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Product: Cluster Server Enterprise Agents Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Enterprise Agent for Oracle Installation and Configuration Guide   

Configuring the Agent

Configuring the Oracle enterprise agent involves creating the Oracle service group, its resources, and defining attribute values for the configured resources. VCS provides several ways to configure an enterprise agent, including the agent configuration wizard, Cluster Manager (Java Console), and the command-line.

You must have administrator privileges to create and configure a service group.

Before configuring the agent, review the supported Oracle configurations, described under Oracle Configurations in VCS. Review the Oracle resource type and the attribute definitions of the Oracle agents, described in Resource Type Definitions. For sample configuration files of the Oracle service group, see Sample Configurations.

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Product: Cluster Server Enterprise Agents Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Enterprise Agent for Oracle Installation and Configuration Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation