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Product: File System Manual Pages for Storage Foundation   
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)   



fsrpadm - VxFS relocation policy administration command




fsrpadm addpolicy mount_point policy_name rule_name
from=dev_name[,...] to=dev_name[,...] [dir=directory_path]

[recursive] [pattern=wild_cards] [exclude] [min=kb]
[max=kb] [accage=days] [modage=days]
fsrpadm addrule mount_point policy_name rule_name
to=dev_name[,...] [dir=directory_path] [recursive]

[pattern=wild_cards] [exclude] [min=kb] [max=kb]
[accage=days] [modage=days]
fsrpadm removepolicy mount_point policy_name
fsrpadm removerule mount_point policy_name rule_name
fsrpadm listpolicy mount_point
fsrpadm listrule mount_point policy_name
fsrpadm querypolicy mount_point policy_name
fsrpadm queryrule mount_point policy_name rule_name
fsrpadm -h|-help


The fsrpadm command administers VERITAS File System relocation policies. This command can be used only on VxFS file systems with multi-volume support enabled.


No cluster issues; command operates the same on cluster file systems.



Adds a new relocation policy. The parameters are:


Specifies the mount point on which to add the policy.


Specifies name of the new policy.


Specifies name of the initial rule in the new policy.


Specifies the MVS subvolume from which data will be relocated. dev_name can be a comma-separated list of devices. The specified subvolumes cannot also be specified by the to= parameter.


Specifies the MVS subvolume to which data will be relocated. dev_name can be a comma-separated list of devices. The specified subvolumes cannot also be specified by the from= parameter.


Specifies the directory below which files will be moved, and must be specified with the full path name. The default value is the path of the mount point. The directory must exist.


If specified, all files in the directory and the directory below it will be moved.


Specifies a wild card file pattern filter to select files, such as *.*. All shell wild cards may be specified. If multiple patterns are to be specified, a separate rule is required for each pattern.

    The wild cards match characters as follows:


Matches any character string, including the null string.


Matches any single character.


Matches any of the characters enclosed within the brackets.


Bracket-enclosed characters separated by a hyphen. Matches any character lexically between the specified characters, inclusively. If the first character following the left bracket ([) is an exclamation point (\!!), matches occur for any character not enclosed.

    Initial dot (.) file names are matched explicitly. Special characters, including backslash (\), can be escaped with a backslash if they are to be matched explicitly in a file name.


If specified, files selected by this rule will be excluded from the move.


Specifies the minimum size in kilobytes of the files that will be moved.


Specifies the maximum size in kilobytes of the files that will be moved.


Specifies the time in days after which a file will be moved if it is not accessed.


Specifies the time in days after which a file will be moved if it is not modified.


Adds a new rule to an existing policy. The parameters are:


Specifies the mount point on which the policy exists.


Specifies name of the policy to add the new rule.


Specifies name of the new rule.


Specifies the MVS subvolume to which data will be relocated. dev_name can be a comma-separated list of devices. The specified subvolumes cannot also be specified by the from= parameter of the policy.


Specifies the directory below which files will be moved, and must be specified with the full path name. The default value is the path of the mount point. The directory must exist.


If specified, all files in the directory and the directory below it will be moved.


Specifies a wild card file pattern filter to select files, such as *.*. All shell wild cards may be specified. If multiple patterns are to be specified, a separate rule is required for each pattern.

    The wild cards match characters as follows:


Matches any character string, including the null string.


Matches any single character.


Matches any of the characters enclosed within the brackets.


Bracket-enclosed characters separated by a hyphen. Matches any character lexically between the specified characters, inclusively. If the first character following the left bracket ([) is an exclamation point (\!!), matches occur for any character not enclosed.

    Initial dot (.) file names are matched explicitly. Special characters, including backslash (\), can be escaped with a backslash if they are to be matched explicitly in a file name.


If specified, files selected by this rule will be excluded from the move.


Specifies the minimum size in kilobytes of the files that will be moved.


Specifies the maximum size in kilobytes of the files that will be moved.


Specifies the time in days during which a file will be moved if it is accessed.


Specifies the time in days during which a file will be moved if it is modified.


Removes the specified policy along with its rules from the specified mount point.


Removes the specified rule from the specified policy on the specified mount point. If the last rule is removed, the policy will also be removed.


Lists the names of existing policies on the specified mount point.


Lists the names of all rules of the specified policy on the specified mount point.


Displays details of all rules of the specified policy on the specified mount point.


Displays details of the specified rule from the specified policy on the specified mount point.


The following options are valid only without any keywords.


Displays usage information.


Displays usage information.


fsrpadm returns zero on success, non-zero on failure.



Memory could not be allocated to support the command.


Invalid parameters were specified.


The user does not have permission to access the configuration information.


The following command adds a relocation policy named a2b with a rule named Default on the mount point /vsa, which will move data from vsavola to vsavolb:

fsrpadm addpolicy /vsa a2b Default from=vsavola to=vsavolb

The following command adds a rule named newrule to the a2b policy on the mount point /vsa, which will move data from vsavola, as specified in the previous example, to vsavolc.

fsrpadm addrule /vsa a2b newrule to=vsavolc

The following command displays the details of the rules of the a2b policy on the mount point /vsa:

fsrpadm querypolicy /vsa a2b

The following command removes the a2b policy from the mount point /vsa:

fsrpadm removepolicy /vsa a2b


fsapadm (1M), fsvoladm (1M), fssweep (1M), fsmove (1M)
VERITAS File System Administrator's Guide
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Product: File System Manual Pages for Storage Foundation  
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)  
VERITAS Software Corporation