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Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Installation Guide   

Installing the VERITAS Storage Foundation 4.1 Software

These steps apply to both VERITAS Storage Foundation and VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle. After you complete the installation procedure, read Configuring the VERITAS Software for important details about initializing (where required), setting up, and using the VERITAS software shipped with VERITAS Storage Foundation.

Caution  Caution    Installing the 4.1 VERITAS software will overwrite the VERITAS Volume Manager 3.5 software on your system. To go back to VERITAS Volume Manager 3.5, you must reinstall using your HP-UX operating system discs.

Installing the 4.1 VERITAS software will not overwrite VERITAS File System 3.5. Both the 4.1 and 3.5 versions will be on your system.

Note   Note    If you have obtained a VERITAS product from an electronic download site, the single product download files do not contain the installer installation script, so you must use the product installation script to install the product. For example, if you download VERITAS Storage Foundation or VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle, use the installsf script (./installsf at the prompt). After invoking the installsf script, follow the instructions in Installing Using the Product Installer starting with step 2.

Mounting the Software Disc

You must have superuser (root) privileges to load the VERITAS software.

  To mount the software disc

  1. Log in as superuser (root).
  2. Create a mount point directory, /dvdrom, if it does not exist. The directory must have read/write permissions open.
  3. Insert the appropriate media disc into your system's DVD-ROM drive connected to your system.
  4. Determine the block device file for the DVD-ROM drive by entering:
    ioscan -fnC disk

    Make a note of the device file as it applies to your system.

  5. Mount the software disc. For example, to mount the software disc at the mount point /dvdrom, enter:
    /usr/sbin/mount -F cdfs /dev/dsk/c#t#d# /dvdrom

    where /dev/dsk/c#t#d# is the location of the DVD drive.

  6. To install, use the procedure described in Installing Using the Product Installer.

Installing Using the Product Installer

The product installer is the recommended method to license and install the product. The installer also enables you to configure the product, verify preinstallation requirements, and view the product's description.

At most points during an installation, you can type b ("back") to return to a previous section of the installation procedure. The back feature of the installation scripts is context-sensitive, so it returns to the beginning of a grouped section of questions. If an installation procedure hangs, use Control–c to stop and exit the program. There is a short delay before the script exits.

The following sample procedure is based on the installation of a VERITAS Storage Foundation Enterprise HA cluster with two nodes: "host1" and "host2." If you are installing on standalone systems only, some steps are unnecessary, and these are indicated. Default responses are enclosed by parentheses. Press Return to accept defaults.

Note   Note    If you have obtained a VERITAS product from an electronic download site, the single product download files do not contain the installer installation script, so you must use the product installation script to install the product. For example, if you download VERITAS Storage Foundation or VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle, use the installsf script (./installsf at the prompt). After invoking the installsf script, follow these instructions starting with step 2.

  To install a Storage Foundation product

  1. To invoke the common installer, run the installer command on the disc as shown in this example:
            # cd /dvdrom
      # ./installer

    For information on installing on multiple hosts, see Completing the Installation Procedure on an HA Environment.

  2. If the VRTSvlic licensing package is installed, the Product Status page displays the following:

    • Products available for installation
    • Products currently installed
    • Products that are licensed
    • Options for operations you can initiate

    • Note   Note    You can use the /opt/VRTS/bin/vxlicrep command to view a report of the license type for each product.

  3. At the Product Status page, enter I for the product installer and press Return. The product installer is displayed.
  4. At the VERITAS product installer page, enter the number of the product you want to install and press Return.

    The product installation begins automatically.

  5. When you are prompted to enter the system names on which the software is to be installed, enter the system name or names and then press Enter to continue.
  6. After the script checks your system configuration, press Enter. The utility begins installing the infrastructure packages.
  7. During license verification, you are prompted to enter a license key. Select y to add a license key. Then, enter the license key and press Enter.
    Note   Note    Each system requires a Storage Foundation product license before installation. License keys for additional product features should also be added at this time.

    SF Licensing Verification:

    Checking SF license key on host1 ................. not licensed
    Enter a SF license key for host1: [?] XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-X
    Registering VERITAS Storage Foundation Standard HA key on host1

    Do you want to enter another license key for host1? [y,n,q,?] (n) n

    Registering XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-X on host1
    Checking SF license key on host1 .......Storage Foundation Enterprise HA

    Do you want to enter another license key for host1? [y,n,q,?] (n) n

    Enter n if you have no further license keys to add for a system. You are then prompted to enter the keys for the next system. The following prompt is displayed when you have added licenses to all the systems. Press Enter to continue.

  8. A list of optional packages is now displayed. Enter 1 or press Enter to install the standard and all optional packages.
    1)  Install all of the optional filesets
    2)  Install none of the optional filesets
    3)  View fileset descriptions and select optional filesets

    Select the optional filesets to be installed on all systems? [1-3,q,?] (1) 1

    Note   Note    The list of optional packages may differ depending on the license keys that you entered in step 7.

    The utility lists the packages to be installed. Press Enter to continue listing the packages.

  9. Press Enter. The utility begins checking the installation requirements for each of the nodes.
  10. If you are installing on a cluster, proceed to Configuring VERITAS Storage Foundation on a Cluster to configure Storage Foundation Enterprise HA. Otherwise, read Configuring the VERITAS Software for important details about initializing (where required), setting up, and using the VERITAS software shipped with VERITAS Storage Foundation.

Configuring VERITAS Storage Foundation on a Cluster

Note   Note    The procedure in this section is only relevant if you are installing an HA version of the Storage Foundation software.

As the installation and configuration procedure continues, a message displays notifying you that configuring Storage Foundation at this point in the installation procedure is optional.

  To configure Storage Foundation on a cluster

  1. At the following prompt, enter y or press Enter to configure Storage Foundation.
    Are you ready to configure SF? [y,n,q] (y) y

    A message is displayed describing how to configure Storage Foundation using the product installer. If you choose not to configure at this time, you can run the installation script with the -configure option at a later time.

  2. Press Enter to continue. A message is displayed describing the VERITAS Cluster Server (VCS) configuration requirements.
  3. The installer lists the information required to configure a cluster and prompts you to enter the unique cluster name and the unique cluster ID.
    To configure VCS the following is required:

    A unique Cluster name
      A unique Cluster ID number between 0-255
      Two or more NIC cards per system used for heartbeat links
      One or more heartbeat links are configured as private links
      One heartbeat link may be configured as a low priority link
    All systems are being configured to create one cluster
    Enter the unique cluster name: [?] vcs_cluster2
    Enter the unique Cluster ID number between 0-255: [b,?] 7

    The installer discovers the NICs available on the first system and reports them:

    Discovering NICs on host1 ...discovered lan0 lan1 lan2 lan3
  4. Answer the questions the installer presents about configuring the discovered heartbeat NICS.
    Enter the NIC for the first private heartbeat NIC on host1:
    [b,?] lan1
    Would you like to configure a second private heartbeat link?
    [y,n,q,b,?] (y) 
    Enter the NIC for the second private heartbeat NIC on host1:
    [b,?] lan2
    Would you like to configure a third private heartbeat link?
    Do you want to configure an additional low priority heartbeat
    link? [y,n,q,b,?] (n)
    Are you using the same NICs for private heartbeat links on all
    systems? [y,n,q,b,?] (y)
    Note   Note    When answering "Y," be sure that the same NICs are available on each system; the installer does not verify this.

    Notice that in this example, lan0 is not selected for use as a private heartbeat NIC because it already in use as the public network interface. The default responses are chosen.

  5. The installer summarizes the information and prompts you to confirm it is correct:
    Cluster information verification:

      Cluster Name: vcs_cluster2
      Cluster ID Number: 7
      Private Heartbeat NICs for north: link1=lan1 link2=lan2
      Private Heartbeat NICs for south: link1=lan1 link2=lan2

    Is this information correct? [y,n,q] (y)  

    If the information is correct, press Return. If the information is not correct, answer "n." The installer prompts you to enter the information again.

  6. A message displays notifying you of the information required to add VCS users. When prompted to add a password for the Administrator, enter n if you want to decline. If you enter y, you are prompted to change the password.
  7. When prompted to add a user, enter n if you want to decline. If you enter y, you are prompted to enter a user name, password and privilege level for each user. After entering the required information, you are prompted to add another user. Enter n if you want to decline, enter y if you want to add another user.
  8. When you are finished adding users, the utility begins to verify the VCS user information. When prompted, enter y to confirm the information is correct. If the information displayed is not correct, enter n to re-enter the information.
  9. A message displays notifying you of the configuration requirements for Cluster Manager (the VCS graphical user interface). When prompted to configure this feature, enter n if you want to decline. If you enter y, you are prompted to enter details of the public NIC, virtual IP address and network mask to be used by Cluster Manager.
  10. To configure Cluster Manager, confirm whether you want to use the discovered public NIC on the first system.
    Active NIC devices discovered on north: lan0
    Enter the NIC for Cluster Manager (Web Console) to use on north:

    Press Return if the discovered NIC is the one to use. Otherwise, type the name of a NIC to use and press Return.

