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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration   

Using the installsfrac -configure Script to Configure SFRAC

Review this section to configure SFRAC using the installsfrac -configure utility; you can also configure SFRAC using the VERITAS product installer as described on .

Checking Requirements for Configuring Cluster

  1. Navigate to the folder containing the installsfrac -configure script:
      # cd /cdrom/storage_foundation_for_oracle_rac
  2. Start the script:
      # ./installsfrac -configure
  3. Enter the names of the nodes where you want to configure the software:

      Enter the system names separated by spaces on which to configure
      SFRAC: slpas06 slpas07 slpas08 slpas09
  4. Review the output as the script checks the operating system and patches on each node and verifies that the local node running the script can communicate with remote nodes:
      Verifying communication with slpas06 .......... ping successful
      Attempting remsh with slpas06 ................ remsh successful
      Attempting rcp with slpas06 .................... rcp successful
      Checking OS version on slpas06 .................. HP-UX B.11.23
      Checking VRTSdbac package ............... version 4.1 installed
      Checking for patch PHKL_31500 ....................... installed
      Checking for patch PHCO_32611 ....................... installed
      Checking for patch DiskQuota-Enh .................... installed
      Checking for patch FSLibEnh ......................... installed
      Checking for patch FSCmdsEnh ........................ installed
      Creating log directory on slpas09 ........................ Done

    At the conclusion of these checks, the script:

    • Creates a log called installsfracdate_time on each system in the directory /var/tmp. See Summary of Configuration for information about this log and other files created during installation.
    • Specifies the utilities it uses to communicate with remote systems (typically remsh and rcp).

  5. After verifying the license keys for SFRAC and additional features on each node, review the output as the script checks various response files and processes:
      Checking SFRAC processes on slpas06:

        Checking had process ....................... not running
        Checking hashadow process .................. not running
        Checking CmdServer process ..................... running

      SFRAC processes must be stopped completely before it can be
       configured by installsfrac.
    Do you want to stop SFRAC processes? [y,n,q] (y) y

        Killing CmdServer ................................. Done
        Checking notifier process .................. not running
        Checking odm driver ........................ not running
        Checking vcsmm driver .............. vcsmm module loaded
        Stopping vxfen driver ............................ Done
        Checking gab driver ................. gab module loaded
        Stopping gab driver .............................. Done
        Checking llt driver ................. llt module loaded
        Stopping llt driver .............................. Done

    SFRAC processes are stopped

Configuring Heartbeat Links, VxSS, Cluster Manager, and SMTP/SNMP Notification

  1. After reviewing the instructions on how to respond to the configuration questions, enter the unique cluster name and ID (see Cluster Configuration):
      To configure VCS for SFRAC the following is required:
        A unique Cluster name
        A unique Cluster ID number between 0-255
        Two or more NIC cards per system used for heartbeat links
      All systems are being configured to create one cluster
      Enter the unique cluster name: [?] racclus69
      Enter the unique Cluster ID number between 0-255: [b,?] 169
  2. Enter the details for private heartbeat links:
    1. When specifying the private heartbeat NICs for cluster nodes, note lan0 is typically the network interface card for public network only:

    2.      Discovering NICs on slpas06 ... discovered lan0 lan1 lan2
             lan3 lan4
            Enter the NIC for the first private heartbeat NIC on slpas06:
             [b,?] lan1
          Would you like to configure a second private heartbeat link?
           [y,n,q,b,?] (y)
      Enter the NIC for the second private heartbeat link on slpas06:
              [b,?] lan2
             Would you like to configure a third private heartbeat link?
             [y,n,q,b,?] (n)
            Are you using the same NICs for private heartbeat links on all
              systems? [y,n,q,b,?] (y)

      In this example,lan1 and lan2 are the private heartbeat NICs on all nodes. You may use NICs with different device names on some of the nodes. If necessary, indicate the NICs are different when prompted.

    3. Verify the information:

    4.         Cluster Name: racclus69
              Cluster ID Number: 169
              Private Heartbeat NICs for slpas06: link1=lan1 link2=lan2
              Private Heartbeat NICs for slpas07: link1=lan1 link2=lan2
              Private Heartbeat NICs for slpas08: link1=lan1 link2=lan2
              Private Heartbeat NICs for slpas09: link1=lan1 link2=lan2

            Is this information correct? [y,n,q] (y)
  3. After reviewing the information on VERITAS Security Services (VxSS), indicate whether or not to configure these services.

