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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration   

Troubleshooting Topics

The following troubleshooting topics have headings that indicate likely symptoms or that indicate procedures required for a solution.

Oracle User Must be Able to Read /etc/llttab File

Check the permissions of the /etc/llttab file; the oracle user must be allowed to read it.

Missing Dialog Box During Installation of Oracle9i Release 2

During installation of Oracle9i Release 2 using the runInstaller utility, if you choose the Enterprise Edition or Custom Install (with RAC option), a dialog box prompting you about the installation nodes should appear. If the dialog box fails to appear, exit the runInstaller utility and complete the following steps:

  1. On the cluster node, check for the VERITAS CM library.

    For PA clusters:

    • The 32-bit is located in /opt/nmapi/nmapi2/lib/.
    • The 64-bit is located in /opt/nmapi/nmapi2/lib/pa20_64.
    • For IA clusters:

    • The 32-bit is located in /opt/nmapi/nmapi2/lib/
    • The 64-bit is located in /opt/nmapi/nmapi2/lib/

  2. Start the VCSMM driver on both the nodes by entering:
      # /sbin/vcsmmconfig -c

Error When Starting an Oracle Instance

If the VCSMM driver (the membership module) is not configured, an error is displayed on starting the Oracle instance that resembles:

ORA-29702: error occurred in Cluster Group Operation

To start the driver, enter the following command:

/sbin/vcsmmconfig -c 

The command included in the /etc/vcsmmtab file enables the VCSMM driver to be started at system boot.

Instance Numbers Must be Unique (Error Code 205)

If you encounter error code 205 when the skgxnreg function fails (look in the Oracle trace files to find the error returned), make sure there is a unique instance number specified in the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/init${ORACLE_SID}.ora file on each node.

ORACLE_SID Must be Unique (Error Code 304)

If you encounter error code 304 when the skgxnreg function fails (look in the Oracle trace file to find the error returned), make sure that the ORACLE_SID environment variable specified during Oracle startup is unique on each node in your cluster. Also, make sure that the SID attribute for the Oracle resource in the is specified locally and is unique.

Oracle Log Files Show Shutdown Called Even When Not Shutdown Manually

The Oracle enterprise agent calls shutdown if monitoring of the Oracle/Netlsnr resources fails for some reason. On all cluster nodes, look at the following VCS and Oracle agent log files for any errors or status:


Set MLOCK Privilege for DBA User

If ASYNCH_IO errors occur during select and update queries on the Oracle database, the workaround involves setting the MLOCK privilege for the dba user:

  1. Give the MLOCK privilege to the dba group:
      # setprivgrp dba MLOCK
  2. Create the /etc/privgroup file and add the line:
      dba MLOCK
  3. Verify the availability of MLOCK privilege for the dba group:
      # /usr/bin/getprivgrp dba

File System Configured Incorrectly for ODM Shuts Down Oracle

Linking Oracle9i with the VERITAS ODM libraries provides the best file system performance. See Linking to VERITAS Libraries for instructions on creating the link and confirming that Oracle uses the libraries. Shared file systems in RAC clusters without ODM Libraries linked to Oracle9i may exhibit slow performance and are not supported.

If ODM cannot find the resources it needs to provide support for cluster file systems, it does not allow Oracle to identify cluster files and causes Oracle to fail at startup. Run the following command:

cat /dev/odm/cluster
cluster status: enabled

If the status is "enabled," ODM is supporting cluster files. Any other cluster status indicates that ODM is not supporting cluster files. Other possible values include:


ODM cannot yet communicate with its peers, but anticipates being able to eventually.


ODM cluster support has failed to initialize properly. Check console logs.


ODM is not supporting cluster files. If you think it should, check:

  • /dev/odm mount options in /etc/vfstab. If the "nocluster" option is being used, it can force the "disabled" cluster support state.
  • Make sure the VRTSgms (group messaging service) package is installed. Run the following command:
  • # /opt/VRTSvcs/bin/chk_sfrac_pkgs
  • The utility reports any missing required packages.

If /dev/odm is not mounted, no status can be reported.

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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration  
VERITAS Software Corporation