command is part of VERITAS Storage Foundation for Databases.


The qio_recreate command automatically recreates Quick I/O files after the database is recovered. The command expects to find a file named mkqio.dat in the directory where the qio_recreate command is run. The mkqio.dat file contains a list of the Quick I/O files used by the database and their sizes. If the mkqio.dat file is not in the directory, you will be prompted to create it using qio_getdbfiles. After creating mkqio.dat, you will be able to run the qio_recreate command successfully. No output is returned when the command runs successfully.

The qio_recreate command supports conventional Quick I/O files only (that is, Quick I/O files in the following form: file --> .file::cdev:vxfs:). In creating a Quick I/O file, the qio_recreate command renames the regular VxFS file, file, to .file with the Quick I/O extension (::cdev:vxfs:) and creates a symbolic link to it. By default, the symbolic link uses a relative path name.

The command is available in the /opt/VRTSdbed/bin directory for Oracle; the /opt/VRTSdb2ed/bin directory for DB2; and the /opt/VRTSsybed/bin directory for Sybase.


The following option is supported:

-T database_type

Specifies the database type as ora for Oracle, db2 for DB2, or syb for Sybase.


You must be logged in as the instance owner to run this command. You must first recover the database before running qio_recreate.

To use this command for Oracle, the ORACLE_SID environment variable must be set.

To use this command for DB2, the DB2DATABASE environment variables must be set.

To use this command for Sybase, the SYBASE and DSQUERY environment variables must be set.


The qio_recreate command follows these rules in recreating Quick I/O files when a database is recovered:

  • If a Quick I/O file (.file) is missing, then qio_recreate recreates it.
  • If both a symbolic link (file) and its associated Quick I/O file (.file::cdev:vxfs:) are missing, then qio_recreate recreates both the symbolic link and the Quick I/O file.
  • If a symbolic link (file) from a regular VxFS file to its associated Quick I/O file (.file::cdev:vxfs:) is missing, then qio_recreate recreates the symbolic link.
  • If a Quick I/O file (.file::cdev:vxfs:) is missing and the regular VxFS file that is symbolically linked to it is not the same one that originally created it, then qio_recreate issues a warning message and does not recreate the Quick I/O file.
  • If a Quick I/O file (.file::cdev:vxfs:) is smaller than the size listed in mkqio.dat, qio_recreate issues a warning message and does not recreate the Quick I/O file.


qio_convertdbfiles (1M), qio_getdbfiles (1M)
For Oracle:
oracle_edition (7)
VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle Administrator's Guide
For DB2:
VERITAS Storage Foundation for DB2 Administrator's Guide
For Sybase:
VERITAS Storage Foundation for Sybase Administrator's Guide
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Product: Oracle Manual Pages for Storage Foundation  
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)  
VERITAS Software Corporation