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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration   

Phase 1 - Checking System Requirements for New Node

Verify the new nodes joining the cluster meet all of the requirements for installing and using SFRAC.

    Checkmark  The new node must have the identical operating system and patch level as the existing nodes.

    Checkmark  Use a text window of 80 columns (minimum) by 24 lines (minimum); 80 columns by 24 lines is the recommended size for the optimum display of the installsfrac script.

    Checkmark  Verify the /etc/fstab file contains only valid entries, each of which specifies a file system to mount.

Phase 2 - Physically Adding a New Node to the Cluster

The new node must have the identical operating system and patch level as the existing nodes. When you physically add the new node to the cluster, make sure the node is connected to the same shared storage devices as the existing nodes and has private network connections to two independent switches for the cluster. Refer to the VERITAS Cluster Server Installation Guide.

After installing SFRAC on the new node and starting VxVM, the new node can access the same shared storage devices (including coordinator disks). If the new node does not see the same disks as the existing nodes, the new node cannot join the cluster, as indicated by a CVM error on the console.

Phase 3 - Installing SFRAC on the New Node

Phase 3 consists of checking requirements for installing SFRAC and performing the installation.

Checking the New Node for Installation

  1. Log in as root user to a cluster node or a remote node in the same subnet as the cluster.
  2. Insert the VERITAS software disc into the CD drive and determine the appropriate CD-ROM device:
      # ioscan -fn -C disk

    For example, the listing may indicate the block device of the CD-ROM drive is /dev/dsk/c0t0d0; make a note of the device file as it applies to your system.

  3. If necessary, create a directory under which to mount the software disc and mount the disc:
      # mkdir -p /cdrom
      # mount –F cdfs /dev/dsk/c0t0d0 /cdrom
    Note   Note    VERITAS advises using the -F cdfs option for the mount command.

    Alternately, you can mount the disc using Portable File System (PFS):

    • Check whether the PFS daemons are running:

    •     # ps -ef | grep pfs_mountd
    • If the daemons are running, look for output resembling the example below:

    •     # ps -ef | grep pfs
           root 17796 17795 0 Mar 23 ? 5:51 pfsd.rpc
           root 17794 17793 0 Mar 23 ? 0:00 pfs_mountd.rpc
           root 17795     1 0 Mar 23 ? 0:00 pfsd
           root 17793     1 0 Mar 23 ? 0:00 pfs_mountd
    • If the daemons are not running, start them:

    •     # nohup pfs_mountd &
          # nohup pfsd &
    • If necessary, create a directory under which to mount the software disc:

    •     # mkdir -p /cdrom
    • Mount the CD-ROM. For example, to mount the CD-ROM to the /cdrom mount point, type:

    •     # /usr/sbin/pfs_mount -o iso /dev/dsk/c0t0d0 /cdrom

        /dev/dsk/c0t0d0 is the block device file of the drive.

  4. Verify the mounting process:
      # mount

    In the output, look for a line that resembles the example below:

    /cdrom on slias15:/cdrom ro,nointr,retrans=3,timeo=7,
    wsize=2048,proto=udp on Wed Mar 23 14:28:37 2005
  5. Navigate to the /cdrom folder containing the installsfrac script:
      # cd /cdrom/storage_foundation_for_oracle_rac
  6. Run the installsfrac script with the precheck option to verify the current operating system level, patch level, licenses, and disk space are adequate for a successful installation:
      # ./installsfrac -precheck saturn

    The precheck function of the utility proceeds without user interaction. Upon completion, the utility displays the results of the verification and saves the results in a log file.

    If the verification is successful, proceed to the next section to run installsfrac with the -installonly option. If the precheck function indicates a requirement for licensing, add the license when running the installation utility. The precheck function may prompt you for other requirements.

Installing SFRAC on New Node Without Configuration

  1. On the new node, use the -installonly option to install SFRAC without performing configuration:
      # ./installsfrac -installonly 

    The new node will use the configuration from the existing cluster nodes.

  2. Enter the name of the new node.
  3. After the script performs initial checks, confirm to start the installation.
  4. Review the output as the script checks for the presence of infrastructure component packages, VRTScpi and VRTSvlic, and installs them if they are not present.
  5. Enter a license key if one is not present:
      Checking SFRAC license key on saturn .............. not licensed
      Enter a SFRAC license key for saturn: [?] XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XX
      Registering VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC PERMANENT
      key on saturn
      Do you want to enter another license key for saturn? [y,n,q,?]
      SFRAC licensing completed successfully.
  6. Review the output as the script lists the packages and patches to install and checks whether any of them are present on the node.
  7. After the script installs the packages and patches, note the location of the summary, log, and response files in the output.
    Note   Note    Ignore the message advising you to run installsfrac -configure. You must manually configure the new node joining the cluster.

Phase 4 - Running vxinstall

  1. To start VERITAS Volume Manager on the new node, use the vxinstall utility:
      # vxinstall
  2. VxVM uses license keys to control access. As you run the utility, answer "n" when prompted about licensing; you installed the appropriate license when you ran the installsfrac utility:
       Licensing information:
                System host ID: 0083119567
                Host type: ia64 hp server rx2600

      Are you prepared to enter a license key [y,n,q,?] (default: n)

      Volume Manager Installation
      Menu: VolumeManager/Install

       VxVM will use the following format to name disks on the host:

            <enclosure name>_<disk number>

    In the above format, <enclosure_name> is the logical name of the
    enclosure to which the disk belongs. VxVM assigns default
    enclosure names which can be changed according to the user

       Some examples would be:

            hitachi0_2 - second disk detected in enclosure 'hitachi0'
            enggdept_2 - second disk detected in enclosure 'enggdept'
            dgc1_1 - first disk detected in enclosure 'dgc1'
            jbod_1 - first disk detected in the jbod category

    For non-public loop disks (Ex. FC disks directly connected to
    the host or through hubs), you could choose to use the c#t#d#s#
    naming format.

