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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide   

Administering Systems

  To force a system to start while in ADMIN_WAIT

hasys -force system
This command overwrites the configuration on systems running in the cluster. Before using it, verify that the current VCS configuration is valid.

  To modify a system's attributes

hasys -modify modify_options
Some attributes are internal to VCS and cannot be modified. For details on system attributes, see The -modify Option.

  To display the value of a system's node ID as defined in the file

hasys -nodeid node_ID

  To freeze a system (prevent groups from being brought online or switched on the system)

hasys -freeze [-persistent] [-evacuate] system
The option -persistent enables the freeze to be "remembered" when the cluster is rebooted. Note that the cluster configuration must be in read/write mode and must be saved to disk (dumped) to enable the freeze to be remembered.
The option -evacuate fails over the system's active service groups to another system in the cluster before the freeze is enabled.

  To unfreeze a frozen system (reenable onlining and switching of service groups)

hasys -unfreeze [-persistent] system
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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation