
TABLE 1-1 small spaceFeature Summary

TABLE 1-2 small spaceNetra CP2160 I/O Board Configurations

TABLE 1-3 small spaceNetra CP2160 Board Hot-Swap Support

TABLE 1-4 small spaceCompactPCI System and Other Minimum Requirements Dependent on Board Function

TABLE 2-1 small spaceValues for ntp-server-addr Variable

TABLE 2-2 small spaceValues for ntp-enable? Variable for Networked Configuration

TABLE 2-3 small spaceValues for ntp-enable? Variable for Standalone Configuration

TABLE 3-1 small spaceYour Local Network Information

TABLE 3-2 small spacePIM A and PIM B Connector J0 Power Pin Assignments (J400 and J500)

TABLE 4-1 small spaceFirmware CORE and BPOST Flow of Execution

TABLE 4-2 small spaceKey Sequences

TABLE 4-3 small spaceSRAM Configuration Variables

TABLE 4-4 small spaceOpenBoot PROM Environment Variable Settings for Executing the POST Modules

TABLE 4-5 small spaceMonitor Commands CORE

TABLE 4-6 small spaceReset Operating Modes

TABLE 5-1 small spacePMC Slots Available

TABLE 5-2 small spaceHost-SMC Commands for Watchdog Timer

TABLE 5-3 small spaceCompact PCI Interface Requirements

TABLE 5-4 small spaceCompact PCI Signal Interface

TABLE 5-5 small spaceCPCI Connector Power Signal Interface

TABLE 5-6 small spaceInterrupt Assignments

TABLE 5-7 small spaceChip-Select PLD Registers

TABLE 5-8 small spaceSMC PLD Registers

TABLE A-1 small spaceSystem Compatibility Attributes

TABLE A-2 small spaceCPU Specification

TABLE A-3 small spaceMemory Specification

TABLE A-4 small spaceMemory Module Configurations Available on CP2160

TABLE A-5 small spacePMC Interface Specification

TABLE A-6 small spaceNetra CP2160 Backplane Connector Power Requirements by Connection Phase

TABLE A-7 small spaceEnvironmental Conditions and Limits

TABLE A-8 small spaceReliability Prediction for Board Level MTBF

TABLE B-1 small spacePMC-A J3101 (J21) Connector Interface

TABLE B-2 small spacePMC-A 31013 (J22) Connector Interface

TABLE B-3 small spacePMC-A 3104 (J24) Connector Interface

TABLE B-4 small spacePMC-B 3201 (J11) Connector Interface on Netra CP2160

TABLE B-5 small spacePMC-B J3202 (J12) Connector Interface on Netra CP2160

TABLE B-6 small spacePMC-B J3203 (J14) Connector Interface

TABLE B-7 small spaceDual 9-Pin Mini D-Sub Connector Signal Assignments for Serial Port A

TABLE B-8 small spaceEthernet Connector A and B Pin Assignments

TABLE B-9 small spaceJ1/P1 Connector Pin Assignments

TABLE B-10 small spaceJ2/P2 Connector Pin Assignments

TABLE B-11 small spaceJ3/P3 Connector Pin Assignments

TABLE B-12 small spaceJ5/P5 Connector Pin Assignments

TABLE B-13 small spaceSW2501 Switch Settings

TABLE B-14 small spaceSW4101 Switch Settings

TABLE B-15 small spaceSMC Configuration Block Setting Options; Byte 7 bits <3:2>

TABLE C-1 small spaceDescription of Fields prtfru Command Display Output