C H A P T E R  3

Software Configuration

This chapter contains the following sections:

3.1 Hot Swap Information

3.1.1 Hot-Swapping the Netra CP2300 Board

If the Solaris operating environment is up and running on a Netra CP2300 board, and you open the board's latches, you will see a message that the operating environment will shut down in one minute. When the operating environment drops to the OpenBoot PROM prompt level, you can safely remove the board. Hot-Swap Status LED

The blue hot-swap LED, located on the front panel of the Netra CP2300 board (FIGURE 5-3), lights up when the hot-swap function is enabled by the system software. The hot-swap LED indicates that the board can be extracted from the chassis. When a board is inserted into a cPSB system, the LED is lit automatically until the hardware connection process is completed. The LED then remains off until the extraction is once again enabled by the system software.

FIGURE 3-1 shows how to release the Netra CP2300 handles.

 FIGURE 3-1 Releasing the Netra CP2300 Board Handles

Figure showing the proper way to press down on the ejector handle.

3.1.2 Retrieving Device Information

You use the Solaris platform information and control library (PICL) framework for obtaining the state and condition of the Netra CP2300 cPSB board, rather than the Solaris cfgadm framework used with other CompactPCI boards.

The PICL framework provides information about the system configuration that it maintains in the PICL tree. Within this PICL tree is a sub-tree named frutree, that represents the hierarchy of system FRUs with respect to a root node in the tree called chassis. The frutree represents physical resources of the system. The PICL tree is updated whenever a change occurs in a device's status.

The prtpicl -v command shows the condition of all devices in the PICL tree. Sample output from the prtpicl command related to the Netra CP2300 board is shown below.

# prtpicl -v
frutree (picl, 4800000301)
 :_class  picl 
 :name    frutree 
   chassis (fru, 4800000304)
    :ChassisType  SUNW,Netra-CP2300 
    :State        configured 
    :_class       fru 
    :name         chassis 
     CPU (location, 4800000309)
      :StatusTime    Sat Mar 29 16:01:26 2003 
      :GeoAddr   0x3 
      :devfs-path    /pci@1f,0/pci@1 
      :bus-addr  1 
      :Label     CPU 
      :SlotType  pci 
      :State     connected 
      :_class    location 
      :name      CPU 
        CPU (fru, 4800000311)
         :ConditionTime   Sat Mar 29 16:01:26 2003 
         :StatusTime      Sat Mar 29 16:01:26 2003 
         :Condition   ok 
         :State       configured 
         :FRUType     bridge/fhs 
         :_class      fru 

TABLE 3-1 shows the frutree entries and properties that describe the condition of the Netra CP2300 cPSB board.

TABLE 3-1 PICL FRUtree Entries and Description for the Netra CP2300 cPSB Board

Frutree Entry:Property

Entry Description

Example of Condition

CPU (location) :State

The state of the receptacle, or slot


CPU (fru) :Condition

The condition of the board, or occupant


CPU (fru) :State

The state of the board, or occupant


CPU (fru) :FRUType

The FRU type


For more information on the PICL framework, refer to the picld(1M) man page.

3.2 Setting the Time of Day

Because the Netra CP2300 board is battery-less, the date and time stored in the TOD chip are not backed up when the system is powered-off. When the system is powered-on, the OpenBoot PROM initializes the date and time fields of the TOD chip. This feature can be configured in different ways in a networked configuration or on a standalone system.

3.2.1 Setting the Time of Day In a Networked Configuration

The Network Time Protocol (NTP) provides the correct timestamp for all systems on a network by synchronizing the clocks of all the systems. A Solaris server, called xntp, is queried by OpenBoot PROM for setting and maintaining the timestamp. At least one system or board in the same subnet as the Netra CP2300 must be configured to be an xntp server. Refer to the online man pages for the xntpd(1M), ntpq(1M), and ntpdate(1M) commands for more information about configuring a system to be an xntp server.

The OpenBoot PROM NTP client will be invoked only when system has gone through a hardware power cycle and the configuration variable ntp-enable?=true (default value is false). The TOD will be programmed with the date and time received from the NTP server.

The configuration variable ntp-server-addr can be set with the NTP server's IP address. The default value for ntp-server-addr is a broadcast address ( The default value implies that OpenBoot PROM NTP client will broadcast its NTP request in the subnet and update the TOD date and time as per the response received from an NTP server in the subnet.

TABLE 3-2 Values for ntp-server-addr Variable

ntp-server-addr Setting


default value

The OpenBoot PROM NTP client will broadcast its NTP request in the subnet.

NTP server's IP address

The OpenBoot PROM NTP client will send the NTP request to the NTP server

If ntp-enable?=false, OpenBoot PROM will not invoke its NTP client and the TOD will be programmed with a 1/1/2000 date and the time will be set to start at 00:00:00 hours.

TABLE 3-3 Values for ntp-enable? Variable for Networked Configuration

ntp-enable? Setting



OpenBoot PROM will not invoke its NTP client and programs the TOD with the 1/1/2000 date.


OpenBoot PROM sends an NTP request and programs the TOD with the response from NTP server. In case of any failure, OpenBoot PROM will program the TOD with the 1/1/2000 date and 00:00:00 time.

To use the NTP feature at Solaris level, configure the NTP client at the Solaris level.

For information on setting OpenBoot PROM configuration variables, see the Section 4.2.2, OpenBoot PROM Configuration Variables.

3.2.2 Setting the Time of Day on a Standalone System

On a standalone, battery-less system, which cannot get the time of day from a network source, the TOD will be programmed with the default date and time of 1/1/2000 00:00:00 GMT. The ntp-enable variable should be false, but even if it is set to true, the NTP request will time out after one minute, and the TOD will be programmed with the default date and time of 1/1/2000 00:00:00 GMT.

single-step bulletTo set the time of day manually after the power is restored:

As superuser, use the date command at a Solaris prompt to set the correct time.

# date [mmddHHMMccyy]


Refer to the date(1M) command man page for additional information. After you set the date, you must reboot (but not power cycle) the system for the changes to take full effect. Failing to reboot can cause time conflicts among applications.

3.3 Downloading and Installing SunVTS

The Sun Validation Test Suite (SunVTStrademark software) is a comprehensive software package that tests and validates the Netra CP2300 by verifying the configuration and function of most hardware controllers and devices on the board. SunVTS is used to validate a system during development, production, inspection, troubleshooting, periodic maintenance and system or subsystem stressing. SunVTS can be tailored to run on various types of machines ranging from desktops to servers with modifiable test instances and processor affinity features.

You can perform high-level system testing by using the appropriate version of SunVTS. For detailed information on SunVTS support and downloads, refer to the following web site:


The SunVTS packages are also located on the Solaris 8 Supplemental Software CD for Sun Computer Systems that ships with the Solaris operating environment release.

Ensure that the SunVTS software version is compatible with the Solaris operating environment version being used. Solaris 8 2/02 operating environment is compatible with SunVTS 4.6 package.

Information on the version of the SunVTS software installed can be found in the file:


To obtain SunVTS documentation, contact your local customer service representative or field application engineer.

Note - For security reasons only a superuser is permitted to run SunVTS. Installation and starting instructions are included with the software when it is downloaded.