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Sun HPC ClusterToolstrademark Software Installation Guide




1. Introduction


Sun HPC ClusterTools 5 Software Packaging Note

NFS and Non-NFS Configurations

NFS Configuration

Non-NFS Configuration

Centralized and Local Command Initiation

Support for Alternative Sun HPC ClusterTools Software Versions

Support for Other Installation Contexts

Custom JumpStart Installation

Web Start Flash Installations

Sun HPC ClusterTools 5 Installation Log Files

Local, Node-Specific Log Files

Central Node Summary Log

Summary of Tasks Performed by Sun HPC ClusterTools Software Utilities

Select an Activity

Install the Software

NFS Installation

Non-NFS Installation

Install With Automatic Activation

Install Without Activating

Activate the Sun HPC ClusterTools Software

Deactivate the Sun HPC ClusterTools Software

Remove the Sun HPC ClusterTools Software

Start and Stopping Sun HPC ClusterTools Software Daemons

Recommendations for Installing Sun HPC ClusterTools 5 Software on Large Cluster Installations

2. Preparing for Installation

General Prerequisites

Sun S3L Requirement

Supported Compilers

Cluster Console

Dependencies on GNOME and JDK Versions

3. Using ctgui

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Start ctgui

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Install Sun HPC ClusterTools Software Using ctgui

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Activate Sun HPC ClusterTools Software Using ctgui

Special Note for Using sunhpc_rhosts

Special Note for Activating Sun HPC ClusterTools Software in an NFS Configuration

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Deactivate Sun HPC ClusterTools Software Using ctgui

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Remove Sun HPC ClusterTools Software Using ctgui

4. Using the CLI Tools On Sun HPC Cluster Nodes

Special Note for Activating Sun HPC ClusterTools Software in an NFS Configuration

Initial Steps

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Access the Sun HPC ClusterTools Software CLI

Install Sun HPC ClusterTools 5 Software

Installing Software From a Central Host in Non-NFS Configurations

Install Without Activating

Install and Activate Automatically

Installing Software From a Central Host in NFS Configurations

Install Without Activating

Install and Activate Automatically

Installing Software Locally in Non-NFS Configurations

Install Locally Without Activating

Install Locally and Activate Automatically

Installing Software Locally in NFS Configurations

Install Locally Without Activating

Install Locally and Activate Automatically

Activate Sun HPC ClusterTools Software

Activating Nodes From a Central Host

Activate Specified Cluster Nodes

Activating the Local Node

Activate Locally

Deactivate Sun HPC ClusterTools Software

Deactivating Software From a Central Host

Deactivate Specified Cluster Nodes

Deactivating the Local Node

Deactivate Locally

Remove Sun HPC ClusterTools Software

Removing Nodes From a Central Host

Remove Software From Specified Cluster Nodes

Removing Software From the Local Node

Remove Software Locally

Start Sun HPC ClusterTools Software Daemons

Starting Daemons From a Central Host

Start Daemons on Specified Cluster Nodes

Starting Daemons on the Local Node

Start Daemons Locally

Stop HPC ClusterTools Software Daemons

Stopping Daemons From a Central Host

Stop Daemons on Specified Cluster Nodes

Stopping Daemons on the Local Node

Stop Daemons Locally

5. Set Up an NFS Server for Sun HPC ClusterTools Software Clients


Special Note for Activating Sun HPC ClusterTools Software in an NFS Configuration

Installing the Non-Root Packages on an NFS Server

Install NFS Server Software

Other ctnfssvr Examples

6. Additional Steps

Verifying Basic Functionality

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Display Information About Cluster Nodes

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Customize the Key Files

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Create a Partition

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Verify Sun CRE Setup

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Check Host Names

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Verify That Sun CRE Executes Jobs

Enabling Close Integration With Batch Processing Systems

Verifying MPI Functionality

Verifying Network Interface

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Add a TCP Interface Type

Verifying MPI Communications

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Verify MPI Communications

A. Required File and Directory Settings

B. Packages