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Product: File System Manual Pages for Storage Foundation   
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)   



fsapadm - VxFS allocation policy administration utility




fsapadm assignckpt mount_point ckpt_name data_policy_name metadata_policy_name
fsapadm assignfile [-f flags] filename data_policy_name metadata_policy_name
fsapadm assignfs mount_point data_policy_name metadata_policy_name
fsapadm define [-f flags] [-o order] mount_point policy_name volname...
fsapadm delete mount_point policy_name
fsapadm enforcefile filename
fsapadm list mount_point
fsapadm query mount_point policy_name
fsapadm queryckpt mount_point ckpt_name
fsapadm queryfile filename
fsapadm queryfs mount_point


The fsapadm utility performs administrative tasks, such as assigning, defining, deleting, and enforcing allocation policies in a specified VERITAS File System. policy_name specifies the name of an allocation policy. The maximum length of an allocation policy name is 64 characters. mount_point specifies the directory on which the file system is mounted.


No cluster issues; command operates the same on cluster file systems.



Assigns allocation policies to a Storage Checkpoint.


Assigns allocation policies to an individual file. Possible values for flags are:


Set this flag on a directory and subsequently the files created in the directory will inherit the allocation policies.


Assigns the default allocation policies for an entire file system.


Defines a new allocation policy or changes an existing allocation policy named policy_name at the specified mount point. In the latter case, the previously specified volumes are replaced by the newly specified volumes. Possible values for order are:


Allocations are done from the volume in the order in which they are given in the allocation policy.


Allocations are done from the volume specified in the allocation policy that has the most free blocks.


Allocations are done from a volume that is selected in a round-robin fashion from those specified in the allocation policy.

The default order is as-given.
Possible values for flags are:


Allows non-privileged users to be able to assign the policy using the define keyword. By default, only privileged users can assign policies.


Deletes an allocation policy.


Enforces the allocation policies assigned to an individual file by moving any data and metadata that does not fulfill its assigned allocation policy into new blocks that do fulfill its assigned allocation policy.


Displays the definitions of all allocation policies defined in a file system.


Displays the definition of an allocation policy.


Displays the allocation policies assigned to an entire file system.


Displays the allocation policies assigned to a Storage Checkpoint.


Displays the allocation policies assigned to an individual file.


The following command defines an allocation policy named raid5 using volumes vol1 and vol2, with order as-given in the file system mounted at /mnt0:

fsapadm define -o as-given /mnt0 raid5 vol1 vol2

The following command deletes the allocation policy named raid5 from the file system mounted at /mnt0:

fsapadm delete /mnt0 raid5

The following command displays the definition of the allocation policy named raid5 in the file system mounted at /mnt0:

fsapadm query /mnt0 raid5

The following command assigns the allocation policies named raid5 and mirror as the default policies for data and metadata, respectively, for all files in the file system mounted at /mnt0:

fsapadm assignfs /mnt0 raid5 mirror

The following command assigns the allocation policy named backup-storage as the default policy for data and metadata, respectively, for the Storage Checkpoint monday_7pm in the file system mounted at /mnt0:

fsapadm assignckpt /mnt0 monday_7pm backup-storage backup-storage

The following command assigns the allocation policy named mpeg_data for data and metadata, respectively, to the file movie.mpg:

fsapadm assignfile /mnt0/movie.mpg mpeg_data mpeg_data

The following command displays the allocation policies assigned as the defaults for all files in the file system mounted at /mnt0:

fsapadm queryfs /mnt0

The following command displays the allocation policies assigned to the Storage Checkpoint monday_7pm in the file system mounted at /mnt0:

fsapadm queryckpt /mnt0 monday_7pm

The following command displays the allocation policies assigned to the file movie.mpg in the file system mounted at \mnt0:

fsapadm queryfile /mnt0/movie.mpg

The following command enforces the allocation policies assigned to the file movie.mpg in the file system mounted at /mnt0 (that is, the existing allocations are moved to match the policies, if required):

fsapadm enforcefile /mnt0/movie.mpg


fsadm_vxfs (1M) fsckptadm (1M) fsvoladm (1M)
VERITAS File System Administrator's Guide
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Product: File System Manual Pages for Storage Foundation  
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)  
VERITAS Software Corporation