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Product: Oracle Manual Pages for Storage Foundation   
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)   



qio_getdbfiles_ora, qio_convertdbfiles_ora - convert VxFS files to Quick I/O files


qio_getdbfiles_ora [ -a | -h ]
qio_convertdbfiles_ora [ -a | -f | -h | -i | -u ]


VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle. To determine whether this product is installed on a HP-UX system, enter:

swlist VRTSdbed


These commands are the Oracle-specific version of the qio_getdbfiles and qio_convertdbfiles commands, which are available in the /opt/VRTSdbed/bin directory. These commands are used to identify Oracle database files and convert them to use Quick I/O.

In an Oracle environment, these commands are called directly by the qio_getdbfiles and qio_convertdbfiles commands. To use these commands, the ORACLE_SID environment variable must be set.

For general usage information for the qio_getdbfiles and qio_convertdbfiles commands, see the corresponding man pages.


The following options are supported by the qio_getdbfiles_ora command:


Includes all datafiles. The default behavior is to exclude any database files that the qio_getdbfiles command identifies as potential sparse files. This option should be used for debugging only, as sparse database files are not candidates for use with the Quick I/O driver.


Shows command information.

The following options are supported by the qio_convertdbfiles_ora command:


Changes regular files to Quick I/O files using absolute pathnames. Use this option when symbolic links need to point to absolute pathnames. The default behavior is to use relative pathnames, which are more portable when moving database directories or recovering from backup.


Reports on current fragmentation levels for files listed in the mkqio.dat file. Fragmentation is reported at four levels: not fragmented, slightly fragmented, fragmented, and highly fragmented.


Shows command information.


Creates extra links for all database files and log files in the /dev directory to support the SAP brbackup command.


Changes Quick I/O files back to regular files. Use this option to undo changes made by a previous run of the qio_convertdbfiles command.

Converting existing database files to Quick I/O files may not be the optimal thing to do if these files are fragmented. In this case, creating new files with the qiomkfile command (which are guaranteed not to be fragmented) and converting the data from the old files (using a command such as dd) is recommended.


You must be logged in as the Oracle Database Administrator (normally the user oracle) to run these commands. The qio_getdbfiles_ora command must query the database to gather a list of datafiles to be converted, which requires direct access to the database. The qio_convertdbfiles_ora command expects all files to be owned by the Database Administrator.

Running the qio_convertdbfiles_ora command with any option but -f while the database is up and running can cause severe problems with your database, including data loss and corruption. Make sure the database is shut down before running this command.


While processing a file named dbfile, the qio_convertdbfiles command (with no options specified) renames the file dbfile to .dbfile and creates a symbolic link to .dbfile with the Quick I/O extension. By default, the symbolic link uses a relative pathname.

$ cd /testvxfs
$ ls \|-l
-rw-r----- 1 oracle dba 104857600 May 2 13:42 dbfile
$ /opt/VRTSdbed/bin/qio_getdbfiles
$ cat mkqio.dat
/testvxfs/dbfile 104857600

Shut down the Oracle database server and then convert files.

$ /opt/VRTSdbed/bin/qio_convertdbfiles_ora
$ ls -alL d* .d*
-rw-r----- 1 oracle dba 104857600 May 2 13:42 .dbfile
crw-r----- 1 oracle dba 45, 1 May 3 12:18 dbfile
$ ls -al d* .d*
-rw-r----- 1 oracle dba 104857600 May 2 13:42 .dbfile
lrwxrwxrwx 1 oracle dba 17 May 3 12:18 dbfile -> .dbfile::cdev:vxfs:

Start up the Oracle database server.


dbed_vxdba (1M), qio_convertdbfiles (1M), qio_getdbfiles (1M), vxgrowfs(1M), oracle_edition (7)
VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle Administrator's Guide
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Product: Oracle Manual Pages for Storage Foundation  
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)  
VERITAS Software Corporation