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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration   

Installing Oracle9i Release 2 Software

Install Oracle9i Release 2 on a shared disk or local hard disk on each node. After installing the Release 2 software, install the appropriate patches described later in the chapter

Method 1: Installing Oracle9i Release 2 on Cluster File System

The following procedure describes installing the Oracle9i Release 2 software on shared storage in a RAC environment. To install the Oracle9i Release 2 software locally on each node, see Method 2: Installing Oracle9i Release 2 on Local File System.

  1. Log in as root user.
  2. On the CVM master node, create a shared disk group:
      # vxdg -s init orabinvol_dg c2t3d1
  3. Create the volume in the shared group. For the Oracle9i Release2 binaries, make the volume 5000 MB:
      # vxassist -g orabinvol_dg make orabinvol 5000M
  4. Deport and import the disk group, and set the activation mode:
      # vxdg deport orabinvol_dg
      # vxdg -s import orabinvol_dg
      # vxvol -g orabinvol_dg startall
      # vxdg -g orabinvol_dg set activation=sw
  5. On the other nodes, enter:
      # vxdg -g orabinvol_dg set activation=sw
  6. On the CVM master node, create a VxFS file system on the shared volume on which to install the Oracle9i binaries. For example, create the file system on orabinvol:
      # mkfs -F vxfs -o largefiles /dev/vx/rdsk/orabinvol_dg/orabinvol
  7. On each node, create the mount point for the file system:
      # mkdir /oracle
  8. On each node, mount the file system using the device file for the block device:
      # mount -F vxfs -o cluster,largefiles
          /dev/vx/dsk/orabinvol_dg/orabinvol /oracle
  9. On each node, assign ownership of the Oracle directory to oracle:
      # chown -R oracle:dba /oracle
      # chmod 775 /oracle
  10. On the first node, insert Disk1 of the Oracle9i disks in the CD-ROM drive.
    1. Log in as root user.
    2. Determine the appropriate CD-ROM device:

    3.     # ioscan -fn -C disk

        For example, the listing may indicate the block device of the CD-ROM drive is /dev/dsk/c1t2d0; make a note of the device file as it applies to your system.

    4. Check whether the PFS (Portable File System) daemon is running:

    5.     # ps -ef | grep pfs_mountd

        If the daemon is running, look for output resembling the following example:

          root 2853 1825 0 14:49:31 pts/0 0:02 pfs_mountd
    6. If the daemon is not running, start it:

    7.     # nohup pfs_mountd &
          # nohup pfsd &
    8. If necessary, create a directory under which to mount the software disc:

    9.     # mkdir -p /cdrom
    10. Mount the CD-ROM. For example, to mount the CD-ROM to the mount point /cdrom, enter:

    11.     # /usr/sbin/pfs_mount -t rrip /dev/dsk/clt2d0 /cdrom

        /dev/dsk/c1t2d0 is the block device file of the drive.

    12. Verify the CD-ROM is mounted:

    13.     # mount

        In the output, look for a line that resembles the following example:

          /cdrom on /dev/dsk/c1t2d0 ro on Wed Feb 26 15:11:32 2003
  11. Log in as oracle user on each node.
  12. On each node, edit the .rhosts file to provide the other nodes access to the local system during the installation. Place a "+ +" character in the first line of the file. You can remove this permission after the installation is complete.
  13. On each node, create a directory for the installation of the Oracle9i binaries. For example:
      $ mkdir /oracle/VRT 
  14. On each node, set the following environment variables (the examples are for ksh):
      $ export ORACLE_BASE=/oracle
      $ export ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/VRT
      $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib
      $ export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin
  15. On the first node, set the DISPLAY variable.
    If you use the Bourne Shell (sh or ksh):

      $ DISPLAY=host:0.0;export DISPLAY
    If you use the C Shell (csh or tcsh):

      $ setenv DISPLAY host:0.0
  16. On the first node, run the Oracle9i runInstaller utility and follow the wizard:
      $ /cdrom/Disk1/runInstaller
    1. When runInstaller prompts you to run the /tmp/ script, make sure the script exists on each node before proceeding. If so, skip to step c.
    2. If the /tmp/ script does not exist on each node, copy it from the first node to each of the other cluster nodes.
    3. Run the /tmp/ script on each node.
    4. When the Cluster Node Selection dialog box appears, highlight the local node highlighted for installation.

