C H A P T E R  4

Full Configuration

Sun preconfigures logical drives on the array before shipment. Read this chapter only if the array is not already configured, or if you want to completely remove the existing configuration and start over. If you want to make changes to the existing configuration, see Updating the Configuration.

Full configuration includes the following topics:

For the Sun StorEdge 3310 SCSI array, if you are planning to set up a cluster configuration, see Using the Cluster Configuration (SCSI Only).

The Configuration menu commands and toolbar icons might be temporarily disabled if an array administration process, such as parity checking, is running. The menu command is also deactivated when the console is refreshing its inventory on the server. A satellite dish symbol is attached to the server icon during the refresh process.

caution icon

Caution - Back up any existing data to an external device before configuring the array. Reconfiguration overwrites any existing logical drive configuration. When the existing logical drive configuration is overwritten, all data is effectively erased.

Configuring Logical Drives and Logical Volumes

The information contained in this section describes how to configure logical drives and logical volumes using Standard or Custom Configuration.

Logical Drives

Depending on whether you want to use one or multiple RAID levels, logical drives can be configured using Standard or Custom Configuration.

Logical Volumes

Logical volumes are created using Custom Configuration only. However, while the ability to create and manage logical volumes remains a feature of Sun StorEdge Configuration Service for the SCSI and FC arrays, the size and performance of physical and logical drives have made the use of logical volumes obsolete. Logical volumes are unsuited to some modern configurations such as Sun Cluster environments, and do not work in those configurations. Avoid using them and use logical drives instead.

Maximum Number of Supported Logical Drives, Logical Partitions, and LUN Assignments

The following table lists the maximum number of logical drives, partitions per logical drive, number of partitions per logical volume, and maximum number of LUN assignments for the Sun StorEdge 3310 SCSI array and the Sun StorEdge 3510 FC array.

TABLE 4-1 Maximum Number of Supported Logical Drives, Partitions, and LUN Assignments




Maximum Number of Logical Drives


Maximum Number of Partitions per Logical Drive

Maximum Number of Partitions per Logical Volume

Maximum Number of LUN Assignments



Sun StorEdge 3310 SCSI array





Sun StorEdge 3510 FC array




1024 (maximum number of LUNs assigned to each host is 32)

procedure icon  To Use Standard Configuration

Use Standard Configuration Options to quickly configure all of the storage attached to an array controller using one RAID level. All you need to supply is the RAID controller, the optimization mode, and the RAID level. You also need to specify whether you want a standby drive. Sun StorEdge Configuration Service then automatically configures the storage for you, creating one or more logical drives, depending on the RAID level and the number of drives available. The write-back cache is selected by default. You are able to see the resulting configuration and accept or reject it before it is completed.

caution icon

Caution - Back up any existing data to an external device before using Standard Configuration. Standard Configuration overwrites any existing logical drive configuration. When the existing logical drive configuration is overwritten, all data is effectively erased.

caution icon

Caution - On UNIX systems, before adding new logical drives to existing configurations, you must unmount any file systems that are attached to the array.

1. Log in as an ssconfig user.

2. Select the desired controller in the main window.

3. Determine whether the optimization mode of the logical drive is to be Sequential I/O (default) or Random I/O.

One optimization mode must be applied to all logical drives in an array. Your choice affects the maximum number of disks you can include in your array.

Optimization is set in the Cache tab of the Change Controller Parameters window. For more information on Sequential I/O and Random I/O, and for steps on how to set optimization, see Cache Tab.

4. Choose Configuration right arrow Standard Configure.

A Standard Configuration Warning message is displayed. Click OK to continue.

The Standard Configuration Options window is displayed. If you are not currently logged in as ssconfig, a login dialog is displayed.

 Screen capture of the Standard Configuration Options window showing standard storage configuration options.

The options on the window might be disabled, depending on the number of drives available and whether you have the Solaris OS or a Windows NT OS on the server.

The NT Cluster option creates a quorum RAID 5 logical drive (100 Mbyte) and then allocates the remaining capacity over two large RAID 5 logical drives. For this option, three or more physical drives are required.

5. Verify the server and the controller IDs displayed at the top of the window are correct.

If the server and the controller displayed at the top of the window are not correct, click Cancel to exit the configuration window and return to the main window. Select the appropriate device and select the window again.

6. Indicate whether you want to use one of the drives as a standby drive.

When you select Use a standby drive, the program deactivates the RAID levels that do not use standby drives. (For example, RAID 0 has no fault tolerance; therefore, a standby drive provides no benefit.)

7. From the RAID levels made available, select the appropriate RAID level for the logical drive you are configuring.

For definitions of the RAID levels, see RAID Basics.

