C H A P T E R  2

Preparing for Installation

Before installing Sun HPC ClusterTools software, you need to ensure that the hardware and software that make up your cluster meet certain requirements. These requirements are described in the following sections of this chapter:

General Prerequisites

Before installing Sun HPC ClusterTools software, be sure that all hardware is installed and configured. The system from which the installation will be initiated must have TCP/IP network connections to the target nodes. If the cluster will operate in an NFS configuration, the NFS server must also be connected to the cluster nodes.

TABLE 2-1 outlines additional prerequisites for installation.

TABLE 2-1 General Prerequisites for Installing Sun HPC ClusterTools Software




Sun UltraSPARC based systems.

Disk space[1]

Approximately 92 Mbytes per node.

Operating environment

Solaris 8 update 7 or any subsequent Solaris release that supports Sun HPC ClusterTools 5 software.

Java Runtime Environment[2]

JRE 1.2.0 or above is required for using the installation tool's graphic user interface, ctgui. It is not included in Sun HPC ClusterTools 5 software.

Resource management

Sun HPC ClusterTools 5 software includes Sun CRE for launching and control of parallel jobs. Sun CRE also provides open integration facilities with the Distributed Resource Management (DRM) systems: Sun Grid Engine (SGE), Load Sharing Facility (LSF), and OpenPBS or Portable Batch System (PBS).

Sun MPI dependence on libtnfprobe.so

Sun MPI is linked against libtnfprobe.so. This means the packages SUNWtnfc and SUNWtnfcx must be installed on the system for 32- and 64-bit versions of the library. These packages are included in the Solaris 8 and Solaris 9 software distributions and are installed with the Entire Distribution or Developer System Support installation choices.

/etc/init.d/nfs.server file settings

For installations from an NFS server, increase the number of concurrent server requests allowed from 16 to 256. To do this, change the relevant line in /etc/init.d/nfs.server (Solaris 8 distribution) or /etc/default/nfs (Solaris 9 distribution) and restart the NFS server:


if [$startnfsd -ne 0];
   /usr/lib/nfs/nfsd -a 256

/etc/system file settings

Edit the /etc/system file on every node in your cluster. Add the following entry to the file on each node and then reboot the nodes:


set pt_cnt=1024


Coexists with Sun HPC ClusterTools 4 software only

Remove any version of Sun HPC ClusterTools software earlier than version 4.

The Sun HPC ClusterTools software installation process sets certain parameters in /etc/system to enable RSM communication. If you wish to change the default settings to meet other requirements of your site, please see the Sun HPC ClusterTools Software Administrator's Guide for detailed information.

Sun S3L Requirement

The Sun Scalable Scientific Subroutine Library (Sun S3L) uses the Sun Performance Library for node-level operations. This means either Fortetrademark Developer 6, update 2 or Sun One Studio 7, Compiler Collection must be present.

Supported Compilers

Sun HPC ClusterTools software supports Forte Developer 6, update 2 and Sun One Studio 7 Compiler Collection for C, C++, and Fortran compilers.

Cluster Console

The Cluster Console tools, cconsole, ctelnet, and crlogin, are available on the Sun HPC ClusterTools software distribution in the package SUNWccon. Two versions of this package are provided in /cdrom/hpc/Cluster_Console/Solaris_8 and /cdrom/hpc/Cluster_Console/Solaris_9.

Use pkgadd to install the appropriate version of SUNWccon from the Sun HPC ClusterTools 5 software CD-ROM. You cannot install SUNWccon using ctgui or ctinstall.

Dependencies on GNOME and JDK Versions

If you plan to use ctgui in a GNOME desktop environment, be certain to use JDK version 1.4.0. This will avoid a sizing problem that prevents the wizard from opening to its correct size. This problem is fixed in JDK 1.4.0.

If you must use ctgui in a GNOME desktop environment with a version of JDK earlier than 1.4.0, you can resize the window to the desired dimensions by hand.

1 (TableFootnote) If the Sun HPC ClusterTools software is installed in an NFS-based cluster configuration, the packages installed on each NFS client node require only 146 kilobytes. If the NFS server is not also a cluster node, the Sun HPC ClusterTools software packages installed on it require 91957 kilobytes. If the NFS server is also a cluster node, it requires the full 92,103 kilobytes.
2 (TableFootnote) If you run ctgui in a GNOME desktop environment, the ctgui window may require resizing by hand after it opens. See Dependencies on GNOME and JDK Versions for more information.