      Do you want to use enclosure based names for all disks ?
      [y,n,q,?] (default: n)

       Populating VxVM DMP device directories ....
      Generating list of attached disk arrays ....

      Volume Manager Installation
      Menu: VolumeManager/Install/VolumeManager/Install

    The Volume Manager has detected the following categories of
    storage connected to your system:

       Enclosures:     Disk       OTHER_DISKS

      Hit RETURN to continue.

      Volume Manager Installation
      Menu: VolumeManager/Install/VolumeManager/Install

    You will now be asked if you wish to use Quick Installation or
    Custom Installation. Custom Installation allows you to select
    how the Volume Manager will handle the installation of each disk
    attached to your system.

      Quick Installation examines each disk attached to your system and
      attempts to create volumes for all non-LVM and non-root disks.

    If you want to exclude any devices from being seen by VxVM or
    not be multipathed by vxdmp then use the Prevent
    multipathing/Suppress devices from VxVM's view option, before
    you choose Custom Installation or Quick Installation.

    If you do not wish to use some disks with the Volume Manager, or
    if you wish to reinitialize some disks, use the Custom
    Installation option Otherwise, we suggest that you use the Quick
    Installation option.

      Hit RETURN to continue.

      Volume Manager Installation Options
      Menu: VolumeManager/Install/VolumeManager/Install

      1      Quick Installation
      2      Custom Installation
      3      Prevent multipathing/Suppress devices from VxVM's view

      ?      Display help about menu
      ??     Display help about the menuing system
      q      Exit from menus

      Select an operation to perform: 1

      Volume Manager Quick Installation
      Menu: VolumeManager/Install/VolumeManager/Install/QuickInstall

      Volume Manager Quick Installation
    Menu: VolumeManager/Install/VolumeManager/Install/

      Generating list of disks in disk array Disk....

      <excluding root disk c2t1d0s2>
      <excluding LVM disk c2t0d0>
      No disks were found in disk array Disk !
      Hit RETURN to continue.

      Volume Manager Quick Installation
    Menu: VolumeManager/Install/VolumeManager/Install/

      Generating list of disks in disk array OTHER_DISKS....


      Volume Manager Quick Installation For Disk Array OTHER_DISKS
      Menu: VolumeManager/Install/VolumeManager/Install/

    The Volume Manager has detected the following disks on disk
    array OTHER_DISKS:

       c4t0d0 c4t0d1 c4t0d2 c4t0d3 c4t0d4 c4t0d5 c4t0d6

    Initialize all non-LVM/non-root disks on this disk array ?
    (destroys data on these disks) [y,n,q,?] (default: n) y

    Are you sure ? (destroys data on these disks) [y,n,q,?]
    (default: n) y

    Volume Manager will now initialize all the disks on this disk

      Hit RETURN to continue.

      Volume Manager Quick Installation
    Menu: VolumeManager/Install/VolumeManager/Install/

      Use default disk names for these disks? [y,n,q,?] (default: y)

       The c4t0d0 disk will be given disk name disk01

       The c4t0d1 disk will be given disk name disk02

       The c4t0d2 disk will be given disk name disk03

       The c4t0d3 disk will be given disk name disk04

       The c4t0d4 disk will be given disk name disk05

       The c4t0d5 disk will be given disk name disk06

       The c4t0d6 disk will be given disk name disk07

      Hit RETURN to continue.

      Volume Manager Quick Installation
      Menu: VolumeManager/Install/VolumeManager/Install/QuickInstall

      The following is a summary of your choices.

       c4t0d0                disk01
       c4t0d1                disk02
       c4t0d2                disk03
       c4t0d3                disk04
       c4t0d4                disk05
       c4t0d5                disk06
       c4t0d6                disk07

      Is this correct [y,n,q,?] (default: y)

      The Volume Manager is now reconfiguring (partition phase)...

      Volume Manager: Initializing c4t0d0 as a new disk.

      Volume Manager: Initializing c4t0d1 as a new disk.

      Volume Manager: Initializing c4t0d2 as a new disk.

      Volume Manager: Initializing c4t0d3 as a new disk.

      Volume Manager: Initializing c4t0d4 as a new disk.

      Volume Manager: Initializing c4t0d5 as a new disk.

      Volume Manager: Initializing c4t0d6 as a new disk.

      The Volume Manager is now reconfiguring (initialization phase)...

      Volume Manager: Adding disk01 (c4t0d0) as a new disk.

      The Volume Daemon has been enabled for transactions.

      Volume Manager: Adding disk02 (c4t0d1) as a new disk.

      Volume Manager: Adding disk03 (c4t0d2) as a new disk.

      Volume Manager: Adding disk04 (c4t0d3) as a new disk.

      Volume Manager: Adding disk05 (c4t0d4) as a new disk.

      Volume Manager: Adding disk06 (c4t0d5) as a new disk.

      Volume Manager: Adding disk07 (c4t0d6) as a new disk.
      Starting the relocation daemon, vxrelocd.
  3. Decline to set up a disk group for the node:
    Do you want to setup a system wide default disk group? [y,n,q,?]
    (default: y) n
    The installation is successfully completed.
  4. Verify the daemons are up and running:
      # vxdisk list

    Make sure the output displays the shared disks without errors.

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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration  
VERITAS Software Corporation