If you select RAID 3 or 5, Standard Configuration normally configures one large logical drive. However, if the array has more than 31 physical drives, more than one logical drive is created. Also, you need a minimum of three drives to use RAID 3 or 5.

If you select RAID 1, every logical drive requires at least two physical drives. If you select four or more drives, a logical drive with a RAID 1+0 is created.

If you select RAID 0, and if the array has more than 36 drives, more than one logical drive is created.

8. (Solaris OS only). For the SCSI and FC arrays, if you want the new logical drive to be automatically labeled, which enables the OS to use the drive, click Write a new label to the new LD.

9. After you select a RAID level, click OK.

The Confirm Configuration Operation window is displayed showing the new configuration.

 Screen capture of the Confirm Configuration Operation window showing the new configuration.

10. Click OK to accept the configuration as indicated; otherwise, click Cancel to return to the console.

11. (HP-UX OS only). To ensure the environment is stable and accurate after making configuration changes, you need to run the ioscan -fnC disk command.

Note - If you used System Administrator Manager (sam) to unmount the file system, make sure it is closed before running the ioscan command.

12. (IBM AIX OS only). To ensure the environment is stable and accurate after making configuration changes, you need to update the Object Data Manager (ODM) as explained in Updating the Object Data Manager on an IBM AIX Host.

procedure icon  To Use Custom Configuration

Custom Configuration gives you multiple choices for configuring or reconfiguring logical drives with varying RAID levels and other RAID parameters. For SCSI and FC arrays, it also gives you the option of adding newly created logical drives to logical volumes.

Note - Logical volumes are unsuited to some modern configurations such as Sun Cluster environments, and do not work in those configurations. Use logical drives instead. For more information, see Logical Volumes.

caution icon

Caution - On UNIX systems, before adding new logical drives to existing configurations, you must unmount any file systems that are attached to the array.

1. Log in as an ssconfig user.

2. Select the desired RAID controller in the main window.

3. Choose Configuration right arrow Custom Configure.

The Custom Configuration Options window is displayed.

 Screen capture of the Custom Configuration Options window showing custom configuration options.

In this chapter, the New Configuration option is described in detail. Configure Web Server is described in Managing Storage Through the Web. The remaining options are described in Updating the Configuration.

The New Configuration Option

The New Configuration option enables you to customize the logical drive configuration to meet the specific needs of your environment. You can configure and partition one or more logical drives with varying RAID levels. For SCSI and FC arrays, you can then add two or more logical drives (unpartitioned) to a logical volume and divide the logical volume into a maximum of 32 partitions for SCSI and 128 partitions for Fibre Channel.

Note - On UNIX systems, if the console locks up during use, obtain the process number, and then close and reopen the window as described in If Console Locks Up During Use.

Before You Use New Configuration

Before you use New Configuration to create a logical drive or a logical volume for the first time, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the information contained in the following steps. Knowing this information ahead of time will ease the process of creating a logical drive or volume.

1. Determine whether the optimization mode of the logical drive is to be Sequential I/O (default) or Random I/O.

One optimization mode must be applied to all logical drives in an array. Your choice affects the maximum number of disks you can include in an array.

Optimization is set in the Cache tab of the Change Controller Parameters window. For more information on Sequential I/O and Random I/O, and for steps on how to set optimization, see Cache Tab.

2. Determine the total number of physical disks to be included in the logical drive, which is dependent on the optimization mode selected.

If the security of your data is important, leave remaining disks for standby drives.

For information on the maximum number of disks and maximum usable capacity per logical drive for random and sequential optimization, see Maximum Number of Disks and Maximum Usable Capacity for Random and Sequential Optimization.

Note - If the logical drive is going to be larger than 253 Gbyte, see To Prepare for Logical Drives Larger Than 253 Gbyte.

3. Determine whether any standby (spare) drives are to be local or global.

A standby drive is a drive that is marked as a spare to support automatic data rebuilding after a physical drive associated with a logical drive fails. For a standby drive to take the place of another drive, it must be at least equal in size to the failed drive. Also, the failed drive itself must be from a RAID 1, 3, or 5.

A local spare drive is a standby drive assigned to serve one specified logical drive. When a member drive of this specified logical drive fails, the local spare drive becomes a member drive and automatically starts to rebuild.

A global spare drive does not only serve one specified logical drive. When a member drive from any of the logical drives fail, the global spare drive joins that logical drive and automatically starts to rebuild. Global spares are used in the order in which they are created.

4. Determine the RAID level; the program automatically computes the maximum size logical drive that can be created at that RAID level.

