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Product: Oracle Manual Pages for Storage Foundation   
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)   



dbed_analyzer - retrieves tablespace-to-physical-disk mapping information for all the datafiles in a specified database. It also provides information about the amount of disk space being used by a tablespace.


dbed_analyzer -S ORACLE_SID -H ORACLE_HOME
-o sort=tbs|disk -f file -t tablespace


VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle. To determine whether this product is installed on a HP-UX system, enter:

swlist VRTSdbed


Effectively performing a parallel backup requires an understanding of which tablespaces reside on which disks. If two tablespaces reside on the same disk, for example, backing them up in parallel will not reduce their down time.

The dbed_analyzer command provides tablespace-to-physical disk mapping information for all the datafiles in a specified tablespace, list of tablespaces, or an entire database. In addition, dbed_analyzer provides information about the amount of disk space they are using.


The following options are supported:


Specifies the name of the Oracle database.


Specifies the ORACLE_HOME setting for the ORACLE_SID database.

-o sort=tbs

Provides the layout of the specified tablespaces on the physical disk as well as the amount of disk space they are using.

-o sort=disk

Provides the name of the disks containing the specified tablespaces as well as the amount of disk space the tablespaces are using.

-f filename

Specifies the name of the file containing a list of the tablespaces for which to obtain mapping information.

-t tablespace

Specifies the name of the tablespace for which to obtain mapping information.


This example shows how to obtain storage mapping information sorted by tablespace for a specified tablespace:

$ /opt/VRTSdbed/bin/dbed_analyzer -S PROD -H /usr1/oracle -o sort=tbs -t SYSTEM
TBSNAME        DATAFILE                    DEVICE                 SIZE(sectors)
SYSTEM          /usr1/oracle/rw/DATA/prod.dbf  c3t21000020379DBD5Fd0   819216

This example shows how to obtain storage mapping information sorted by disk for a specified tablespace:

$ /opt/VRTSdbed/bin/dbed_analyzer -S PROD -H /usr1/oracle -o sort=disk -t SYSTEM
DEVICE                 TBSNAME         DATAFILE                   SIZE(sectors)
c3t21000020379DBD5Fd0   SYSTEM          /usr1/oracle/rw/DATA/prod.dbf  819216

This example shows how to obtain storage mapping information sorted by disk for a list of tablespaces:

$ /opt/VRTSdbed/bin/dbed_analyzer -S PROD -H /usr1/oracle -o sort=disk -f /tmp/tbsfile
DEVICE                 TBSNAME         DATAFILE                       SIZE(sectors)
c3t21000020379DBD5Fd0   SYSTEM          /usr1/oracle/rw/DATA/PROD.dbf        819216
c3t21000020379DBD5Fd0   TEMP            /usr1/oracle/rw/DATA/temp_20000     1021968
c3t21000020379DBD5Fd0   TEMP            /usr1/oracle/rw/DATA/temp_20001     2048016
c3t21000020379DBD5Fd0   SYSAUX          /usr1/oracle/rw/DATA/sysaux.dbf     819216
c3t21000020379DBD5Fd0   ITEM            /usr1/oracle/rw/DATA/item_1000      1021968
c3t21000020379DBD5Fd0   ITM_IDX         /usr1/oracle/rw/DATA/itm_idx_2000       1021968
c3t21000020379DBD5Fd0   PRODID_IDX      /usr1/oracle/rw/DATA/prodid_idx_3000    1021968
c3t21000020379DBD5Fd0   QTY_IDX         /usr1/oracle/rw/DATA/qty_idx_7000       1021968
c3t21000020379DBD5Fd0   ROLL_1          /usr1/oracle/rw/DATA/roll_1_5000        1021968
c3t21000020379DBD5Fd0   ROLL_2          /usr1/oracle/rw/DATA/roll_2_6000        1021968
c3t21000020379DBD5Fd0   ORDERS          /usr1/oracle/rw/DATA/orders_4000        1021968
c3t21000020379DBD5Fd0   ORD_IDX         /usr1/oracle/rw/DATA/ord_idx_10000      1021968
c3t21000020379DBD5Fd0   QTY_IDX         /usr1/oracle/rw/DATA/qty_idx_7001       1024016
c3t21000020379DBD5Fd0   ITM_IDX         /usr1/oracle/rw/DATA/itm_idx_2001       1024016
c3t21000020379DBD5Fd0   ROLL_1          /usr1/oracle/rw/DATA/roll_1_5001        1024016
c3t21000020379DBD5Fd0   QTY_IDX         /usr1/oracle/rw/DATA/qty_idx_7002       1024016
c3t21000020379DBD5Fd0   ROLL_2          /usr1/oracle/rw/DATA/roll_2_6001        1024016
c3t21000020379DBD5Fd0   ITEM            /usr1/oracle/rw/DATA/item_1001      4096016

