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Product: Cluster Server Enterprise Agents Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Enterprise Agent for Oracle Installation and Configuration Guide   

Oracle Configurations in VCS

You can set up Oracle in different ways in a VCS environment.

Single Oracle Instance Configuration

This section describes how to configure a single Oracle instance in a VCS environment for high availability. For resource dependency graph and sample configuration of service groups involving a single Oracle instance, see Single Oracle Instance Configuration.

  To configure an Oracle instance in VCS

  1. Review the Oracle and Netlsnr resource types and their attribute definitions, described in Resource Type Definitions.
  2. Configure Oracle for VCS. This involves configuring the Oracle files listener.ora and tnsnames.ora as per VCS requirements. This section describes the changes required in these files, depending on your Oracle configuration.
    1. For clients to connect to the failover instance, in the file tnsnames.ora, located at $TNS_ADMIN change the host name for all TCP protocol address databases to the virtual IP address for the service group.
      • In the following example, assuming that the host name for the database is set to oraprod, which represents the virtual IP address for the service group.

            prod =
             (DESCRIPTION =
             (ADDRESS_LIST =
              (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = oraprod)(PORT = 1521))
             (CONNECT_DATA =
              (SERVICE_NAME = prod)
    2. Perform additional configuration tasks specific to the listener configuration. In the file listener.ora located at $TNS_ADMIN, edit the "Host=" line in the ADDRESS_LIST section and add the name of the high availability address for the service group, in this case, oraprod.

    3.     LISTENER_PROD = 
           (DESCRIPTION_LIST =
           (DESCRIPTION =
           (ADDRESS_LIST =
            (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = oraprod)(PORT = 1521))
  3. Create the Oracle service groups using the Agent Configuration wizard, Cluster Manager (Java Console,) or the command-line. For information on using the wizard, see Configuring the Agent Using the Agent Configuration Wizard. For information on using Cluster Manager (Java Console), see Configuring the Agent Using Cluster Manager (Java Console).
  4. Bring the Oracle service group online. See Bringing the Service Group Online for instructions.

Multiple Oracle Instance (Single Listener) Configuration

This section describes how to configure multiple Oracle instances with a single listener in a VCS environment for high availability. For resource dependency graph and sample configuration of a service group involving multiple Oracle instances, see Multiple Oracle Instances (Single Listener) Configuration.

  To configure multiple Oracle instances (single listener)

  1. Review the Oracle and Netlsnr resource types and their attribute definitions, described in Resource Type Definitions.
  2. Configure Oracle for VCS. This involves configuring the Oracle files listener.ora and tnsnames.ora as per VCS requirements. This section describes the changes required in these files, depending on your Oracle configuration.
    1. For clients to connect to the failover instance, in the file tnsnames.ora, located at $TNS_ADMIN change the host name for all TCP protocol address databases to the virtual IP address for the service group.
      • In the following example, assuming that the host name for the database is set to oraprod, which represents the virtual IP address for the service group.

            prod =
             (DESCRIPTION =
             (ADDRESS_LIST =
              (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = oraprod)(PORT = 1521))
             (CONNECT_DATA =
              (SERVICE_NAME = prod)
    2. Perform additional configuration tasks specific to the listener configuration. In the file listener.ora located at $TNS_ADMIN, edit the "Host=" line in the ADDRESS_LIST section and add the name of the high availability address for the service group, in this case, oraprod.

    3.     LISTENER_ORACLE = 
          (DESCRIPTION =
          (ADDRESS_LIST =
           (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = oraprod)(PORT = 1522))
  3. Create the Oracle and Listener service groups using Cluster Manager (Java Console.) See Configuring the Agent Using Cluster Manager (Java Console) for instructions. You can also use the command-line to create the service group.
  4. Bring the Oracle service group online. See Bringing the Service Group Online for instructions.

Multiple Oracle Instances (Multiple Listeners) Configuration

This section describes how to configure multiple Oracle instances with multiple listeners in VCS environment for high availability. For resource dependency graph and sample configuration of a service group involving multiple Oracle instance, see Multiple Instance (Multiple Listeners) Configuration.

  To configure multiple Oracle instances (multiple listeners)

  1. Review the Oracle and Netlsnr resource types and their attribute definitions, described in Resource Type Definitions.
  2. Configure Oracle for VCS. This involves configuring the Oracle files listener.ora and tnsnames.ora as per VCS requirements. This section describes the changes required in these files, depending on your Oracle configuration.
    1. For clients to connect to the failover instance, in the file tnsnames.ora, located at $TNS_ADMIN change the host name for all TCP protocol address databases to the virtual IP address for the service group.

    2.     prod =
           (DESCRIPTION =
           (ADDRESS_LIST =
            (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = oraprod)(PORT = 1521))
           (CONNECT_DATA =
            (SERVICE_NAME = prod)
          mktg =
           (DESCRIPTION =
           (ADDRESS_LIST =
            (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = oramktg)(PORT = 1522))
           (CONNECT_DATA =
            (SERVICE_NAME = mktg)
    3. In the file listener.ora, create independent configurations for each listener.

    4.     LISTENER_PROD = 
           (DESCRIPTION_LIST =
           (DESCRIPTION =
           (ADDRESS_LIST =
            (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = oraprod)(PORT = 1521))
          LISTENER_MKTG = 
           (DESCRIPTION_LIST =
           (DESCRIPTION =
           (ADDRESS_LIST =
            (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = oramktg)(PORT = 1522))
  3. Create the Oracle service groups using the Agent Configuration wizard, Cluster Manager (Java Console,) or the command-line. For information on using the wizard, see Configuring the Agent Using the Agent Configuration Wizard. For information on using Cluster Manager (Java Console), see Configuring the Agent Using Cluster Manager (Java Console).
  4. Bring the Oracle service group online. See Bringing the Service Group Online for instructions.
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Product: Cluster Server Enterprise Agents Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Enterprise Agent for Oracle Installation and Configuration Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation