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Product: File System Manual Pages for Storage Foundation   
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)   



fsclustadm - VxFS cluster mounted file system administration utility


fsclustadm [-v] { listmount | showprimary } mount_point
fsclustadm { mounttype | setprimary } mount_point
fsclustadm [ -v ] getpolicy mount_point
fsclustadm setpolicy [ hostname1 hostname2 ... ] mount_point
fsclustadm cfsdeinit
fsclustadm idtoname nodeid
fsclustadm nametoid hostname




fsclustadm reports various attributes of a cluster mounted VxFS file system. fsclustadm can also set the local node to act as the primary node for the file system.

mount_point is a cluster mounted file system.


The fsclustadm command operates from any node in a cluster.



Verbose. In verbose mode, fsclustadm reports nodes by host name. Otherwise, nodes are reported by their cluster file system (CFS) node ID number.



Unregisters VxFS from GAB (group atomic broadcast) port f membership. For this operation to complete successfully, a CVM device cannot be mounted on the current node, and the file system check daemon, vxfsckd, cannot be running on the node.


Reports the current primaryship migration policy for the specified mount point. The migration policy is not persistent across cluster-wide unmounts and reboots. As long as there is one functioning node in the cluster which has mounted the file system, the migration policy remains active and is propagated to other nodes as they join the cluster.

The cluster file system primaryship migrates if the file system is mounted on another node and is specified in the policy list before current primary.


Translates a CFS node ID into a host name.


Lists all nodes that currently have a cluster mount of the specified file system mount_point. listmount operates on a fileset basis, so when listmount is issued for a Storage Checkpoint mount, the information returned pertains to the Storage Checkpoint fileset.


Reports the mount type, local, secondary, or primary, of the specified mount point.


Translates a host name into a CFS node ID.


Sets the primaryship migration policy for the mount point. setpolicy sets up the order in which hosts assume the cluster file system primaryship if the primary fails. If no host specified in the list is active when the primary fails, a node is chosen at random to be the new primary. When the policy is set, if the first host name specified in the list is not the current primary, a primary migration is triggered to the first host in the list. If setpolicy is invoked without a node list, the policy is cleared.


Designates the local node (that is, the node on which fsclustadm is issued) as the primary node for the file system mounted at mount_point. Operates on a file system basis, so all filesets in the file system have the same primary. setprimary must be issued on the Storage Checkpoint primary fileset. Note: Each cluster mounted file system can have a different node acting as primary. You may want to designate a different primary node to optimize performance. System performance is typically better when the node initiating the most metadata changes on a file system (by creating and deleting files, for example) is the primary for that file system. Because a primary node uses slightly more system resources than a secondary node, it is a good idea to specify different primary nodes for different file systems.


Indicates which node is primary for the file system mounted at mount_point. Operates on a file system basis, so all filesets in the file system have the same primary.


fsclustadm exits with a zero status if successful, a non-zero status if the attempted operation fails.


"UX:vxfs fsclustadm: ERROR: mount_point is not a cluster mount"

The mount point specified with the listmount, showprimary, or setprimary keywords does not refer to a cluster mount.

"UX:vxfs fsclustadm: ERROR: invalid hostid number"

The host ID number supplied to idtoname is not a valid host ID.

"UX:vxfs fsclustadm: ERROR: invalid host name"

The host name specified to nametoid is not a valid host name.

"UX:vxfs fsclustadm: ERROR: Duplicate node host name in policy"

A host name is specified more than once in the primary migration policy list.

"...cannot open /dev/vxportal, Permission denied, error errno"

If you do not have write permission, the fsclustadm command cannot open /dev/vxportal.

"...ioctl failed, error_message, errno"

The fsclustadm command could not successfully exchange information with the VxFS driver.



Used to translate node IDs to host names.


fsadm_vxfs (1M), fsckptadm (1M), mkfs_vxfs (1M), mount_vxfs (1M)
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Product: File System Manual Pages for Storage Foundation  
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)  
VERITAS Software Corporation