5. Determine whether you want to partition the logical drive.

A partition is a logical division of the logical drive (or logical volume). Partitions enable you to create the appearance of having separate logical drives (or logical volumes) for file management, multiple users, or other purposes.

Note - Partitioning can be done during the initial configuration or after the logical drive has been created.

Note - Logical drives that have been partitioned cannot be added to a logical volume.

6. Understand the disk capacities displayed in the New Configuration window.

A smaller logical drive can be created by decreasing this value. The remainder can be used later by expanding the drive (as explained in To Expand the Capacity of a Logical Drive or Logical Volume).

Note - The maximum usable capacity for a logical drive is equal to the smallest physical disk size. For example, if you add an 18-Gbyte disk and then add a 70- Gbyte disk to be part of the logical drive, the maximum usable capacity is 18 Gbyte per drive.

7. Determine whether the logical drive is to be part of a logical volume.

Note - Logical volumes are unsuited to some modern configurations such as Sun Cluster environments, and do not work in those configurations. Use logical drives instead. For more information, see Logical Volumes.

Note - Logical drives that have been partitioned cannot be added to a logical volume.

8. Determine whether you want to partition the logical volume.

Note - Partitioning can be done during the initial configuration or after the logical volume has been created.

procedure icon  To Prepare for Logical Drives Larger Than 253 Gbyte

The Solaris OS requires drive geometry for various operations, including newfs. In order for the appropriate drive geometry to be presented to the Solaris OS for logical drives larger than 253 Gbyte, you have to configure Host Cylinder/Head/Sector Mapping Configuration using the firmware application. Refer to the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family RAID Firmware User's Guide for your array for information about accessing the firmware application.

1. In the firmware application, choose "view and edit Configuration parameters right arrow Host-Side SCSI Parameters right arrow Host Cylinder/Head/Sector Mapping Configuration."

2. Choose Sector Ranges and specify 255.

3. Choose Head Ranges and specify 64.

4. Choose Cylinder Ranges and specify <65536.

procedure icon  To Create and Partition a Logical Drive Using New Configuration

Before you create and partition a logical drive using New Configuration for the first time, it is useful to review the steps under Before You Use New Configuration.

The following steps provide a working example of how to create a new configuration for a new logical drive. Three logical drives are selected and configured into a RAID 5 logical drive. A small logical drive is then created and partitioned.

caution icon

Caution - Back up any existing data to an external device before using the New Configuration command. Sun StorEdge Configuration Service automatically initializes new logical drives defined on the array controller.

1. Log in as an ssconfig user.

2. Select the desired controller in the main window.

3. Choose Configuration right arrow Custom Configure.

4. Click New Configuration.

The New Configuration Warning message box is displayed.

 Screen capture of the New Configuration Warning window cautioning against overwriting the existing configuration.

5. Click OK.

6. Verify that the Server and Controller displayed at the top of the window are correct.

If the server and the controller displayed are not correct, click Cancel to exit the New Configuration window and return to the main window. Select the appropriate disk controller and reselect New Configuration.

7. In the Select disks for Logical Drive list box, select the first disk and click Add Disk.

Proceed to add the next two disks so that three disks are displayed in the lower list box.

If you make a mistake or change your mind, select the drive from the drives list and click Remove Disk.

Note - Because the logical drive has not been partitioned yet, the Part Size (MB) and the Available Size (MB) are equal. A single logical drive is considered to be a single partition.

 Screen capture of the New Configuration window showing three physical disks and their total capacity in the Available Size (MB) field.

8. Select the RAID Level. For this example, select RAID Level 5.

This RAID level applies to all disks in this logical drive.

In this example, the new logical drive is composed of three physical disks, totaling 103428 Mbyte, as indicated in the Available Size (MB) field.

The maximum number of disks per logical drive for each RAID level for a 2U array is:

For RAID 1, note that if you select four or more drives, a logical drive with a RAID 1+0 is created.

9. Set the Max Drive Size.

The Max Drive Size displays the total capacity of each disk. A smaller logical drive can be created by decreasing this value.

Note - If you do not change the Max Drive Size but you do change the Partition Size, a new partition is created at the specified partition size. The remaining logical drive size capacity moves to the last partition. Remaining capacity can be used later by expanding the drive (as explained in To Expand the Capacity of a Logical Drive or Logical Volume). The drive capacity is no longer editable after a partition is created.

10. Select the Host channel and SCSI ID to which you would like the new logical drive to be mapped to from the Channel and SCSI ID list boxes.

Note - If you do not want to map the logical drive at this time, select Do Not Map from the Channel list box.

