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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration   

Phase 5 - Configuring LLT, GAB, VCSMM, ODM, and VXFEN Drivers

  1. On the new node, set the shared memory parameter using SAM; refer to the Oracle9i Installation Guide for details. The value of the shared memory parameter becomes effective when the system restarts.
  2. Edit the /etc/llthosts file on the existing nodes. Using vi or another text editor, add the line for the new node to the file. The file resembles:
      0 galaxy
      1 nebula
      2 saturn
  3. Copy the /etc/llthosts file from one of the existing nodes to the new node. The /etc/llthosts file must be identical on all cluster nodes.
  4. Create the /etc/llttab file on the new node. For example:
      set-node saturn
      set-cluster 7
      link eth0 eth0 - ether --
      link eth1 eth1 - ether --

    Except for the first line that refers to the node, the file resembles the /etc/llttab files on the existing nodes. The second line must be the same line on all nodes.

  5. Use vi or another text editor to create the /etc/gabtab file on the new node. The file resembles:
      /sbin/gabconfig -c -nN

    Where N represents the number of nodes in the cluster. For a three-node cluster, the value of N is 3.

  6. Edit the /etc/gabtab file on each of the existing nodes, changing the content to match the file on the new node.
  7. Set up the /etc/vcsmmtab and /etc/vxfendg files on the new node by copying them from one of the existing nodes:
      # scp galaxy:/etc/vcsmmtab /etc  
      # scp galaxy:/etc/vxfendg /etc
  8. Start LLT and GAB on the new node:
      # /sbin/init.d/llt start
      # /sbin/init.d/gab start
  9. On the new node, start the VXFEN, VCSMM, and LMX drivers. Use the following commands in this order:
      # /sbin/init.d/vxfen start
      # /sbin/init.d/vcsmm start
      # /sbin/init.d/lmx start
  10. On the new node, start the ODM driver. Use the following commands in this order:
      # kcmodule vxgms=loaded
      # kcmodule odm=loaded
      # /sbin/init.d/odm start
  11. On the new node, verify that the GAB port memberships are a, b, d, and o:
      # gabconfig -a
      GAB Port Memberships
      Port a gen    df204 membership 012
      Port b gen    df20d membership 012
      Port d gen    df20a membership 012
      Port o gen    df207 membership 012

Phase 6 - Configuring CVM

You can modify the VCS configuration by editing /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/ directly, using the VCS GUI (Cluster Manager), or using the command line, as illustrated in the following example. Refer to the VERITAS Cluster Server User's Guide for details on configuring VCS.

  1. On one of the existing nodes, check the groups dependent on the CVM service group:
      # hagrp -dep cvm
      Parent         Child          Relationship
      oradb1_grp     cvm            online local firm
      oradb2_grp     cvm            online local firm
  2. Enable write access to the VCS configuration:
      # haconf -makerw
  3. Add the new node to the cluster:
      # hasys -add saturn
  4. If the ClusterService service group is configured, add the new node to its system list and specify a failover priority of "2":
      # hagrp -modify ClusterService SystemList -add saturn 2
  5. If the ClusterService service group is configured, add the new node to its AutoStartList:
      # hagrp -modify ClusterService AutoStartList galaxy nebula saturn
  6. Add the new node to the cvm service group system list and specify a failover priority of "2":
      # hagrp -modify cvm SystemList -add saturn 2
  7. Add the new node to the cvm service group AutoStartList:
      # hagrp -modify cvm AutoStartList galaxy nebula saturn
  8. Add the new node and node ID (refer to the /etc/llthosts changes in step 2) to the cvm_cluster resource:
      # hares -modify cvm_clus CVMNodeId -add saturn 2
  9. If the IP resource is not part of the cvm service group, skip to the next step. If the IP is part of the cvm service group, add the new node to the IP resource:
      # hares -modify listener_ip Address -sys saturn
  10. If the listener name is the default name, skip this step. Otherwise, add the local listener name to the Netlsnr resource:
      # hares -modify LISTENER Listener listener_saturn -sys saturn
    Note   Note    You must similarly add the new node information for other VCS resources in case any additional resources exist.
  11. Save the new configuration to disk:
      # haconf -dump -makero
  12. On each of the existing nodes, enable the nodes to recognize the new node:
      # /opt/VRTS/bin/vxclustadm -m vcs -t gab reinit
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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration  
VERITAS Software Corporation