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Product: File System Manual Pages for Storage Foundation   
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)   



fsckptadm - VxFS Storage Checkpoint administration utility




fsckptadm [-aCeh] blockinfo pathname ckpt_name mount_point
fsckptadm [-v] clear { nomount | remove } ckpt_name mount_point
fsckptadm [-nruv] create ckpt_name [-S signature] [-D data_policy] [-M metadata_policy] mount_point
fsckptadm [-nruv] createall ckpt_name [-S signature] [-D data_policy] [-M metadata_policy] mount_point...
fsckptadm getquotalimit mount_point
fsckptadm [-cv] info ckpt_name mount_point
fsckptadm [-clv] list mount_point...
fsckptadm [-cv] pathinfo pathname
fsckptadm [-v] { quotaon | quotaoff } mount_point
fsckptadm [-sv] remove ckpt_name mount_point
fsckptadm [-v] rename old_ckpt_name new_ckpt_name mount_point
fsckptadm [-sv] set { nodata | nomount | remove } ckpt_name mount_point
fsckptadm [-fm] setquotalimit mount_point hard_limit soft_limit


The fsckptadm utility performs administrative tasks, such as creation, deletion, and conversion, on a Storage Checkpoint of a specified VERITAS File System. ckpt_name specifies the name of a Storage Checkpoint. The maximum length of a Storage Checkpoint name is 127 characters. Storage Checkpoint names cannot contain a colon (:). mount_point specifies the directory on which the file system or Storage Checkpoint is mounted.

fsckptadm also sets and displays quota limits on Storage Checkpoints. You must be a privileged user to set Storage Checkpoint quotas and turn quotas on and off.


If any file system specified with the createall keyword is a cluster file system, then all of the specified file systems must be disk layout Version 6 or later.



Displays information about the file pathname under the Storage Checkpoint ckpt_name at the specified mount point. Information includes the offset and size of each changed block, extented block, or data hole in the file. Used in conjunction with the -a, -C, -e, or -h options. -a displays all the information. Default is -a.


Clears the attributes of a Storage Checkpoint.


Creates a Storage Checkpoint on a single file system.


Creates a Storage Checkpoint on multiple file systems.


Displays current quota limits, current usage, and any flags set with setquotalimit keyword.


Displays information about a Storage Checkpoint, such as its creation time, flags (nodata, nomount, or remove), signature, and other attributes.


Lists all the Storage Checkpoints of a file system.


Displays the name of the Storage Checkpoint containing the file at pathname. Displays "UNNAMED" if the Storage Checkpoint has no name. Also displays the signature specified by the -S option.


Turns off Storage Checkpoint quotas.


Turns on Storage Checkpoint quotas.


Removes a Storage Checkpoint from a file system.


Renames a Storage Checkpoint of a file system. You can rename both the primary fileset and its Storage Checkpoints.


Sets the attributes of a Storage Checkpoint.


Sets the hard limit and soft limit for Storage Checkpoint quotas. Limits are set in terms of file system blocks. If the specified value is zero, the maximum number of file system blocks is the limit.


-a blockinfo

Displays offset and size of each changed block, extented block, or data hole in a file under the Storage Checkpoint at the specified mount point.


Resets statistic counters such as number of reads, writes, and pushes. Used with the info, list, and pathinfo keywords.

-C blockinfo

Displays offset and size of each changed block in the file under the Storage Checkpoint at the specified mount point.

-D data_policy

Specifies an allocation policy to be used for file data in the newly created Storage Checkpoint. Used with the create and createall keywords. See the fsapadm(1M) manual page for information on allocation policies.

-e blockinfo

Displays offset and size of each changed extent of a grown file under the Storage Checkpoint at the specified mount point.

-f setquotalimit

If a hard limit is exceeded, all further allocations on any of the Storage Checkpoints fail, but existing Storage Checkpoints are preserved. Without the -f option, one or many removable Storage Checkpoints are deleted to make space for the operation to succeed.

-h blockinfo

Displays offset and size of the data holes in the file under the Storage Checkpoint at the specified mount point.


Displays statistical information on the file system's primary fileset as well as its Storage Checkpoints. Used only with the list keyword.

-m setquotalimit

If a soft limit is exceeded, no new Storage Checkpoints can be created. Usage must return below the soft limit before more Storage Checkpoints can be created.

-M metadata_policy

Specifies an allocation policy to be used for metadata in the newly created Storage Checkpoint. Used with the create and createall keywords. See the fsapadm(1M) manual page for information on allocation policies.


Sets the nodata attribute, creating a Storage Checkpoint that contains no file data. Used with the create and createall keywords.


Sets the remove attribute on a Storage Checkpoint at creation time. This allows the system to remove the Storage Checkpoint under certain ENOSPC conditions. Used with the create and createall keywords.


Performs the operation synchronously, that is, the command does not return until the operation completes. Used with the remove and set keywords.

-S signature

An identifying signature of 128 or less alphanumeric characters stored in the newly created Storage Checkpoint. Used with the create and createall keywords. The signature is displayed by the info and pathinfo keywords.


Sets the nomount attribute of a Storage Checkpoint when it is created so that it cannot be mounted. Used with the create and createall keywords.


Verbose mode. Displays extensive statistical information.



A nodata Storage Checkpoint is one that does not contain actual file data. Instead, it contains a collection of markers of all the changed blocks maintained for each file. A nodata Storage Checkpoint can only be created if its downstream Storage Checkpoint (that is, the next older Storage Checkpoint) is also a nodata Storage Checkpoint.


Specifies a Storage Checkpoint that cannot be mounted. If the Storage Checkpoint is already mounted, the attribute is still set, and the next attempt to mount the Storage Checkpoint will fail.


Specifies a removable Storage Checkpoint. Under some conditions, when the file system runs out of space, removable Storage Checkpoints are deleted. This ensures that applications can continue running without interruptions due to lack of disk space. Non-removable Storage Checkpoints are not automatically removed under certain ENOSPC conditions. It is a good policy to create only removable Storage Checkpoints. See the VERITAS File System Administrator's Guide for more information.


The following command creates a nodata Storage Checkpoint named friday_7pm, of the file system \mnt0:

# fsckptadm -n create friday_7pm /mnt0

To list the Storage Checkpoint of the file system \mnt0, enter:

# fsckptadm list /mnt0
        ctime      =  Fri Jun  1 19:02:27 2001
        mtime      =  Fri Jun  1 19:02:27 2001
        flags      =  nodata

The following command removes the Storage Checkpoint named monday_7pm asynchronously.

# fsckptadm remove monday_7pm /mnt0
fsckptadm list /mnt0

The following command deletes the Storage Checkpoint named tuesday_7pm synchronously.

# fsckptadm -s remove tuesday_7pm /mnt0
fsckptadm list /mnt0

The following command creates a Storage Checkpoint on multiple file systems.

# fsckptadm -r createall tuesday_7pm /mnt0 /mnt1 /mnt2

The following example shows the use of the pathinfo keyword.

# fsckptadm pathinfo /test1
# fsckptadm pathinfo /test1/file
# fsckptadm create checkpoint1 /test1
# mount -F vxfs -o=checkpoint1 /dev/vx/dsk/test1:checkpoint1 /test2
# fsckptadm pathinfo /test2
# fsckptadm pathinfo /test2/file
# fsckptadm -v pathinfo /test2/file
        ctime                =  Tue Jun 12 16:11:48 2001
        mtime                =  Tue Jun 12 16:11:48 2001
        flags                =  mounted
# fsckptadm -v info checkpoint1 /test1
        ctime                =  Tue Jun 12 16:11:48 2001
        mtime                =  Tue Jun 12 16:11:48 2001
        flags                =  mounted

Following examples show various blockinfo operations for the file file1:

# fsckptadm -C blockinfo /mnt2/d1/d2/file1 cl1 /mnt2
/mnt2/d1/d2/file1:  <offset, len, flag>
                    <0k, 8k, CHANGED>
                    <8k, 8k, CHANGED>
                    <200k, 8k, CHANGED>
# fsckptadm -e blockinfo /mnt2/d1/d2/file1 cl1 /mnt2
/mnt2/d1/d2/file1:  <offset, len, flag>
                    <4096k, 1024k, EXTENDED>
                    <5120k, 1k, EXTENDED>
# fsckptadm -h blockinfo /mnt2/d1/d2/file1 cl1 /mnt2
/mnt2/d1/d2/file1:  <offset, len, flag>
                    <4096k, 1024k, HOLE>
/mnt2/d1/d2/file1:  <offset, len, flag>
                    <0k, 8k, CHANGED>
                    <8k, 8k, CHANGED>
                    <16k, 48k, >
                    <64k, 136k, >
                    <200k, 8k, CHANGED>
                    <208k, 3888k, >
                    <4096k, 1024k, HOLE | EXTENDED>
                    <5120k, 1k, EXTENDED>

The following example sets a Storage Checkpoint quota with a 1024 block hard limit and 512 block soft limit:

# fsckptadm setquotalimit /mnt1 1024 512

The following example obtains current Storage Checkpoint usage and limits:

# fsckptadm getquotalimit /mnt1
Filesystem  hard limit  soft limit  usage  action_flag
/mnt         1024         512        29

The following example turns Storage Checkpoint quotas on:

# fsckptadm quotaon /mnt1

The following example turns Storage Checkpoint quotas off:

# fsckptadm quotaoff /mnt1


fsadm_vxfs (1M), fsapadm (1M), fsckpt_restore (1M), mount_vxfs (1M)
VERITAS File System Administrator's Guide
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Product: File System Manual Pages for Storage Foundation  
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)  
VERITAS Software Corporation