11. This step depends on what you want to do next:

12. To create a small logical drive, type 2000 in the Max Drive Size field.

Note - A total of 4000 Mbyte is shown for the logical drive size as opposed to 6000 Mbyte; because this is a RAID 5 level, you lose the capacity equal to 1 drive (2000 Mbyte) for parity.

 Screen capture of the New Configuration window showing Max Drive Size box details.

13. To create a partition, type 1000 in the Part Size field and click Add Partition.

Note - Do not partition a logical drive if you plan on adding it to a logical volume. Once a logical drive is partitioned, it cannot be added to a logical volume.

To create multiple partitions of the same size, click Add Partition as many times as partitions you want to create. You can also type the partition size in the Part Size field and multiply (*) it by the number of partitions you want to create, for example 100*128. Any remaining Mbyte is added to the last partition.

As you add partitions, the remaining capacity displayed in Available Size (MB) decreases by the amount of the partition size.

As shown in the following example, of the original 4000 Mbyte, 1000 Mbyte was allocated to Partition 0. The remaining 3000 Mbyte is then automatically moved to Partition 1. The remaining usable capacity is displayed in the Available Size (MB) field.

 Screen capture of the New Configuration window showing Add Partition details.

14. (Solaris OS only). For the SCSI and FC arrays, if you want the new logical drive to be automatically labeled, which enables the OS to use the drive, click Write a new label to the new LD.

15. Click Commit to end the configuration of the logical drive or New LD to configure another logical drive.

When you click New LD, any available disks that haven't been used are displayed.

When the logical drive configuration for this array is complete, click Commit, and then click OK. The completed configuration is displayed.

Note - You cannot change a logical drive configuration after you click OK.

Note - During initialization, LD/LV size is displayed as 0 Mbyte.

 Screen capture of the Confirm Configuration Operation window warning that this operation overwrites the existing configuration.

16. (HP-UX OS only). To ensure the environment is stable and accurate after making configuration changes, you need to run the ioscan -fnC disk command.

Note - If you used System Administrator Manager (sam) to unmount the file system, make sure it is closed before running the ioscan command.

17. (IBM AIX OS only). To ensure the environment is stable and accurate after making configuration changes, you need to update the Object Data Manager (ODM) as explained in Updating the Object Data Manager on an IBM AIX Host.

procedure icon  To Create and Partition a Logical Volume

A logical volume is composed of two or more logical drives and can be divided into a maximum of 32 partitions for SCSI and 128 for Fibre Channel. During operation, the host sees a nonpartitioned logical volume or a partition of a logical volume as one single physical drive.

Note - Logical volumes are unsuited to some modern configurations such as Sun Cluster environments, and do not work in those configurations. Use logical drives instead. For more information, see Logical Volumes.

1. Create a logical drive as described in Steps 1-11 in To Create and Partition a Logical Drive Using New Configuration.

Note - Do not partition the logical drive that you are adding to the logical volume. A logical drive that has been partitioned cannot be added to a logical volume.

2. Before you click Commit, to add the logical drive to a logical volume, click Add to LV.

The logical drive is added to the LV Definition box. The total size of the logical volume is displayed in the Available Size (MB) field.

Note - Because the logical volume has not been partitioned yet, the Part Size (MB) and the Available Size (MB) are equal. A single logical volume is considered to be a single partition.

 Screen capture of the New Configuration window showing the logical drive added to the LV Definition box.

3. To create another logical drive to add to the logical volume, click New LD.

4. Create the logical drive and add it to the logical volume by clicking Add to LV.

Repeat this step for every logical drive you want to add to the logical volume.

5. To create a partition, type the partition size in the Part Size field and click Add Partition.

To create multiple partitions of the same size, click Add Partition as many times as partitions you want to create. You can also type the partition size in the Part Size field and multiply (*) it by the number of partitions you want to create, for example 100*128.

As you add partitions, the remaining capacity displayed in Available Size (MB) decreases by the amount of the partition size.

6. When you have finished adding logical drives to the logical volume, to create another logical volume or an individual logical drive, click Commit LV.

When you are finished creating logical volumes and do not want to create an individual logical drive, click Commit.

Note - When you have finished creating logical volumes and want to exit the New Configuration window, if you accidentally click Commit LV instead of Commit, you will have to create another logical drive; otherwise, you have to click Cancel and configure the logical volume again.

To add or delete a logical volume to or partition a logical volume in an existing configuration, see Updating the Configuration.

7. (HP-UX OS only). To ensure the environment is stable and accurate after making configuration changes, you need to run the ioscan -fnC disk command.

Note - If you used system administrator manager (sam) to unmount the file system, make sure it is closed before running the ioscan command.

