
FIGURE 1-1small space The Prism Programming Environment's Main Window

FIGURE 2-1small space Prism Sessions Created by Calls to MPI_Comm_spawn_multiple

FIGURE 2-2small space Pop-up Menu in Source Window

FIGURE 2-3small space Split Source Window

FIGURE 2-4small space Line-Number Region

FIGURE 2-5small space Command Window With History Region

FIGURE 2-6small space Generic Procedure Dialog Box

FIGURE 2-7small space Subprocess Warning

FIGURE 3-1small space Open Program Filter

FIGURE 3-2small space Run (args) Dialog Box

FIGURE 3-3small space Pset Navigator Controls

FIGURE 3-4small space Psets Window (Nonthreaded)

FIGURE 3-5small space Psets Window (Threaded)

FIGURE 3-6small space File Window

FIGURE 3-7small space Use Dialog Box

FIGURE 4-1small space Event Table

FIGURE 4-2small space Pset Field in the Prism Environment's Event Table

FIGURE 4-3small space Stop <loc> Dialog Box

FIGURE 4-4small space Where Window

FIGURE 4-5small space Where Graph

FIGURE 4-6small space Where Graph, Zoomed Out One Level

FIGURE 4-7small space Where Graph, Zoomed Out to the Maximum

FIGURE 4-8small space Where Graph, Zoomed In

FIGURE 4-9small space Where Graph of a Threaded Program, Zoomed in to Show Thread Stripes

FIGURE 5-1small space Print Dialog Box

FIGURE 5-2small space Print Dialog Box

FIGURE 5-3small space Visualizer for a Three-Dimensional Array

FIGURE 5-4small space Options Menu in a Visualizer

FIGURE 5-5small space Histogram Visualizer

FIGURE 5-6small space Dither Visualizer

FIGURE 5-7small space Threshold Visualizer

FIGURE 5-8small space One-Dimensional Graph Visualizer

FIGURE 5-9small space Surface Visualizer

FIGURE 5-10small space Vector Visualizer

FIGURE 5-11small space Visualization Parameters Dialog Box

FIGURE 5-12small space Threshold Visualizer With a Ruler

FIGURE 5-13small space Statistics for a Visualizer

FIGURE 5-14small space Set Context Dialog Box

FIGURE 5-15small space Saving a Visualizer's Data to a File

FIGURE 5-16small space Diff With Dialog Box

FIGURE 5-17small space Structure Visualizer

FIGURE 5-18small space Structure Visualizer, With One Pointer Expanded

FIGURE 5-19small space Zooming Out in a Structure Visualizer

FIGURE 5-20small space Visualizer in the Prism Environment (Threshold Representation)

FIGURE 5-21small space Queue Visualizer at Zoom Level One

FIGURE 5-22small space Queue Visualizer at Zoom Level Two

FIGURE 5-23small space Queue Visualizer at Zoom Level Three

FIGURE 5-24small space Queue Visualizer at Zoom Level Four

FIGURE 5-25small space Message Dialog Box

FIGURE 5-26small space Communicator Dialog Box

FIGURE 5-27small space Data Type Dialog Box

FIGURE 6-1small space The make Window

FIGURE 7-1small space xman Window

FIGURE 8-1small space Tear-Off Region

FIGURE 8-2small space Tear-Off Region Dialog Box

FIGURE 8-3small space Customize Window