    5. Note   Note    If the Node Selection dialog box does not appear, refer to Missing Dialog Box During Installation of Oracle9i Release 2.

        Since the installation of Oracle binaries takes place on CFS, make sure to select only one node in the Cluster Node Selection dialog box. This node is typically the node on which you are running the installer. Entering more than one node creates unnecessary additional installations. If you inadvertently enter more than one node in the Node Selection dialog box, allow the installations to complete rather than interrupt them.

    6. In the Available Products dialog box, select Oracle 9i Database
    7. In the Installation Types dialog box:
      • If you select Enterprise Edition or Standard Edition, select the Software Only installation option.
      • If you select Custom Installation, make sure to decline to build a database in the Create Database dialog box.
        • Refer to the Oracle9i Installation Guide for more information on using the utility.

    8. The installer prompts you to designate the location for the Oracle SRVM component. Refer to one of the following options:
    9. When prompted to specify the JDK home directory, enter the location of the jre binary. For example:

    10.     /opt/java1.3/jre

        The location for other versions of the binary may be different.

  17. When prompted by the installer, unmount the currently mounted disc.
    1. Log in as root user.
    2. Use the pfs_umount command. For example:

    3.     # pfs_umount /cdrom

        where /cdrom is the CD-ROM mount point. Remove the disc.

  18. If you must mount another disc to continue the installation of Oracle9i, proceed to step a below. Otherwise, skip to step 19.
    1. Insert the next disc in the CD-ROM drive.
    2. Mount the CD. For example, to mount the CD to the /cdrom mount point, type:

    3.     # /usr/sbin/pfs_mount -t rrip /dev/dsk/clt2d0 /cdrom
    4. Proceed with the Oracle9i installation.
    5. To unmount the disc, go back to step 17.
  19. When you complete installing Oracle9i Release 2 software, install the Oracle9i Release 2 patches; see Adding Oracle9i Release 2 Patches. If you are not installing patches, proceed to Linking to VERITAS Libraries.

Method 2: Installing Oracle9i Release 2 on Local File System

Use this procedure to install Oracle9i Release 2 on each node locally in a VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC environment:

  1. Log in as root user on one node.
  2. On one node, create a disk group:
      # vxdg init or_dg c0t1d1
  3. Create the volume in the group:
      # vxassist -g or_dg make or_vol 5000M

    For the Oracle9i Release 2 binaries, make the volume 5,000 MB.

  4. Create a VxFS file system on or_vol to install the Oracle9i binaries. For example:
      # mkfs -F vxfs -o largefiles /dev/vx/rdsk/or_dg/or_vol 
  5. Create the mount point for the file system:
      # mkdir /oracle
  6. Mount the file system using the device file for the block device:
      # mount -F vxfs /dev/vx/dsk/or_dg/or_vol /oracle
  7. Edit the /etc/fstab file and list the new file system. For example:
      /dev/vx/dsk/or_dg/or_vol /oracle vxfs delaylog 0 1
  8. Assign ownership of the Oracle directory to oracle:
      # chown -R oracle:dba /oracle
      # chmod 775 /oracle
  9. Repeat step 1 through step 8 on the other node.

    If the preinstallora script fails, error messages inform you of necessary corrective actions.

  10. On the first node, insert Disk1 of the Oracle9i discs in the CD-ROM drive.
    1. Log in as root user.
    2. Determine the appropriate CD-ROM device:

    3.     # ioscan -fn -C disk

        For example, the listing may indicate the block device for the CD-ROM drive is /dev/dsk/c1t2d0; make a note of the device file as it applies to your system.

    4. Check whether the PFS (Portable File System) daemon is running:

    5.     # ps -ef | grep pfs_mountd

        If the daemon is running, look for output resembling the following example:

          root 2853 1825 0 14:49:31 pts/0 0:02 pfs_mountd
    6. If the daemon is not running, start it:

    7.     # nohup pfs_mountd &
          # nohup pfsd &
    8. If necessary, create a directory under which to mount the software disc:

    9.     # mkdir -p /cdrom
    10. Mount the CD-ROM. For example, to mount the CD-ROM to the mount point /cdrom, type:

    11.     # /usr/sbin/pfs_mount -t rrip /dev/dsk/clt2d0 /cdrom

        /dev/dsk/c1t2d0 is the block device file for the drive.

    12. Verify the CD-ROM is mounted:

    13.     # mount

        In the output, look for a line that resembles:

          /cdrom on /dev/dsk/c1t2d0 ro on Wed Feb 26 15:11:32 2003
  11. Log in as oracle user on each node.
  12. On each node, edit the .rhosts file to provide the other node access to the local system during the installation. Place a "+ +" character in the first line of the file. You can remove this permission after the installation is complete.
  13. On each node, create a directory for the installation of the Oracle9i binaries:
      $ mkdir /oracle/VRT
  14. On each node, set the following environment variables:
      $ export ORACLE_BASE=/oracle
      $ export ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/VRT
      $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib
      $ export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin
  15. On the first node, set the DISPLAY variable.
    If you use the Bourne Shell (sh or ksh):

      $ DISPLAY=host:0.0;export DISPLAY
    If you use the C Shell (csh or tcsh):

      $ setenv DISPLAY host:0.0
  16. On the first node, run the Oracle9i runInstaller utility:
      $ /cdrom/Disk1/runInstaller
    1. When runInstaller prompts you to run the /tmp/ script, make sure the script exists on each node before proceeding. If it does, proceed to step c.
    2. If the /tmp/ script does not exist on each node, copy the script from the first node to each of the other cluster nodes.
    3. Run the /tmp/ script on each node.
    4. When the Node Selection dialog box appears, select all nodes for installation.

    5. Note   Note    If the Node Selection dialog box does not appear, refer to Missing Dialog Box During Installation of Oracle9i Release 2.
    6. In the Available Products dialog box, select Oracle 9i Database
    7. In the Installation Types dialog box:
      • If you select Enterprise Edition or Standard Edition, make sure to select the Software Only installation option.
      • If you select Custom Installation, decline to build a database in the Create Database dialog box.

    8. As the installer runs, it prompts you to designate the location for the Oracle SRVM component. Complete one of the following options:
    9. When prompted to specify the JDK Home Directory, enter the location of the jre binary. For example:

    10.     /opt/java1.3/jre.

        The location for other versions of the binary may be different.

  17. When prompted by the installer, unmount the currently mounted disc:
    1. Log in as root user.
    2. Use the pfs_umount command. For example:

    3.     # pfs_umount /cdrom

        where /cdrom is the CD-ROM mount point. Remove the disc.

  18. If you must mount another disc to continue the installation of Oracle9i, proceed to step a. Otherwise, skip to step 19.
    1. Insert the next disc in the CD-ROM drive.
    2. Mount the disc. For example, to mount the disc to the /cdrom mount point, enter:

    3.     # /usr/sbin/pfs_mount -t rrip /dev/dsk/clt2d0 /cdrom
    4. Continue with the Oracle9i installation.
  19. After installing Oracle9i Release 2 software, you can install the Oracle9i Release 2 patches; see Adding Oracle9i Release 2 Patches. If you do not need to install patches, proceed to Linking to VERITAS Libraries.
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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration  
VERITAS Software Corporation