    Is lan0 to be the public NIC used by all systems [y,n,q,b,?] (y)

    Press Return if all systems use the same public NIC. You are prompted to enter a NIC for each system if unique NICs are used.

  11. Enter the virtual IP address to be used by Cluster Manager:
      Enter the Virtual IP address for Cluster Manager: [b,?]
  12. You can confirm the default netmask, or enter another:
      Enter the netmask for IP 99.999.99.999: [b,?] (999.999.999.9)
  13. Enter the NetworkHosts IP addresses, separated by spaces, for checking the connections.
      Enter the NetworkHosts IP addresses, separated by spaces: [b,?]
  14. The installer prompts you to verify Cluster Manager information:
    Cluster Manager (Web Console) verification:
      NIC: lan0
      IP: 99.999.99.999
      Netmask: 999.999.999.9
      NetworkHosts: 99.999.99.999
      Is this information correct? [y,n,q] (y) 

    If the information is correct, press Return. If the information is not correct, answer "n." The installer prompts you to enter the information again.

  15. A message displays notifying you of the configuration requirements for SMTP email notification. When prompted to configure this feature, enter n if you want to decline. If you enter y, you are prompted to enter details of the SMTP server's host name, email addresses of recipients, and the minimum security level of messages to be sent to each recipient.
  16. When prompted, verify the SMTP notification information. If the information is correct, press Return. If the information is not correct, answer "n." The installer prompts you to enter the information again.
  17. A message displays notifying you of the configuration requirements for SNMP trap notification. When prompted to configure this feature, enter n if you want to decline. If you enter y, you are prompted to enter details of the SNMP trap notification. For each SNMP trap notification, enter the daemon port, system name, and the minimum security level of events.
  18. When prompted, verify the SMTP notification information. If the information is correct, press Return. If the information is not correct, answer "n." The installer prompts you to enter the information again.
  19. A message displays notifying you of the configuration requirements for configuring the Global Cluster option. When prompted to configure this feature, enter n if you want to decline. If you enter y, you are prompted to enter the virtual IP address for Global Cluster Manager.

    Press Return to accept the default, which is the virtual IP address, NIC, and netmask used by Cluster Manager. If you enter another IP address, you are prompted for a NIC and value for the netmask.

  20. When prompted, verify the Global Cluster information. If the information is correct, press Return. If the information is not correct, answer "n." The installer prompts you to enter the information again.
  21. Proceed to Completing the Installation Procedure on an HA Environment.

Completing the Installation Procedure on an HA Environment

At this point in the installation and configuration procedure, the utility begins to install the various packages on one node and copy them to any other specified nodes. The following sample output is for a Storage Foundation Enterprise HA installation.

  To complete the installation procedure

  1. As the utility continues the procedure, you are prompted to choose whether to install on all systems simultaneously. Enter y or press Enter to accept simultaneous installation.
    Would you like to install Storage Foundation Standard HA on all systems simultaneously? [y,n,q,?] (y) y
    Installing Storage Foundation Enterprise HA 4.1 on all systems simultaneously:
    Copying VRTSperl to host2 ...... Done 1 of 102 steps
    Installing VRTSperl 4.1 on host2 ...... Done 2 of 102 steps
    Copying VRTSob to host2............ Done 3 of 102 steps
    Installing VRTSperl 4.1 on host1 ...... Done 4 of 102 steps
    Installing VRTSob 3.2.514.1 on host2 ...... Done 5 of 102 steps
    Installing VRTSob 3.2.514.1 on host1 ...... Done 6 of 102 steps
  2. A message displays notifying you of successful installation. Press Enter to continue.
    Storage Foundation Enterprise HA installation completed successfully.

