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Product: File System Manual Pages for Storage Foundation   
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)   



fsmove - relocate files between components of a multi-volume file system


/opt/VRTS/bin/fsmove [destination path1 [path2,path3,...]]


The fsmove command relocates files to a destination component volume. The destination component volume and the files or directories are usually provided by the fssweep utility.

The command reads standard input and relocates all files it reads from the input stream.

If you specify an optional destination and one or more path names, the fsmove command relocates the specified file or files to the destination component volume and exits. If you specify a directory, the command recurses through all files and subdirectories in the specified directory and relocates them all to the specified destination component volume.

After the command completes processing, it writes a statistical summary to standard output, as follows:

source destination number size

The summary fields are as follows:

  • The source is the original location of the file.
  • The destination is the location to which the file will be relocated.
  • The number is the cumulative number of all files the command relocated.
  • The size is the cumulative size (in bytes) of all the files the command relocated.



Specifies a destination volume for the specified file or directory.


Specifies a directory or file name to relocate to destination.


fssweep (1M), fsapadm (1M), vxvset(1M), fsvoladm (1M)
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Product: File System Manual Pages for Storage Foundation  
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)  
VERITAS Software Corporation