
The Netra CP2300 cPSB Board Installation and Technical Reference Manual describes the hardware specifications, function and physical properties of the Netratrademark CP2300 CompactPCI packet switched backplane (cPSB) board.

The Netra CP2300 cPSB Board Installation and Technical Reference Manual is written for system integration engineers, field applications and service engineers, and others involved in the integration of these boards into systems.

How This Book Is Organized

Chapter 1 provides an overview of the Netra CP2300 board.

Chapter 2 provides instructions on hardware installation.

Chapter 3 provides instructions on the software configuration.

Chapter 4 provides information on the Netra CP2300 board OpenBoottrademark firmware and Power-on Self Test (POST).

Chapter 5 provides a description of the various hardware blocks on the Netra CP2300 board.

Appendix A provides information on the Netra CP2300 board specifications.

Appendix B provides pinouts of the Netra CP2300 board connectors.

Appendix C describes how to access the Solaristrademark Suntrademark FRU ID information for a Netra CP2300 board.

Appendix D provides a comprehensive list of references for the Netra CP2300 board.

The Glossary lists definitions of many of the special terms used in this publication.

Related Documentation

For additional information about the Netra CP2300 cPSB board or the Netra CP2300 cPSB transition card, refer to the following documents:

Appendix D lists additional related documentation.

Accessing Sun Documentation

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Typographic Conventions





The names of commands, files, and directories; on-screen computer output

Edit your.login file.

Use ls -a to list all files.

% You have mail.


What you type, when contrasted with on-screen computer output

% su



Book titles, new words or terms, words to be emphasized. Replace command-line variables with real names or values.

Read Chapter 6 in the User's Guide.

These are called class options.

You must be superuser to do this.

To delete a file, type rm filename.

Shell Prompts



C shell


C shell superuser


Bourne shell and Korn shell


Bourne shell and Korn shell superuser


Using UNIX Commands

This document might not contain information on basic UNIX® commands and procedures such as shutting down the system, booting the system, and configuring devices.

See one or more of the following for this information:

Contacting Sun Technical Support

If you have technical questions about this product that are not answered in this document, go to:

Sun Welcomes Your Comments

Sun is interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and suggestions. You can submit your comments by going to:

Please include the title and part number of your document with your feedback:

Netra CP2300 cPSB Board Installation and Technical Reference Manual, part
number 816-7186-12


1 (TableFootnote) The settings on your browser might differ from these settings.