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Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Installation Guide   

Upgrading VxFS Disk Layout Versions

VERITAS File System 4.1 allows Version 4, 5 and 6 file system disk layouts to be mounted. Disk layout Versions 1, 2, and 3 are not supported by VxFS 4.1. See Appendix C, "Disk Layout," in the VERITAS File System Administrator's Guide for disk layout information. VxFS 3.5 was the last major release to support disk layout Version 4. All file systems created on VxFS 4.1 use disk layout Version 6, except for the VxVM root disk.

To determine the disk layout version of a VxFS file system, run the fstyp_vxfs command on the file system physical device, for example:

/opt/VRTS/bin/fstyp –v /dev/vx/dsk/rootdg/volname | grep version
magic a501fcf5  version 6  ctime Thu Jul 31 11:29:31 2004

When to Upgrade Disk Layout Versions

You must upgrade your older disk layout versions, to make use of the extended features available in the VxFS 4.1 release. Use the vxfsconvert or vxupgrade utilities to upgrade older disk layout versions to disk layout Version 6 as described in the following sections. (See the VERITAS Storage Foundation Release Notes for information on new features in VxFS 4.1.)

Caution  Caution    Never upgrade the / and /stand file systems to disk layout Version 6. The HP-UX bootloader does not support disk layout Version 6. The machine cannot be rebooted if these file systems are upgraded to disk layout Version 6.

When to Use vxfsconvert

You can use the vxfsconvert command to convert an unmounted ext2 or ext3 file system to a VERITAS file system with disk layout Version 4.

vxfsconvert /device_name

See the vxfsconvert(1M) and fsadm_vxfs(1M) manual pages for more information on converting to VxFS file systems.

When to Use vxupgrade

You can use the vxupgrade command to upgrade disk layout Version 4 to disk layout Version 6 while the file system remains mounted.

vxupgrade -n 6 /mount_point

See the vxupgrade(1M) and fsadm_vxfs(1M) manual pages for more information on upgrading VxFS file systems.

Note   Note    The contents of intent logs created on a previous disk layout version cannot be used after the disk layout version is upgraded. See the VERITAS Storage Foundation Release Notes for information on the software limitations.

Requirements for Upgrading to Disk Layout Version 6

Converting a Version 4 disk layout to Version 6 disk layout requires adequate free space. The space and time required to complete the upgrade increases with the number of files, extended attributes, and hard links in the file system. Typical maximum space is at least two additional inodes with one block for every inode. Allow at least ten minutes to upgrade for every million inodes in the file system.

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Product: Storage Foundation Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Installation Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation