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Product: File System Manual Pages for Storage Foundation   
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)   



fsvoladm - VxFS volume administration utility




fsvoladm add mount_point volname size
fsvoladm remove mount_point volname
fsvoladm encapsulate pathname volname size [ bias ]
fsvoladm deencapsulate pathname
fsvoladm list mount_point
fsvoladm resize mount_point volname newsize


The fsvoladm utility performs administrative tasks, such as adding, removing, resizing, and encapsulating volumes in a specified VERITAS File System. mount_point specifies the directory on which the file system is mounted. volname specifies the volume within the volume set.

By default, size, bias, and newsize are specified in units of disk blocks (DEV_BSIZE bytes). However, you can append k, K, m, M, g, G, t, or T to the number to indicate that the value is in kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or terabytes, respectively.


For a cluster mounted file system, you must run fsvoladm from the primary node of the cluster, and the primary must be mounted with read and write access. fsvoladm fails if run from one of the secondary mounts. You can use the fsclustadm showprimary mount_point command to determine which cluster node is the primary before you run fsvoladm.



Adds a volume to a file system. The new space is available for allocation.


Removes an encapsulated volume from a file system and restores the original contents of the volume. This operation can fail if there were significant changes to a file's allocations on disk since encapsulation. A volume encapsulated with a bias cannot be deencapsulated.


Adds a volume to a file system, making the contents of that volume, starting from offset bias, available as a file instead of free space. The size of the encapsulated file is size - bias. bias must be smaller than size, and be a multiple of the file system block size. The default value of bias is 0.


Displays the volumes in a file system.


Removes a volume from a file system.


Resizes one of the volumes in a file system. In some circumstances, the fsvoladm command cannot resize a 100% full file system due to lack of space for updating structural information. Check VxFS file systems on a regular basis; increase their size if they approach 100% capacity. This problem can also occur if the file system is very busy. Free up space or reduce activity on the file system and try the resize again.


The following command adds the volume vol1 that is 10 gigabytes in size, to the file system /mnt0:

fsvoladm add /mnt0 vol1 10g

The following command removes the volume vol1 from the file system /mnt0:

fsvoladm remove /mnt0 vol1

The following command resizes the volume vol1 in the file system /mnt0 from its current size to 20 GB:

fsvoladm resize /mnt0 vol1 20g

The following command displays the volumes in the file system /mnt0:

fsvoladm list /mnt0

The following command encapsulates the volume vol1. The volume is ten gigabytes in size, resides in the file system /mnt0, and has the file name database_file:

fsvoladm encapsulate /mnt0/database_file vol1 10g

The following command de-encapsulates the volume that was encapsulated in the previous example:

fsvoladm deencapsulate /mnt0/database_file


df_vxfs (1M), fsapadm (1M), fsvoladm (1M), mount_vxfs (1M), vxvset(1M)
VERITAS File System Administrator's Guide
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Product: File System Manual Pages for Storage Foundation  
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)  
VERITAS Software Corporation