

', 1

*, 1, 2

.prism_defaults, 1

.prisminit, 1, 2, 3

/ command, 1

/* */, 1

/bin/make, 1, 2

>, 1, 2

? command, 1


accessibility of variables, 1

commands, 1

adjustable arrays, printing, 1

alias command, 1, 2

aliases, creating, 1

ALL intrinsic function, 1

all pset, 1

ANY intrinsic function, 1

app-defaults file, 1, 2

arrow keys, 1

using to scroll through source window, 1

assembly code, displaying in split source window, 1

assign command, 1, 2

not available when examining node core files, 1

attach command, 1, 2, 3, 4

cannot be used in actions field, 1

augmenting data type information, 1



changing for a specific value, 1

changing the default, 1

changing via the Options menu, 1

specifying in print or display command, 1

bjobs command, 1

break pset, 1, 2


deleting, 1, 2, 3

setting, 1

using commands to set, 1

using the event table and Events menu to set, 1

browser, default for displaying help, 1


C++ support, 1

calling C++ methods, 1

cast syntax, 1

class member variables, 1

class methods, 1

class scope, 1

inlined methods, 1

linkage (mangled) names, 1

method names, 1

methods of a class, 1

overloaded method names, 1

template classes, 1

template functions, 1

variables of class type, 1

variables of type reference, 1

call command, 1

call stack

displaying, 1

moving through, 1

CDE, 1

changes, where Prism stores, 1

Client/Server programs

debugging, 1

CMPLX intrinsic function, 1, 2

Colormap visualizers, 1

minimum and maximum values of, 1

colormap visualizers, 1

colormap visualizers, changing the size of the default spectral color map, 1

colors, changing Prism's standard, 1

command line, 1

using, 1

command window, 1

using, 1


adding to the tear-off region, 1

issuing, 1

issuing multiple, 1

logging, 1

setting up alternative names for, 1

Commands Reference selection, 1

commands-only mode, 1

Common Events buttons, 1, 2

compiler options, combining, 1

compilers, supported, 1

compiling and linking, 1

from within Prism, 1

complex numbers, 1, 2

cont command

in MP Prism, 1


setting via print or display command, 1

contw command, 1

cannot be used in event actions, 1

core command, 1

cannot be used in actions field, 1

not available in MP Prism, 1

core files

associating with loaded programs, 1

working with, 1

COUNT intrinsic function, 1

Ctrl-A, 1, 2

Ctrl-B, 1, 2

Ctrl-C, 1, 2, 3

ending a wait in MP Prism, 1

Ctrl-D, 1, 2

Ctrl-E, 1, 2

Ctrl-F, 1, 2

Ctrl-H, 1

Ctrl-J, 1

Ctrl-K, 1, 2

Ctrl-L, 1

Ctrl-M, 1

Ctrl-N, 1, 2

Ctrl-P, 1, 2

Ctrl-U, 1, 2

Ctrl-X, 1

Ctrl-Z, 1

current execution point, returning to, 1

current file, 1

current function, 1

changing, 1

changing via the Where graph, 1

current process, 1

current pset, 1

and dynamic psets, 1

and variable psets, 1

changing via the Where graph, 1

setting, 1

current working directory, changing and printing, 1

Customize selection, 1

Customize utility, using, 1

cycle command, 1, 2

cycle pset, 1, 2

Cycle window, 1, 2


data navigator, 1

data navigator, using, 1

data type information, augmenting, 1

dbx, 1

dedicated window, 1, 2

define pset command, 1

cannot be used in event actions, 1

delete command, 1, 2

delete pset command, 1

cannot be used in event actions, 1

Delete selection, 1, 2

detach command, 1, 2

cannot be used in actions field, 1

disable command, 1

display command, 1, 2

redirecting output to X window, 1

specifying the radix in, 1

with varfile intrinsic, 1

Display dialog box, 1

DISPLAY environment variable, 1

Display selection (Debug menu), 1

in MP Prism, 1

display window, using, 1


difference from printing, 1

from the command window, 1