    • If you configure VxSS, view the output as the script checks the VRTSat package and enter the root broker when prompted.
    • If you decline to configure VxSS, enter the user name, password, and privilege information and confirm it.

  4. Enter the details for Cluster Manager (Web Console):
    1. Specify whether you want to configure Cluster Manager (Web Console). This configuration requires the name of a NIC device, a virtual IP address, and a net mask for use by each node:

    2.     The following information is required to configure Cluster
           A public NIC used by each system in the cluster
           A Virtual IP address and netmask for Cluster Manager
      One or more NetworkHosts IP addresses for connection

          Do you want to configure Cluster Manager (Web Console) [y,n,q]

        If you decline to configure the Web Console, proceed to step 10 to configure SMTP notification.

    3. Confirm whether you want to use the discovered public NIC on the first node:

    4.     Active NIC devices discovered on slpas06: lan0
      Enter the NIC for Cluster Manager (Web Console) to use on
      slpas06: [b,?](lan0)

          Is lan0 to be the public NIC used by all systems [y,n,q,b,?]
    5. Enter the virtual IP address for the Web Console:

    6.     Enter the Virtual IP address for Cluster Manager: [b,?]
    7. Confirm or enter the net mask:

    8.     Enter the netmask for IP [b,?] (
    9. Enter the NetworkHosts IP addresses:

    10. Enter the NetworkHosts IP addresses, separated by spaces:
    11. Verify the information on the Web Console:

    12.     Cluster Manager (Web Console) verification:
              NIC: lan0
          Is this information correct? [y,n,q] (y) 

        If the information is not correct, answer "n". The installer prompts you to enter the information again.

  5. Enter the details for SMTP notification:
    1. Specify whether you want to configure SMTP notification:

    2.     The following information is required to configure SMTP

            The domain-based hostname of the SMTP server
            The email address of each SMTP recipient
            A minimum severity level of messages to send to each

          Do you want to configure SMTP notification? [y,n,q] (y)

        If you decline to configure SMTP notification, proceed to step 11 to configure SNMP notification.

    3. Provide the details to configure SMTP notification:

    4.     Enter the domain-based hostname of the SMTP server
           (example: [b,?]
          Enter the full email address of the SMTP recipient
           (example: [b,?]
          Enter the minimum severity of events for which mail should be
           sent to  [I=Information, W=Warning,
           E=Error, S=SevereError]: [b,?] w
          Would you like to add another SMTP recipient? [y,n,q,b] (n) n
    5. Verify the summary information:

    6.     SMTP Address:
          Recipient: receives email for Warning or
           higher events

          Is this information correct? [y,n,q] (y)

        If the information is not correct, answer "n" and enter the information again.

  6. Enter the details for SNMP trap notification:
    1. Specify whether you want to configure SNMP notification:

    2.     The following information is required to configure SNMP

            System names of SNMP consoles to receive VCS trap messages
            SNMP trap daemon port numbers for each console
            A minimum severity level of messages to send to each

          Do you want to configure SNMP notification? [y,n,q] (y)

        If you decline to configure SNMP notification, proceed to step 13.

    3. Provide the details to configure SNMP trap notification:

    4.     Enter the SNMP trap daemon port: [b,?] (162)
          Enter the SNMP console system name: [b,?] saturn
          Enter the minimum severity of events for which SNMP traps
           should be sent to saturn [I=Information, W=Warning, E=Error,
           S=SevereError]: [b,?] i
          Would you like to add another SNMP console? [y,n,q,b] (n)
  7. Verify the summary information:
       SNMP Port: 162
       Console: saturn receives SNMP traps for Information or
         higher events

       Is this information correct? [y,n,q] (y)
    If the information is not correct, answer "n" and enter the information again.
  8. Enter the timeout interval for CVM:
      Enter Cluster Volume Manager cluster reconfiguration timeout
       (sec): (200)
    Refer to the VERITAS Volume Manager documentation for more information on CVM.

