
TABLE 2-1small space Passing Command Line Options to Secondary Sessions

TABLE 2-2small space General Keyboard Alternatives to Mouse Control

TABLE 2-3small space Text-Entry Keyboard Alternatives

TABLE 2-4small space Keyboard Accelerators for Main Menu Selections

TABLE 2-5small space Prism Identifier Syntax

TABLE 3-1small space Status Messages

TABLE 3-2small space Examples of Pset Composition

TABLE 4-1small space Error Messages Related to Debugging of Spawned Processes

TABLE 4-2small space Memory Address Formats

TABLE 4-3small space UltraSPARC Registers

TABLE 5-1small space Row Sort Criteria

TABLE 5-2small space Column Sort Criteria

TABLE 5-3small space Message Dialog Box Fields

TABLE 5-4small space Communicator Dialog Box Fields

TABLE 5-5small space Data Type Dialog Box Fields

TABLE 8-1small space Sample Visualizer Colors

TABLE 8-2small space Prism Resources