8. (IBM AIX OS only). To ensure the environment is stable and accurate after making configuration changes, you need to update the Object Data Manager (ODM) as explained in Updating the Object Data Manager on an IBM AIX Host.

procedure icon  To Clear a Configuration

If at any time during the configuration process in the New Configuration window you are dissatisfied with the configuration, you can clear it.

1. Click Clear to remove all physical and logical drives from the display.

2. Either click New LD to define a new logical drive, or click Commit.

3. When you click Commit, a warning prompt is displayed; click OK.

Sun StorEdge Configuration Service initializes the entire configuration on the selected array controller.

Note - Host LUNs are automatically mapped after logical drives have completed the initialization process.

procedure icon  To Log Out of the Configuration Level

When you have finished with configuration activities, log back in to the monitoring level of the program.

1. Choose File right arrow Logout.

2. Select Logout to monitoring mode and click OK.

Host LUN Assignments

For the server to recognize a logical drive/logical volume, it must first be mapped to a host channel/ID. When a logical drive/logical volume is mapped to a host channel/ID, it becomes a LUN. The following section describes how to map a logical drive/logical volume to a host channel and how to remove it.

Note - When logical drives/logical volumes are first created, unless Do Not Map is selected, the host LUNs are automatically mapped after logical drives/logical volumes have completed the initialization process.

Note - On a Sun StorEdge 3310 SCSI array, there is a maximum of 128 LUN assignments. On a Sun StorEdge 3510 FC array, there is a maximum of 1024 LUN assignments (maximum number of LUNs assigned to each host ID is 32).

procedure icon  To Add (Map) a Host LUN

1. Choose Configuration right arrow Custom Configure.

2. Select Change Host LUN Assignments.

The Change Host LUN Assignments window is displayed.

 Screen capture of the Change Host LUN Assignments window showing all available LUNS and Host LUN Assignments.

3. Using the Select Host Channel and SCSI ID list box, select the channel and ID to which the LUN is to be assigned.

All available LUNs are displayed under Partitions. For your reference, Used LUNs displays a list of LUNs used for a specified channel and Partition Assignment displays a list of channels, IDs, and LUNs to which a partition has been assigned.

Note - When a logical drive/logical volume is added or created, it is assigned as either primary or secondary (controller assignment). A logical drive/logical volume is then initialized and mapped to a primary or secondary channel ID. If you unmap a logical drive/logical volume and remap it to another host channel ID that has a different controller assignment, you must reset the controller. If you unmap a logical drive/logical volume and remap it to another host channel ID that has the same controller assignment, you do not have to reset the controller. If a logical drive/logical volume has remaining partitions still mapped, the unmapped partitions can only be mapped to host channel IDs of the same controller assignment.

4. Select the desired partition from the LDs/LVs field, and click Assign Host LUN to accept the change.

To map multiple partitions (up to 32), select the first partition, scroll to the last partition and Shift-click to select everything in between. Then click Assign Host LUN.

As a result, Delete Host LUN becomes active.

5. When finished, click OK to save your changes and to return to the main menu.

Note - In the event that an error message is displayed when mapping a host channel, repeat Steps 1 through 5.

procedure icon  To Delete (Unmap) a Host LUN

1. With the Change Host LUN Assignments window displayed, select the LUN to be deleted from the Host LUN Assignments field.

2. Click Delete Host LUN.

3. When finished, click OK to save your changes and to return to the main menu.

Configuration File

Keep a backup copy of the current configuration on diskette or on an external device other than the array. Even though configuration information is stored on array controllers and on the physical drives attached to them, circumstances such as a fire or a flood can occur, causing damage to both the controller and the drives. A backup copy of the configuration enables you to restore the configuration to a new controller without having to completely reconfigure the storage array.

Always save the array controller configuration to a file whenever you:

procedure icon  To Save a Configuration to a Backup File

1. Select the controller with the configuration you want to save.

2. Choose Configuration right arrow Save Configuration.

The Save Configuration window is displayed.

 Screen capture of the Save Configuration window showing the Configuration file name.

3. If necessary, navigate to the drive and folder where you want the configuration file to be saved.

Save the file to a diskette or a drive external to the array.

4. Specify the configuration file name and click Save.

The Save Configuration window is displayed.

 Screen capture of the Save Configuration window showing pertinent details.

5. Type a description of the configuration you are saving.

6. Click OK.

The controller configuration information is saved to a .cfg file.

Loading the Configuration

If a drive or controller is damaged and needs to be replaced, see To Restore a Logical Drive Configuration, which describes how to load a configuration file and restore a logical drive configuration.