from the event table, 1

Dither visualizers, 1

done pset, 1

Down selection, 1

dump command, 1, 2, 3


eachinst keyword, 1

eachline keyword, 1

edit geometry, 1

Edit selection, 1, 2

editing source code, 1

EDITOR environment variable, 1, 2

editor, specifying default, 1

effects of optimization, 1

enable command, 1

environment variables, setting and displaying, 1

error bell, 1

error messages, specifying window for, 1

error pset, 1

error window, 1

errors, Prism's behavior after, 1

eval pset command, 1, 2, 3

event list, 1, 2

Event Table

description of, 1

using, 1


adding, 1

and deleted psets, 1

deleting, 1

disabling, 1

editing, 1

enabling, 1

maintaining across reloads, 1

saving, 1

Events menu, 1

execution pointer, 1

in MP Prism, 1, 2

expressions, writing in Prism, 1


F1 key, 1, 2

file command, 1

File menu in visualizers

Diff and Diff With selections, 1

Save and Save as selections, 1

File menu in visualizers, using, 1

File selection, 1, 2, 3

focus, 1

fonts, changing the default, 1

Fortran 90 generic procedures

changing the way Prism handles, 1

using, 1

Fortran 90 support

allocatable arrays, 1

print command, 1

whatis command, 1

array sections, 1

array valued functions, 1

derived types, 1, 2

Fortran 77 intrinsics, 1

generic functions, 1, 2

internal procedures, 1

masked array operations, 1

pointer assignment, 1

allocatable arrays, 1

pointer assignment error checking, 1

pointers to arrays, 1

slicing and striding arrays, 1

user defined operators, 1

variable attributes, 1

whatis command, 1

Fortran intrinsic functions, 1

func command, 1

Func selection, 1, 2, 3

function definition, displaying in the source window, 1

functions, choosing the correct, 1


-g compiler option, 1

Glossary selection, 1

Graph visualizers, 1

minimum and maximum of, 1


help system

overview of, 1

using, 1

Histogram visualizers, 1

parameters for, 1

history region, 1

changing the default length of, 1

using, 1


I/O, 1

specifying the Xterm for, 1, 2

ILEN intrinsic function, 1

IMAG intrinsic function, 1

infinities, detecting, 1

initialization file, 1

interrupt command, 1

Interrupt selection, 1

ending a wait in MP Prism, 1

in MP Prism, 1

interrupted pset, 1, 2

isactive intrinsic, 1, 2


keyboard accelerators, 1

keyboard alternatives to the mouse, 1

kill command, 1, 2


languages supported in Prism, 1

layout intrinsic, 1, 2

layouts, visualizing, 1

leaving Prism, 1

line-number region, 1, 2

list command, 1

load command, 1

cannot be used in actions field, 1

Load selection, 1

loading a program, 1

local variables, printing names and values of, 1

location cursor, 1

log command, 1

logging commands and output, 1


make command, 1

make utility, 1, 2

Man Pages selection, 1

manual pages, viewing, 1

Mark Stale Data, 1

MAXLOC intrinsic function, 1

MAXVAL intrinsic function, 1


examining the contents of, 1

menu bar, 1

using, 1

menu threshold

for Fortran 90 generic procedures, 1

message queues, text display, 1

message queues, visualizing, 1 - 2

communicator colors, 1

communicator data, 1

communicator dialog box, 1

Data Type dialog box, 1

label values, 1

Message dialog box, 1

nonblocking sends and receives, 1

sort criteria, 1

stopped ranks, 1

unexpected receives

correctness problems, 1

performance problems, 1

zoom levels, 1

Meta key, 1

MINVAL intrinsic function, 1

Motif keyboard translations, changing, 1


getting help on using, 1

using, 1

MP Prism

attaching in, 1, 2, 3

commands-only version, 1

customizing, 1

executing a program in, 1

scope in, 1

shortening prompt, 1

visualizing data in, 1

MPI queues. See message queues