This example shows how to obtain storage mapping information sorted by disk for a list of tablespaces:

$ /opt/VRTSdbed/bin/dbed_analyzer -S PROD -H /usr1/oracle -o sort=tbs -f /tmp/tbsfile
TBSNAME            DATAFILE                        DEVICE                 SIZE(sectors)
SYSTEM          /usr1/oracle/rw/DATA/prod.dbf       c3t21000020379DBD5Fd0   819216
TEMP            /usr1/oracle/rw/DATA/temp_20000     c3t21000020379DBD5Fd0   1021968
TEMP            /usr1/oracle/rw/DATA/temp_20001     c3t21000020379DBD5Fd0   2048016
SYSAUX          /usr1/oracle/rw/DATA/sysaux.dbf     c3t21000020379DBD5Fd0   819216
ITEM            /usr1/oracle/rw/DATA/item_1000      c3t21000020379DBD5Fd0   1021968
ITM_IDX         /usr1/oracle/rw/DATA/itm_idx_2000       c3t21000020379DBD5Fd0   1021968
PRODID_IDX      /usr1/oracle/rw/DATA/prodid_idx_3000    c3t21000020379DBD5Fd0   1021968
QTY_IDX         /usr1/oracle/rw/DATA/qty_idx_7000       c3t21000020379DBD5Fd0   1021968
ROLL_1          /usr1/oracle/rw/DATA/roll_1_5000        c3t21000020379DBD5Fd0   1021968
ROLL_2          /usr1/oracle/rw/DATA/roll_2_6000        c3t21000020379DBD5Fd0   1021968
ORDERS          /usr1/oracle/rw/DATA/orders_4000        c3t21000020379DBD5Fd0   1021968
ORD_IDX         /usr1/oracle/rw/DATA/ord_idx_10000      c3t21000020379DBD5Fd0   1021968
QTY_IDX         /usr1/oracle/rw/DATA/qty_idx_7001       c3t21000020379DBD5Fd0   1024016
ITM_IDX         /usr1/oracle/rw/DATA/itm_idx_2001       c3t21000020379DBD5Fd0   1024016
ROLL_1          /usr1/oracle/rw/DATA/roll_1_5001        c3t21000020379DBD5Fd0   1024016
QTY_IDX         /usr1/oracle/rw/DATA/qty_idx_7002       c3t21000020379DBD5Fd0   1024016
ROLL_2          /usr1/oracle/rw/DATA/roll_2_6001        c3t21000020379DBD5Fd0   1024016
ITEM            /usr1/oracle/rw/DATA/item_1001      c3t21000020379DBD5Fd0   4096016


If -f filename and -t tablespace are not specified then all the tablespaces in the database will be analyzed.


dbed_ckptdisplay (1M), dbed_ckptmount (1M), dbed_ckptplan (1M), dbed_ckptpolicy (1M), dbed_ckptquota (1M), dbed_ckptremove (1M), dbed_ckptrollback (1M), dbed_ckptumount (1M), dbed_clonedb (1M), dbed_update (1M), dbed_vxdba (1M), oracle_edition (7)
VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle Administrator's Guide
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Product: Oracle Manual Pages for Storage Foundation  
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)  
VERITAS Software Corporation