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Product: Oracle Manual Pages for Storage Foundation   
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)   



dbed_ckptdisplay - display Storage Checkpoint(s) and fileset quota values for an Oracle database


dbed_ckptdisplay -S ORACLE_SID [ -H ORACLE_HOME ]
[ -c CKPT_NAME ] [ -o dbed | other | all ]

[ -Q ] [ -n ] [ -h ]


VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle. To determine whether this product is installed on a HP-UX system, enter:

swlist VRTSdbed


The dbed_ckptdisplay command displays Storage Checkpoints associated with the current Oracle instance. One or all Storage Checkpoints may be displayed, depending on whether the -c option is used.

You can also use the command to display fileset quota values using the -Q option. Quotas limit the use of two principal resources: files and data blocks. Each quota consists of two limits for each resource:

  • The hard limit represents an absolute limit on data blocks or files. A user can never exceed the hard limit under any circumstances.
  • The soft limit is lower than the hard limit and can be exceeded for a limited amount of time. This allows users to temporarily exceed limits as long as the limits are met before the allotted time expires.

Storage Checkpoint information is displayed with the following columns of output:

Storage Checkpoint           Creation Time             Status
---------------------------  ------------------------  -------
Checkpoint_975876659         Sun Dec  3 12:50:59 2003  P+R+IN
Checkpoint_974424522_wr002   Thu Nov 16 17:28:42 2003  C+W+ON
Checkpoint_974424522_wr001   Thu Nov 16 17:28:42 2003  C+W+ON
Checkpoint_974424522         Thu Nov 16 17:28:42 2003  C+W+M+ON

The Status column of dbed_ckptdisplay output can contain the following values:


Indicates that the Storage Checkpoint is complete. That is, every file system that the Oracle database resides on contains the Storage Checkpoint.


Indicates that the Storage Checkpoint is partial. That is, some file systems on which the Oracle database resides do not contain the Storage Checkpoint. This can occur in three different circumstances: (1) When a file system runs out of space, one or more of the Storage Checkpoint components can be removed. See the dbed_ckptremove command for more information. (2) When the Oracle database changes shape (that is, has tablespaces and datafiles added or deleted), more file systems may be added to the configuration. Since these file systems were not present when the Storage Checkpoint was created, the Storage Checkpoint appears to be only a partial image of the Oracle database. (3) Storage Checkpoint elements can be removed at any time by a database administrator.


Indicates that the Storage Checkpoint is read only. It has not been modified and therefore is a consistent point-in-time image of the Oracle database and file systems.


Indicates that the Storage Checkpoint is writable. It has been mounted read/write and potentially modified. Modified Storage Checkpoints are not valid for Storage Rollback operations, since the data is in an unknown state.


Indicates that the Storage Checkpoint is mounted. If it is Read Only, it can be used with either the dbed_ckptrollback or dbed_clonedb commands. A mounted Storage Checkpoint can also be used for online backup of the Oracle database or investigation using Oracle tools such as dbv.


Indicates that the Storage Checkpoint type is Online.


Indicates that the Storage Checkpoint type is Offline.


Indicates that the Storage Checkpoint type is Instant.


Invalid for current ORACLE_SID. The VxDBA repository does not contain Storage Checkpoint information.


Indicates that the Storage Checkpoint type is Unknown.

Database FlashSnap commands are integrated with Storage Checkpoint functionality. It is possible to display and mount Storage Checkpoints carried over with snapshot volumes to a secondary host. However, limitations apply. For details, see the dbed_vmclonedb(1M) man page or the VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle Administrator's Guide.


The following options are supported:


Specifies the name of the Oracle database for which Storage Checkpoints will be displayed.


Specifies the ORACLE_HOME setting for the ORACLE_SID database. If this argument is not provided, ensure that the ORACLE_HOME file resides under the VxDBA repository, /etc/vx/vxdba/$ORACLE_SID.


Specifies a specific Storage Checkpoint to display.

-o dbed | other | all

Specifies which Storage Checkpoints to display. The default is to display only Storage Checkpoints created by VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle. The display format of the other types of Storage Checkpoints is different from the output of Storage Checkpoints created by VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle.


Displays fileset quota values. The hard limit, soft limit, and current usage are displayed for each underlying file system in the Storage Checkpoint. All values are given in file system blocks. Note that the current usage of any file system with the fileset quota feature disabled will be displayed as zero. Fileset quotas are supported with the Version 6 disk layout introduced in VERITAS File System 4.0.


Disables VxDBA repository refresh. By default, dbed_ckptdisplay will refresh the VxDBA repository if this option is not used.


Shows command usage.


This example shows the Storage Checkpoint information that is displayed for the Oracle database, PROD:

$ /opt/VRTS/bin/dbed_ckptdisplay -S PROD -H /oracle/product/9i
Storage Checkpoint           Creation Time             Status
---------------------------  ------------------------  -------
Checkpoint_975876659         Sun Dec  3 12:50:59 2003  P+R+IN
Checkpoint_974424522_wr002   Thu Nov 16 17:28:42 2003  C+W+ON
Checkpoint_974424522_wr001   Thu Nov 16 17:28:42 2003  C+W+ON
Checkpoint_974424522         Thu Nov 16 17:28:42 2003  C+W+M+ON

This example shows the output when the -Q option is used to display fileset quota values:

$ /opt/VRTS/bin/dbed_ckptdisplay -S PROD -Q Checkpoint_975876659
Checkpoint_975876659              Wed Mar 19 9:12:20 2003      C+R
 Filesystem                        HardLim   SoftLim    CurrentUse
 /oradata1/indx1_1                  100000     50000          2028
 /oradata1/user1_1                  100000     50000          2028
 /oradata1/temp                     150000     80000          2142
 /oradata1/system1                  150000     70000          3092


dbed_ckptdisplay can be run as either the Oracle DBA or the superuser. If you are running the command as root, use the -n option.

If neither the -c nor the -o options are supplied, then all Storage Checkpoints created by the VxDBA utility and dbed_ckptcreate are displayed.


dbed_ckptcreate (1M), dbed_ckptmount (1M), dbed_ckptplan (1M), dbed_ckptpolicy (1M), dbed_ckptquota (1M), dbed_ckptremove (1M), dbed_ckptrollback (1M), dbed_ckptumount (1M), dbed_clonedb (1M), dbed_update (1M), dbed_vxdba (1M), oracle_edition (7)
VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle Administrator's Guide
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Product: Oracle Manual Pages for Storage Foundation  
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)  
VERITAS Software Corporation