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Product: File System Manual Pages for Storage Foundation   
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)   



fssweep - sweep a multiple-volume VxFS file system for files to relocate


/opt/VRTS/bin/fssweep [-n count -s size -t time] [-p policy] [-r] [filesystem]




The fssweep utility traverses the directory structure of one or more file systems, selecting files that meet criteria specified in relocation policies. It writes either a list of selected file names and destination volumes, or a statistical summary of selected files, to standard output.

The list of volumes that can be used for file relocation is based on the destination volumes defined by the QoSS configuration. By default, the command writes the files and destination volumes to standard output.

If you do not specify a file system, the fssweep utility searches all multiple-volume file systems configured for file relocation, starting at their mount points. If you do specify a file system, the fssweep command will search only in that file system.

The -r option reports a statistical summary of files that could be relocated, as follows:

source destination number size

The summary fields are as follows:

  • The source is the original location of the file.
  • The destination is the location to which the file will be relocated.
  • The number is the cumulative number of all files the command relocated.
  • The size is the cumulative size of all the files the command relocated.

Command options let you specify criteria used to select which files to relocate.




-n count

Sets a limit for the maximum number of files the fssweep utility will send to the fsmove utility for relocation.

-p policy

Evaluates files based on the specified policy only. If you do not specify a policy, the default behavior is to evaluate files based on all policies. The policies are processed in the order they appear in Relocation Policies.


Reports to standard output the statistical summary of files that could be relocated without relocating any files. The report is the same as the fsmove statistical summary.

-s size

Sets a limit for the cumulative size (in kilobytes) of all files the fssweep utility will send to the fsmove utility for relocation.

-t time

Sets a limit for the cumulative time (in seconds) the fssweep will run.


Evaluates files in the specified filesystem only. If you do not specify filesystem, the default behavior is to evaluate all multiple-volume file systems defined in the configuration file, starting at their mount points.


fsmove (1M) fsapadm (1M), vxvset(1M), fsvoladm (1M)
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Product: File System Manual Pages for Storage Foundation  
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)  
VERITAS Software Corporation