MPI SPMD style requirement, 1

MPI_Comm_spawn, 1

MPI_Comm_spawn_multiple, 1, 2

mpimsgs command, 1



resolving, 1

NaNs, detecting, 1

Netscape, 1

next command

in MP Prism, 1


online documentation, 1

obtaining in commands-only Prism, 1

optimization, effects of, 1

Options menu in visualizers, using, 1


logging, 1


in -CX version of Prism, 1

Overview selection, 1


parallel array, 1

print command, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

redirecting output to X window, 1

specifying the radix in, 1

with varfile intrinsic, 1

Print dialog box, 1

Print selection (Debug menu), 1

in MP Prism, 1

Print selection (Events menu), 1


changing the default precision for, 1

difference from displaying, 1

from the command window, 1

from the event table, 1

from the source window, 1, 2

specifying the number of items to be printed on a line, 1


commands-only, 1 - 2

entering, 1

initializing, 1

languages supported in, 1

leaving, 1

look and feel of, 1

overview of, 1

prism command

-C option, 1

-CX option, 1

Prism defaults

changing, 1

Prism resources

table of, 1

Prism*defaultVirtualBindings resource, 1

Prism*fontList resource, 1

Prism*XmText.fontList resource, 1

Prism.comm1Color resource, 1

Prism.comm2Color resource, 1

Prism.comm3Color resource, 1

Prism.commOtherColor resource, 1

Prism.cppPath, 1

Prism.cppPath resource, 1

Prism.dialogColor resource, 1

Prism.editGeometry resource, 1, 2

Prism.editor resource, 1, 2

Prism.errorBell resource, 1, 2

Prism.errorwin resource, 1, 2

Prism.graphBGColor resource, 1

Prism.graphFillColor resource, 1

Prism.helpBrowser resource, 1, 2

Prism.helpUseExisting resource, 1

Prism.mainColor resource, 1

Prism.make resource, 1

Prism.markStaleData resource, 1, 2

Prism.procMenu resource, 1, 2

Prism.procThresh resource, 1, 2

Prism.spectralMapSize resource, 1

Prism.textBgColor resource, 1

Prism.textFont resource, 1, 2

Prism.textManyFieldTranslations resource, 1, 2

Prism.textMasterColor resource, 1

Prism.textOneFieldTranslations resource, 1, 2

Prism.useXterm resource, 1, 2

Prism.vizColormap resource, 1

prism_add_array function, 1

prism_define_typename function, 1

procedure menu

for Fortran 90 generic procedures, 1

process command, 1, 2

cannot be used in event actions, 1

process, attaching to running, 1

process, loading a running, 1


interrupting, 1

spawned, 1

waiting for, 1

PRODUCT intrinsic function, 1


loading into Prism, 1

reloading into Prism, 1

rerunning, 1

pset command, 1, 2, 3

cannot be used in event actions, 1

-hide option, 1

-unhide option, 1

pset keyword, 1

pset qualifier, 1

cannot be used in event actions, 1


cycling through the members of, 1

defining, 1

deleting, 1

dynamic, 1

and events, 1

and the current pset, 1

naming, 1

predefined, 1

snapshots of unbounded, 1

syntax for defining, 1

threads, 1

unbounded, 1

using, 1

using in commands, 1

variable, 1, 2

and events, 1

and the current pset, 1

evaluating membership in, 1

viewing the contents of, 1

Psets selection, 1

Psets window, 1

changing the current pset via, 1

using, 1

zooming in, 1

pstatus command, 1

pushbutton command, 1, 2, 3


qualified names, 1

quit command, 1, 2

Quit selection, 1



changing for a specific value, 1

changing the default, 1

changing via the Options menu, 1

specifying in print or display command, 1

RANK intrinsic function, 1

REAL intrinsic function, 1


examining the contents of, 1, 2

reload command, 1

rerun command, 1

resolving names, 1

return command

cannot be used in actions field, 1

Run (args) selection, 1

Run button, 1

run command, 1

cannot be used in actions field, 1

Run selection, 1

running pset, 1


S3L parallel arrays, 1

array handle, 1

data types, 1

visualizing layouts of, 1


in MP Prism, 1

scope pointer, 1

set command, 1

$d_precision and $f_precision variables, 1

$history variable, 1

$page_size variable, 1

$print_width variable, 1

$prompt_length variable, 1

$radix variable, 1

sh command, 1

Shell selection, 1

show events command, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

show pset command, 1, 2, 3, 4

show psets command, 1, 2, 3

redirecting output to X window, 1

SIZE intrinsic function, 1

snapshot window, 1, 2

snapshots, unbounded psets, 1

source code

editing, 1

moving through, 1

source command, 1

source files

creating a directory list for, 1

source window, 1

scrolling, 1

splitting, 1

using, 1

Spawned MPI processes

debugging, 1

selecting, 1

special function, prism_define_typename, 1

status messages, 1

status region, 1

step command

cannot be used in actions field, 1

in MP Prism, 1, 2

Stop (loc), 1

Stop (var), 1

stop command, 1

stopi command, 1, 2

stopped keyword, 1

stopped pset, 1


visualizing, 1

augmenting data type information, 1

in commands-only Prism, 1

SUM intrinsic function, 1

Sun MPI Client/Server programs

using MP Prism with, 1

Surface visualizers, 1

minimum and maximum of, 1


Tab, 1

task ID, 1

tearoff command, 1, 2, 3

Tear-off dialog box, 1

tear-off region, 1, 2, 3

Tear-off selection, 1

text font, 1

Text visualizers, 1

precision of, 1

text visualizers, 1

text widgets, changing keyboard translations in, 1

text, selecting in source window, 1

this identifier, 1

threads, 1

hidden, 1

libmpi_mt library, 1, 2

libthread library, 1, 2

unbounded psets, 1

Threshold visualizers, 1

threshold of, 1

threshold visualizers, 1

Trace (cond), 1

Trace (loc), 1

Trace (var), 1

trace command, 1, 2, 3

Trace selection, 1

tracei command, 1, 2


deleting, 1

in MP Prism

requirement that processes synchronize, 1

tracing program execution, 1

Tutorial selection, 1


unalias command, 1

UNIX commands, issuing, 1

unset command, 1

untearoff command, 1, 2

Up selection, 1

use command, 1

Use selection, 1, 2, 3

Using Help selection, 1



choosing the correct, 1

comparing values of, 1

printing the type of, 1

restoring the values of from a file, 1

saving the values of to a file, 1

setting up alternative names for, 1

variables, accessibility of, 1

varsave command, 1, 2

Vector visualizers, 1

minimum and maximum of, 1

visualization parameters, 1

visualizer color file, 1

creating, 1

visualizers, 1, 2

closing, 1

comparing values in, 1

displaying a ruler for, 1

displaying from the source window, 1

field width of, 1

in MP Prism, 1

saving, restoring, and comparing, 1

setting the context for, 1

statistics for, 1

structure, 1

treatment of stale data in, 1

types of, 1

updating, 1

working with, 1

visualizing layouts, 1


Wait Any selection, 1

wait command, 1

any argument, 1

every argument, 1

Wait Every selection, 1

watchpoint, 1

whatis command, 1, 2, 3, 4

Whatis selection, 1

when command, 1

where command, 1, 2

in MP Prism

redirecting output to X window, 1

Where graph, 1, 2

moving through, 1

panning and zooming in, 1

shrinking portions of, 1

view information about threads, 1

visualizing in commands-only Prism, 1

Where selection, 1

in MP Prism, 1, 2

Where window, 1, 2

whereis command, 1

which command, 1

windowing environments, supported

Common Desktop Environment (CDE), 1

OpenWindows, 1


X resource database, adding Prism resources to, 1

X toolkit command-line options, 1

X Window System, 1

xman, 1

xrdb, 1


specifying for I/O, 1