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Product: Storage Foundation Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Installation Guide   

Verifying the VERITAS Storage Foundation Installation

You can use the swlist command to check which packages have been installed:

swlist -l product | grep VRTS

Use the following sections to verify the product installation.

Checking Volume Manager Processes

After the Storage Foundation software has been successfully installed, you can confirm that key Volume Manager processes (vxconfigd, vxnotify, and vxrelocd) are running by using the following command:

 # ps -e | grep vx

Entries for these processes appear in output similar to the following:

 142   ?    00:00:00      vxiod
 143   ?    00:00:00      vxiod
 150   ?    00:00:00      vxiod
 151   ?    00:00:00      vxiod
 159   ?    00:01:12      vxconfigd
 405   ?    00:00:00      vxrelocd
 410   ?    00:00:00      vxnotify
 411   ?    00:00:00      vxrelocd
Note   Note    If you disable hot-relocation, the vxrelocd and vxnotify processes are not displayed.

Verifying VxFS Installation

The VERITAS File System package consists of a kernel component and administrative commands.

Command Installation Verification

The VERITAS File System commands are installed in two directories:


Contains the VERITAS mount command required to mount file systems.


Contains symbolic links to all VERITAS-specific commands installed in the directories listed above.

Determine whether these subdirectories are present:

 # ls /sbin/fs/vxfs4.1
 # ls /opt/VRTS/bin

Make sure you have adjusted your environment variables accordingly. See Environment Variables for details.

Checking Cluster Operation

Note   Note    This section is only relevant if you installed and configured an HA version of the Storage Foundation software.

To verify that the cluster is operating, type the following command on any node:

 hastatus -summary
-- System             State          Frozen
A  sflx1             RUNNING          0
A  sflx2             RUNNING          0

If the state of all nodes is RUNNING, VCS is successfully installed and running. Refer to the hastatus(1M) manual page and the VERITAS Cluster Server User's Guide for more information on system states and state transitions.

To display the VCS attribute values for each node in the cluster, enter the following command on any node:

  # hasys -display

For more information on interpreting the output from this command, see the hasys(1M) manual page and the VERITAS Cluster Server User's Guide.

Verifying the Low Latency Transport (LLT) Configuration

After installation, the /etc/llthosts and /etc/llttab files contain information about LLT configuration.

  • /etc/llthosts

The llthosts file is a database containing one entry per node that links the LLT system ID (in the first column) with the LLT host name. This file is identical on each cluster node.

Based on the sample installation, /etc/llthosts contains the entries:

0   sflx1
1   sflx2

See the llthosts(4) manual page for more information.

  • /etc/llttab

The llttab file contains information derived from the installation, and is used by the lltconfig utility. After installation, this file lists the network links that correspond to each node.

The first line identifies the node. The second line identifies the cluster, based on the cluster ID entered during installation. The next two lines, beginning with the link command, identify the two network cards used by the LLT protocol.

See the llttab(4) manual page for details on how to modify the LLT configuration. The manual page describes ordering the directives in the llttab file.

Verifying LLT Operation

Use the lltstat command to verify that links are active for LLT. This command returns information about the links for LLT for the node on which it is typed.

With LLT configured correctly, the output of lltstat -n shows all of the nodes in the cluster and two links for each node. If the output shows otherwise, type
lltstat -nvv | more on any node to view additional information about LLT.

For information on ports open for LLT, type lltstat -p on any node.

Verifying Group Membership and Atomic Broadcast (GAB) Configuration

After installation, the /etc/gabtab file contains a gabconfig(1M) command line to configure the GAB driver. The following shows the format of an entry in this file:

/sbin/gabconfig -c -nN

The -c option configures the driver and -nN specifies the cluster will not be formed until at least N nodes are ready. The variable N represents the number of cluster nodes.

Verifying GAB Operation

To verify that GAB is operating, type the following command on each node:

/sbin/gabconfig -a

If GAB is operating, GAB port membership information is returned:

GAB Port Memberships
Port a gen a36e0003 membership 01
Port h gen fd570002 membership 01

Port a indicates that GAB is communicating, gen a36e0003 is a random generation number, and membership 01 indicates that nodes 0 and 1 are connected.

Port h indicates that VCS is started, gen fd570002 is a random generation number, and membership 01 indicates that nodes 0 and 1 are both running VCS.

If GAB is not operating, no GAB port membership information is returned.

If only one network is connected, the following GAB port membership information is returned:

GAB Port Memberships
Port a gen a36e0003 membership 01
Port a gen a36e0003 jeopardy    1
Port h gen fd570002 membership 01
Port h gen fd570002 jeopardy    1

For more information on GAB, including descriptions of ports, refer to the VERITAS Cluster Server User's Guide.

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Product: Storage Foundation Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Installation Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation