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Product: Cluster Server Guides   
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide   

Basic Configuration Operations

Commands listed in the following sections permanently affect the configuration of the cluster. If the cluster is brought down with the command hastop -all or made read-only, the file and other configuration files written to disk reflect the updates.

Specifying Values Preceded by a Dash (-)

When specifying values in a command-line syntax, you must prefix values beginning with a dash (-) with a percentage sign (%). If a value begins with a percentage sign, you must prefix it with another percentage sign. (The initial percentage sign is stripped by HAD and does not appear in the configuration file.)

The -modify Option

Most configuration changes are made using the -modify options of the commands haclus, hagrp, hares, hasys, and hatype. Specifically, the -modify option of these commands changes the attribute values stored in the VCS configuration file. By default, all attributes are global, meaning that the value of the attribute is the same for all systems.

Note   Note    VCS must be in read/write mode before you can change the configuration.
For instructions, see Setting the Configuration to Read/Write.

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Product: Cluster Server Guides  
Manual: Cluster Server 4.1 User's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation