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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration   

Installing and Configuring Oracle9i: Overview

The procedures in this section assume you have already installed Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC 4.1. Installing Oracle9i in a VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC environment involves the following tasks:

    Checkmark  Creating a shared disk group and volume for the Oracle9i SRVM component.

    Checkmark  Installing Oracle9i Release 2 on either shared disks or a local disk.

    Checkmark  Installing the Patch 2 for Oracle9i Release 2.

    Checkmark  Manually link SFRAC libraries with Oracle.

Creating Shared Storage Location for the SRVM

The Oracle database requires configuring the Oracle Server Management (SRVM) component on a shared storage device. The SRVM component device stores information about the database server configuration.

Use a raw volume or a cluster file system for SRVM. This volume requires at least 200 MB.

Method 1: Creating a Separate Location for SRVM

The following procedures give details on creating a separate raw volume and file system for SRVM. If you would rather create a file system in the raw volume designated only for the SRVM component, refer to Method 2: Creating a Cluster File System for SRVM (Optional) below. For example, to create a 300 MB srvm_vol volume in the orasrv_dg shared disk group on the c2t3d1 disk, complete the following steps:

  1. From the CVM master node, create the shared disk group on the shared disk:
      # vxdg -s init orasrv_dg c2t3d1
  2. Create the volume in the shared disk group:
      # vxassist -g orasrv_dg make srvm_vol 300M
  3. Set the ownership and permissions for the volume:
      # vxedit -g orasrv_dg set user=oracle group=dba mode=660 srvm_vol
  4. Deport and import the disk group, and set the activation mode:
      # vxdg deport orasrv_dg
      # vxdg -s import orasrv_dg
      # vxvol -g orasrv_dg startall
      vxdg -g orasrv_dg set activation=sw
  5. On the other nodes, enter:
      # vxdg -g orasrv_dg set activation=sw

When you install Oracle9i, specify the name of the raw volume (/dev/vx/rdsk/orasrv_dg/srvm_vol). If you want to create a cluster file system for the SRVM component, proceed to the next section.

Method 2: Creating a Cluster File System for SRVM (Optional)

If desired, create a cluster file system for the component in the srvm_vol volume. To create the file system:

  1. On the CVM master node, create a VxFS file system for SRVM on the shared volume created for this purpose (see previous section). For example, create the file system on srvm_vol:
      # mkfs -F vxfs /dev/vx/rdsk/orasrv_dg/srvm_vol
  2. On each node, create the identical mount point for the file system:
      # mkdir /orasrv
  3. On each node, mount the file system using the device file for the block device:
    # mount -F vxfs -o cluster,largefiles
    /dev/vx/dsk/orasrv_dg/srvm_vol /orasrv
  4. On one of the nodes, create a file for ora_srvm that is at least 200 MB. For example, to create a file of 200 MB, enter:
      # cd /orasrv
      # prealloc ora_srvm 200000000
  5. After mounting the file system, change the ownership again on each of the nodes:
      # chown -R oracle:dba /orasrv
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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration  
VERITAS Software Corporation