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Product: Cluster Server Enterprise Agents Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Enterprise Agent for Oracle Installation and Configuration Guide   

Configuring the Agent Using the Agent Configuration Wizard

VCS provides an Agent Configuration wizard that guides you through the process of configuring the agent. The wizard creates and modifies Oracle service groups.

This section describes the steps required to create a new Oracle service group using the wizard. To modify an existing service group, see Modifying the Agent Configuration.

Before configuring the Oracle agent, review the resource type and the attribute definitions of the Oracle and Netlsnr agents, described in Resource Type Definitions. For sample configuration files and resource dependency graphs of the Oracle service group, see Sample Configurations.


    Checkmark  Make sure that the Oracle instances and listeners to be configured are running. All listeners to be configured must listen to the same virtual IP address.

    Note   Note    For the default listener, the configuration wizard requires the listener parameter file, listener.ora, to reside in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin. No such condition applies for non-default listeners.

    Checkmark  The Oracle files (control, data, redo-log, and archive files) must be on shared disks.

    Checkmark  The IP addresses and host names specified in the files listener.ora and tnsnames.ora must be the same.

    Checkmark  If detail monitoring is to be used for a database instance, the table used for detail monitoring must be set up, with user and password assigned.

    Checkmark  Make sure the Oracle type definition is imported to the VCS engine. See Importing the File for instructions.

Importing the File

Before configuring the Oracle agent, you must import the file to the VCS engine.

  To import using the Cluster Manager

  1. Start Cluster Manager and log on to the cluster.
  2. From the Cluster Explorer's File menu, choose Import Types.
  3. In the Import Types dialog box, select the following file.
  4. Click Import.
  5. Save the configuration.

  To import using the command line

  1. Log in to sysa as root.
  2. Ensure that all changes to the existing configuration have been saved and that further changes are prevented while you modify
    haconf -dump -makero
  3. To ensure that VCS is not running while you edit, issue the following command to stop the VCS engine on all systems and leave the resources available:
    hastop -all -force
  4. Make a backup copy of the file:
    cd /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config
  5. Copy the Oracle types configuration file into place:
    cp /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/
  6. Edit the file to include the file:
    include ""
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Product: Cluster Server Enterprise Agents Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 Enterprise Agent for Oracle Installation and Configuration Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation