C H A P T E R  5

Set Up an NFS Server for Sun HPC ClusterTools Software Clients

This chapter explains how to use the ctnfssvr command to


The following is a summary of the basic operations involved in installing Sun HPC ClusterTools software in an NFS client/server configuration:

Note - You can perform these operations in any order, but the Sun HPC ClusterTools software can not be activated until the NFS server is installed, enabled, and properly mounted.

See Chapter 3 for instructions on using ctgui and Chapter 4 for instructions on using ctinstall and the other CLI commands. The rest of this chapter explains how to use ctnfssvr to install the non-root packages on the NFS server.

See TABLE 5-1 for a summary of the ctnfssvr options.

TABLE 5-1 ctnfssvr Options






Install non-root packages. The following options can be used only with -i.


-d Specify a non-default install from location. The default is distribution/hpc/Product, relative to the directory where ctnfssvr is invoked.

-s Specify a security option for Sun CRE. The choices are sunhpc_rhosts, rhosts, des, and krb5. The default is sunhpc_rhosts.

-t Specify a non-default install to location. The default is /export.


Remove the non-root packages.


Disable serving Sun HPC ClusterTools software clients over NFS.


Enable serving Sun HPC ClusterTools software clients over NFS.




Command help.


Turn on command debug mode.

Note - You must be logged in as superuser to run ctnfssvr.

Special Note for Activating Sun HPC ClusterTools Software in an NFS Configuration

When you want to activate Sun HPC ClusterTools software in an NFS configuration, you must ensure that the activation tool is able to locate the software mount point. You can do this in either of the following ways:

Sun HPC ClusterTools software activation is described in Chapter 3 (for ctgui) and Chapter 4 (for ctact).

Installing the Non-Root Packages on an NFS Server

Install NFS Server Software

# ./ctnfssvr -i

CODE EXAMPLE 5-1 sets up the NFS server and installs the non-root packages from the Sun HPC ClusterTools software suite. However, the NFS server has not been enabled to service Sun HPC ClusterTools software requests from the NFS clients (that is, the cluster nodes).

# ./ctnfssvr -i -E

CODE EXAMPLE 5-2 is the same as CODE EXAMPLE 5-1, except that the -E option enables NFS services for the Sun HPC ClusterTools software clients.

Other ctnfssvr Examples

# ./ctnfssvr -E

CODE EXAMPLE 5-3 enables the NFS server software after it has been installed.

# ./ctnfssvr -D

CODE EXAMPLE 5-4 disables the NFS server software.

# ./ctnfssvr -r

CODE EXAMPLE 5-5 removes all NFS server software. If the software is in the enabled state, -r will automatically disable it before the packages are removed.