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Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)   



dbed_checkconfig - check the configuration of an Oracle database in a VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle environment


dbed_checkconfig -S ORACLE_SID -H ORACLE_HOME [ -v ]
[ -n ] [ -h ] [ -i ]


VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle. To determine whether this product is installed on a HP-UX system, enter:

swlist VRTSdbed


The dbed_checkconfig command verifies various elements of the environment for an Oracle database. This command is also available from the VxDBA utility interface.

The command attempts to use certain basic rules on Oracle settings, file system parameters, volume parameters, and layout options to verify how resilient and well configured an Oracle database environment is. The information provided is valid for the supplied Oracle database (ORACLE_SID). All output is sent to stdout.


The following options are supported:


Specifies the name of the Oracle database.


Specifies the ORACLE_HOME setting for the ORACLE_SID database.


Sets verbose mode. If ODM is not present, specifies which datafiles are not Quick I/O files. If ODM is present, then -v specifies which Quick I/O files need to be converted to regular VxFS files in order to use ODM features. Also specifies the datafiles that are not configured for autoextend.


Disables VxDBA repository refresh. By default, dbed_checkconfig will refresh the VxDBA repository if this option is not used.


Shows command usage.


Sets interactive mode.


This example shows how to check the Oracle configuration environment:

$ /opt/VRTS/bin/dbed_checkconfig -S PROD -H /oracle/product/9i
Examining file system attributes.
NOTICE: All file systems are VxFS.
NOTICE: All file systems are VxFS Version 4 or higher layout.
NOTICE: All file systems have the same version layout (version 6).
Examining Quick I/O settings.
NOTICE: All datafiles are Quick I/O files.
Examining Cached Quick I/O settings.
NOTICE: No file systems have Cached Quick I/O enabled.
Examining datafiles fragmentation.
NOTICE: 5 files are fragmented.
Examining File System tunable settings.
NOTICE: Parameters for all VxFS file systems used by PROD.
Filesystem i/o parameters for /prod_db
read_pref_io = 65536
read_nstream = 1
read_unit_io = 65536
write_pref_io = 65536
write_nstream = 1
write_unit_io = 65536
pref_strength = 10
buf_breakup_size = 1048576
discovered_direct_iosz = 262144
max_direct_iosz = 1048576
default_indir_size = 8192
qio_cache_enable = 0
write_throttle = 0
max_diskq = 1048576
initial_extent_size = 8
max_seqio_extent_size = 2048
max_buf_data_size = 8192
hsm_write_prealloc = 0
read_ahead = 1
inode_aging_size = 0
inode_aging_count = 0
fcl_maxalloc = 65075200
fcl_keeptime = 0
fcl_winterval = 3600
Examining Oracle volume and file system layout.
NOTICE: Data for database PROD is contained in one volume group.
Examining Oracle internal information.
Oracle Version is
Control file /prod_db/control1 is on file system /prod_db.
Control file /prod_db/control2 is on file system /prod_db.
Total of 2 control files over 1 file systems.
WARNING: Control files are not spread over multiple file
systems. Spread control files over multiple file systems
for better redundancy.
Examining Oracle automatic extension of datafiles.
Total of 0 datafiles are configured to auto extend.
Total of 9 datafiles are defined to the database.
Examining Oracle log modes.
The database is running in archivelog mode.
The database is running in automatic log archiving mode.


dbed_checkconfig must be run as the Oracle DBA user in order to retrieve information from an Oracle database.


dbed_saveconfig (1M), dbed_update (1M), dbed_vxdba (1M), oracle_edition (7)
VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle Administrator's Guide
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Product: Oracle Manual Pages for Storage Foundation  
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)  
VERITAS Software Corporation