Starting VxVM and Specifying VxVM Information

  1. Disks on HP systems typically use device names, such as /dev/rdsk/c0t1d1, to identify disks on the system. You can choose to use the VM enclosure-based naming scheme, which makes disk arrays more readily recognizable. Most users do not choose this option.
      The enclosure-based naming scheme is a feature of Volume Manager.
       It allows one to reference disks using a symbolic name that is
       more meaningful than the operating system's normal device access
       name. This symbolic name is typically derived from the array
      Do you want to set up the enclosure-based naming scheme?
       [y,n,q,?] (n)

    If you want to set up the scheme, specify to do this for all eligible systems:

    Do you want to use the enclosure-based naming scheme for all of
    the eligible systems? [y,n,q,?] (y)

    Refer to the VERITAS Volume Manager documentation for details on this scheme.

  2. The script creates the Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC configuration files and copies them to each cluster node:
      Configuring Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC:
       Creating Cluster Server configuration files ............ Done
       Copying configuration files to slpas06 ................. Done
       Copying configuration files to slpas07 ................. Done
       Copying configuration files to slpas08 ................. Done
       Copying configuration files to slpas09 ................. Done

      Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC configured successfully.
  3. View the processes that Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC starts up:
      Starting SFRAC:

       Starting LLT on slpas06 .............................. Started
       Starting LLT on slpas06 .............................. Started
       Starting LLT on slpas08 .............................. Started
       Starting LLT on slpas09 .............................. Started
       Starting GAB on slpas06 .............................. Started
       Starting SFRAC drivers on slpas08 .................... Started
       Starting Cluster Server on slpas09 ................... Started
       Checking SFRAC drivers on slpas09 .................... Checked
       Starting SFRAC drivers on slpas09  ................... Started
       Confirming SFRAC startup ................... 4 systems RUNNING

    Note: The vxconfigd daemon will be started, which can take a
    while depending upon the hardware configuration.

       Disabling enclosure-based naming on slpas06 ............ Done
       Starting vxconfigd for VxVM on slpas06 .............. Started
       Disabling enclosure-based naming on slpas07 ............ Done
       Starting vxconfigd for VxVM on slpas07 .............. Started
      Starting vxfen in disabled mode on target systems...
        Starting vxfen on slpas06 ............................. Done
        Starting vxfen on slpas07 ............................. Done
        Starting vxfen on slpas08 ............................. Done
        Starting vxfen on slpas09 ............................. Done
    Done with starting vxfen on target systems...

      Starting glm on slpas06 ........ Starting Cluster and Agents on
       Starting glm on slpas07 ....... Starting Cluster and Agents on
       Starting glm on slpas08 ....... Starting Cluster and Agents on
       Starting glm on slpas06 ....... Starting Cluster and Agents on

      Configuring CFS agents for SFRAC:

    Confirming VxVM configuration daemons startup ............................................. All systems Enabled
    Starting CFS agents ......................................................... Started

    The script prompts you to reboot the nodes with the /usr/sbin/shutdown -r now command.

  4. If applicable, set up the default disk group. Because some VxVM commands require that a disk group be specified, the installer enables you to register the name of a default VxVM disk group (which you can create later) on each eligible node:
      Many Volume Manager commands affect the contents or configuration
     of a disk group. Such commands require that the user specify a
     disk group. This is accomplished by using the -g option of a
     command or setting the VXVM_DEFAULTDG environment variable. An
     alternative to these two methods is to configure the default disk
     group of a system.

    Do you want to set up a system wide default disk group?
    [y,n,q,?] (y) y

     Which disk group? [<group>,list,q,?] xyz_dg
  5. If you specified setting up a default disk group, review the setup output:
      Volume Manager default disk group setup and daemon startup

       Setting default diskgroup to xyz_dg on slpas06 ......... Done
       Starting vxrelocd on slpas06 ........................ Started
       Starting vxcached on slpas06 ........................ Started
       Starting vxconfigbackupd on slpas06 ................. Started

Summary of Configuration

Review the final output:

Configuration of Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC 4.1 has 
completed successfully.
The configuration summary is saved at:
The installsfrac log is saved at:

The summary and log files contain the date as part of their names. The script also notes that the VCS cvm service group remains in a FAULTED state until you configure the coordinator disks as described on .

At this point, running the gabconfig -a command on all nodes enables you see ports a, d, h, and o for GAB membership.

For example:

gabconfig -a
GAB Port Memberships
Port a gen  ada401   membership 0123
Port d gen  ada409   membership 0123
Port h gen  ada407   membership 0123
Port 0 gen  ada406   membership 0123
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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration  
VERITAS Software Corporation