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Product: Oracle Manual Pages for Storage Foundation   
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)   



qio_getdbfiles - identify VxFS files to Quick I/O files


For Oracle: qio_getdbfiles [ -T database_type ] [ -a ]
For DB2: qio_getdbfiles [ -T database_type ]
For Sybase: qio_getdbfiles [ -T database_type ] [ -d database_name ] | [ -m masterdevice_path ]


This command is part of VERITAS Storage Foundation for Databases.


You can use the qio_getdbfiles command to identify database files and then convert them to use Quick I/O with qio_convertdbfiles. These two commands are for use with VxFS file systems only and call the database-specific version of the conversion utility.

The qio_getdbfiles command is available in the /opt/VRTSdbed/bin directory for Oracle; the /opt/VRTSdb2ed/bin directory for DB2; and the /opt/VRTSsybed/bin directory for Sybase.

To use this command for Oracle, the ORACLE_SID environment variable must be set.

To use this command for DB2, the DB2DATABASE environment variable must be set. If DB2INSTANCE is not set, the script will assume the current user ID is DB2INSTANCE.

To use this command for Sybase, the SYBASE and DSQUERY environment variables must be set.

While the database instance is up and running, run the qio_getdbfiles command to get a list of files used by the database. This command stores the file names and sizes in bytes in a file called mkqio.dat. The files listed in mkqio.dat are converted to Quick I/O by the qio_convertdbfiles command. If the database you want to gather this information about is not up and running, you can manually create the mkqio.dat file. The format of this file is a list of paired file paths and file sizes. For example:

/database/dbfile.001 1024000
/database/dbfile.002 2048000

After running the qio_getdbfiles command, shut down the database and run the qio_convertdbfiles command to convert the list of file names in the mkqio.dat file to Quick I/O files. For more information, see the qio_convertdbfiles(1M) man page.


The following options are supported by qio_getdbfiles:

-T database_type

This option forces behavior for a specific database vendor. The database options that are currently supported are ora, syb, and db2. Use this option in environments where the database to perform operations on is ambiguous. qio_getdbfiles and qio_convertdbfiles resolve ambiguity by examining the environment and searching for variable settings that are a prerequisite for using one or more database vendors' products.

For Oracle:


Includes all datafiles. By default, any database files that the qio_getdbfiles command identifies as potential sparse files are excluded. This option should be used for debugging only, since sparse database files are not candidates for use with the Quick I/O driver.

For DB2:

No options.

Includes all datafiles. By default, any database files that the qio_getdbfiles command identifies as potential sparse files are excluded. This option should be used for debugging only, since sparse database files are not candidates for use with the Quick I/O driver.

For Sybase:

-d database_name

Includes files used by database devices. By default, all database device files that are part of the ASE server are included. Only Sybase database device files with the dsync flag set to true will be converted to Quick I/O.

-m masterdevice_path

Specifies the full pathname of the master device for the Sybase ASE server. In the Sybase ASE server, the master device physical pathname is stored as d_master in the catalog. qio_getdbfiles will attempt to obtain the master device's pathname from the default Sybase startup file $SYBASE/ASE-12_0/install/RUN_servername. If, however, you do not use the standard startup file or the startup file is out of date, qio_getdbfiles can put the wrong master device pathname in the mkqio.dat file. You can use the -m flag to pass in the correct master device path in such a situation.


Shows command usage.

USAGEou must be logged in as the Database Administrator to run \fBqio_getdbfiles\fP. The \fBqio_getdbfiles\fP command queries the database to gather a list of datafiles to be converted, which requires direct access to the database.

For Sybase, qio_getdbfiles connects to the Sybase ASE server via a Sybase sa account. It is important to protect the sa password so that it is not visible to other users. By default, qio_getdbfiles will ask users to type in the Sybase sa password. The Sybase tools used in the command will receive the password without displaying it on the screen. To run qio_getdbfiles in a non-interactive mode, you can create a file /opt/VRTSsybed/.private/sa_password_dataserver_name, which contains the Sybase sa password for the corresponding ASE server. dataserver_name is the content of the DSQUERY variable set by the user. Only the Sybase DBA user should have access to the .private directory and sa_password_dataserver_name file. If the sa_password_dataserver_name file is present, qio_getdbfiles will read the Sybase sa password from the file and run in non-interactive mode.


This example shows the procedure for converting the files in a database to Quick I/O files.

Get information about the file:

$ /opt/VRTSdbed/bin/qio_getdbfiles
$ cat mkqio.dat
dbfile  104800000
Note   Note    For Oracle, use VRTSdbed in the command path; for DB2, use VRTSdb2ed; and for Sybase, use VRTSsybed.

Shut down the database and convert the file to Quick I/O:

$ /opt/VRTSdbed/bin/qio_convertdbfiles
$ ls -alL d* .d*
-rw-r--r-- 1 admin dbgrp 104857600 May 2 13:42 .dbfile
crw-r--r-- 1 admin dbgrp 45, 1 May 3 12:18 dbfile
$ ls -al d* .d*
-rw-r--r-- 1 admin dbgrp 104857600 May 2 13:42 .dbfile
lrwxrwxrwx 1 admin dbgrp 17 May 3 12:18 dbfile -> .dbfile::cdev:vxfs:

The qio_convertdbfiles command renames the file dbfile to .dbfile and creates a symbolic link to .dbfile with the Quick I/O extension. By default, the symbolic link uses a relative path name.

Start up the database.

Note   Note    If the server is up and running, you will receive an error message stating that you need to shut it down before you can run the qio_convertdbfiles command.


qio_convertdbfiles (1M), qio_recreate (1M)
For Oracle:
dbed_vxdba (1M), oracle_edition (7)
VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle Administrator's Guide
For DB2:
db2ed_vxdba(1M), db2_edition(7)
VERITAS Storage Foundation for DB2 Administrator's Guide
For Sybase:
VERITAS Storage Foundation for Sybase Administrator's Guide
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Product: Oracle Manual Pages for Storage Foundation  
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)  
VERITAS Software Corporation