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Product: Oracle Manual Pages for Storage Foundation   
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)   



dbed_ckptquota - administer Storage Checkpoint quotas for VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle


/opt/VRTSdbed/bin/dbed_ckptquota -S ORACLE_SID

-o enable | disable | display [-q] |
set=hardlimit,softlimit[,enable | disable]
[-f listfile | filesystem]


VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle. To determine whether this product is installed on a HP-UX system, enter:

swlist VRTSdbed


The dbed_ckptquota command allows the DBA to administer file system quotas for Storage Checkpoints. Quotas allow space on each file system in the database to be reserved only for Storage Checkpoints. Enforcing file system quotas prevents Storage Checkpoints from consuming the entire file system space.

Quotas are specified in file system blocks. There are two quota limits: the soft limit and the hard limit. If the soft limit is exceeded, a warning message is displayed on the console. If the hard limit is exceeded, the oldest removable Storage Checkpoint is automatically deleted. If Storage Checkpoints have been created with the noremove option, the current operation will fail and the previously created Storage Checkpoints will be preserved.

To use dbed_ckptquota, the VxDBA repository entry for the database must exist. See the dbed_update(1M) man page for more information. The DBA must be the owner of all file systems to be affected.


The following options are supported:


Specifies the name of the Oracle database.


Specifies the ORACLE_HOME setting for the ORACLE_SID database.


Specific options are:

enable | disable

Enables or disables Storage Checkpoint quotas for the specified file systems. When quotas are enabled, Storage Checkpoints are automatically removed when the hard limit is exceeded. If no file systems are specified, all file systems in the database will be affected.

display [-q]

Displays quota values (soft limit and hard limit) as well as current usage for all file systems specified. If no file systems are specified, quota values for all file systems in the database will be displayed.

    All values are represented as file system blocks.
    If -q is specified, the header row is suppressed.

    set=hardlimit,softlimit[,enable | disable]

Sets the quota soft limit and hard limit for the specified file systems. If no file systems are specified, all file systems in the database will be set with the given quota limits.

-f listfile | filesystem

Specifies the listfile containing the list of file systems to administer. An individual file system may also be specified. If neither a list file nor a file system is specified, all file systems in the database will be affected.


This example sets the hard limit and soft limit for all file systems in the database and enables quota enforcement:

$ /opt/VRTS/bin/dbed_ckptquota -S PROD -H /ora10i -o set=50000,40000,enable
    This example sets the hard limit and soft limit for all file systems specified in the list file quotacfg:

$ /opt/VRTS/bin/dbed_ckptquota -S PROD -H /ora10i -o set=25000,20000 -f quotacfg
    This example disables quota limits for a single file system:

$ /opt/VRTS/bin/dbed_ckptquota -S PROD -H /ora10i -o disable /ora/testvol03
    This example displays quota values for all file systems in the database:

$ /opt/VRTS/bin/dbed_ckptquota -S PROD -H /ora10i -o display
    Filesystem                 Hardlimit     Softlimit     CurrentUse
    /ora/prod                  50000         40000         136
    /ora/testvol01             25000         20000         128
    /ora/testvol02             50000         40000         128
    /ora/testvol03             50000         40000         0
    /ora/testvol04             25000         20000         128
    /ora/testvol05             50000         40000         128
    CurrentUse displays the number of file system blocks currently used by all Storage Checkpoints in the file system. If there are no Storage Checkpoints or if quotas have been disabled, CurrentUse will display 0.


The dbed_ckptquota command must be run as the Oracle DBA user. The VxDBA repository entry for the database must exist and be up to date.


dbed_ckptcreate (1M), dbed_ckptdisplay (1M), dbed_ckptmount (1M), dbed_ckptplan (1M), dbed_ckptpolicy (1M), dbed_ckptremove (1M), dbed_ckptrollback (1M), dbed_ckptumount (1M), dbed_clonedb (1M), dbed_update (1M), dbed_vxdba (1M), oracle_edition (7)
VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle Administrator's Guide
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Product: Oracle Manual Pages for Storage Foundation  
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)  
VERITAS Software Corporation