    Press [Return] to continue:
  3. A message displays describing the VxVM enclosure-based naming scheme and showing which nodes are eligible. When prompted to configure this feature, enter n if you want to decline. If required, you can use the vxdiskadm command or the VERITAS Enterprise Administrator to configure this feature after installation. See the vxdiskadm(1M) manual page and the "Administering Disks" chapter of the VERITAS Volume Manager Administrator's Guide for more information.
  4. If you are installing an HA version of the product, a message displays indicating the VCS configuration files are being created and copied. Press Enter to continue.
  5. A message displays indicating which systems can be started and on the systems that VxVM selects as targets.
    Evaluating which systems can now be started...
    System host1 is eligible -- can be started.
    System host2 is eligible -- can be started.
    Preparing to start VxVM on target systems...
    Begin initial start of VxVM on system host1
    Starting vxconfigd for VxVM 
    Done with initial start of VxVM on system host1
    Begin initial start of VxVM on system host2
    Starting vxconfigd for VxVM .............................Succeeded
    Done with initial start of VxVM on system host2
    Done with starting VxVM on target systems...
  6. Press Enter to continue. If you are installing an HA version of the product, a message displays notifying you that Cluster Server is starting. This message also contains information about configuring a default disk group.
    Starting Cluster Server:
    Starting LLT on host1 ................................ Started
    Starting LLT on host2 ................................ Started
    Starting GAB on host1 ................................ Started
    Starting GAB on host2 ................................ Started
    Starting Cluster Server on host1 ..................... Started
    Starting Cluster Server on host2 ..................... Started
    Confirming Cluster Server startup .............. 2 systems RUNNING
  7. You are now given the option of specifying the default name of a disk group that is to be assumed by VERITAS Volume Manager commands if a disk group is not otherwise specified.
    Many Volume Manager commands affect the contents or configuration of a disk group. Such commands require that the user specify a disk group. This is accomplished by using the -g option of a command or setting the VXVM_DEFAULTDG environment variable. An alternative to these two methods is to configure the default disk group of a system.

    Evaluating which systems can now have their default disk group configured...
    System host1 is eligible -- can configure the default diskgroup.
    System host2 is eligible -- can configure the default diskgroup.
    Do you want to set up the default disk group for each system? [y,n,q,?] (y) n

    Enter n if you do not want to specify the name of the default disk group at this time. You can set the name of the default disk group after installation by running the vxdctl defaultdg diskgroup command on a system. See the vxdctl(1M) manual page and the "Creating and Administering Disk Groups" chapter of the VERITAS Volume Manager Administrator's Guide for more information.

    Note   Note    If you specify the name of a default disk group, this step does not create the disk group. After installation, you can use menu item 1 in the vxdiskadm command or the VERITAS Enterprise Administrator to create the disk group.
  8. Finally, a message displays indicating the utility is preparing to start the daemons on the target systems.
    Preparing to start daemons on target system(s)...
    Starting vxrelocd on host1 ........................... Success
    Starting vxcached on host1 ........................... Success
    Starting vxconfigbackupd on host1 .................... Success
    Starting vxrelocd on host2............................ Success
    Starting vxcached on host2 ........................... Success
    Starting vxconfigbackupd on host2 .................... Success
    Storage Foundation Enterprise HA was started successfully.
    Press [Return] to continue: 

    Press Enter. A message displays notifying you of a successful installation and the locations of the /opt/VRTS/install files.

    The installation summary is saved at:
    The installer log is saved at:
    The installation response file is saved at:

Configuring Your System After the Installation

  To configure your system after the software upgrade

  1. Reinstate the mount points in the /etc/fstab file that you recorded in step 10.
  2. Reboot the upgraded systems.
  3. Restart all the volumes by entering the following command for each disk group:
      # vxvol -g diskgroup startall

There are several optional configuration steps that you may want to perform:

  • If you want to use features of VERITAS Storage Foundation 4.1 or VERITAS Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle for which you do not currently have an appropriate license installed, obtain the license and run the vxlicinst command to add it to your system.
  • Stop the cluster, restore the VCS configuration files to the /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config directory, and restart the cluster.
  • To create root volumes that are under VxVM control after installation, use the vxcp_lvmroot command as described in Converting to a VxVM Root Disk, and in the "Administering Disks" chapter of the VERITAS Volume Manager Administrator's Guide.
  • To upgrade VxFS Disk Layout versions and VxVM Disk Group versions, follow the instructions given in Upgrading VxFS Disk Layout Versions and Upgrading VxVM Disk Group Versions.

  1. After you complete the installation procedure, read Configuring the VERITAS Software for important details about initializing (where required), setting up, and using the VERITAS software shipped with VERITAS Storage Foundation.
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Product: Storage Foundation Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Installation Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation