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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration   

Configuring the Cluster and Optional Features

Configuring the cluster involves setting up optional features including VCS Cluster Manager (Web Console), SMTP notification, and SNMP trap notification. Use either of the following tools to start the configuration phase:

Mounting the VERITAS SFRAC Disc and Configuring VxSS

  1. Log in as root user to a cluster node or a remote node in the same subnet as the cluster nodes.
  2. Insert the VERITAS software disc into the CD drive and determine the appropriate CD-ROM device:
      # ioscan -fn -C disk

    For example, the listing may indicate the block device of the CD-ROM drive is /dev/dsk/c0t0d0; make a note of the device file as it applies to your system.

  3. If necessary, create a directory under which to mount the software disc and mount the disc:
      # mkdir -p /cdrom
      # mount –F cdfs /dev/dsk/c0t0d0 /cdrom
    Note   Note    VERITAS advises using the -F cdfs option for the mount command.

    Alternately, you can mount the disc using Portable File System (PFS):

    • Check whether the PFS daemons are running:

    •     # ps -ef | grep pfs_mountd
    • If the daemons are running, look for output resembling the example below:

    •     # ps -ef | grep pfs
           root 17796 17795 0 Mar 23 ? 5:51 pfsd.rpc
           root 17794 17793 0 Mar 23 ? 0:00 pfs_mountd.rpc
           root 17795     1 0 Mar 23 ? 0:00 pfsd
           root 17793     1 0 Mar 23 ? 0:00 pfs_mountd
    • If the daemons are not running, start them:

    •     # nohup pfs_mountd &
          # nohup pfsd &
    • If necessary, create a directory under which to mount the software disc:

    •     # mkdir -p /cdrom
    • Mount the CD-ROM. For example, to mount the CD-ROM to the /cdrom mount point, type:

    •     # /usr/sbin/pfs_mount -o iso /dev/dsk/c0t0d0 /cdrom

        /dev/dsk/c0t0d0 is the block device file of the drive.

  4. Verify the mounting process:
        # mount

    In the output, look for a line that resembles the example below:

    /cdrom on slias15:/cdrom ro,nointr,retrans=3,timeo=7,
    wsize=2048,proto=udp on Wed Mar 23 14:28:37 2005
  5. Install the root broker only if you plan on configuring VERITAS Security Services (VxSS); refer to the VERITAS Cluster Server User's Guide for details on the root broker and VxSS. VERITAS recommends that you install the root broker on a stable system outside the cluster:
    1. Navigate to the location of the script:

    2.   # cd cluster_server
        # ./installvcs -security
    3. Enter "3" to install VxSS root broker.
    4. After reviewing the VxSS information, agree to install the VERITAS Authentication Service in R+AB mode.
    5. Enter the system on which to install the Authentication Service.
    6. Review the output as the script verifies system and installation requirements, and installs the Authentication Service.
    7. Review the output at the end of the installation and note the locations of the summary and log files that contain the date as part of their names.

Using the VERITAS Product Installer to Configure SFRAC

Review this section to configure SFRAC using the VERITAS product installer. This tool offers a high-level approach to configuring VERITAS products. If you prefer a more direct approach to specifically configuring SFRAC, skip this section and proceed to Using the installsfrac Script to Install SFRAC.

  1. Navigate to the directory containing the installer program:
      # cd /cdrom
  2. Start the product installer:
      # ./installer
  3. Enter "c" to select the "Configure an Installed Product" option.
  4. Select "VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC" in the product list.
  5. After viewing the copyright message, proceed to step 3 of Verifying Installation Requirements to continue the configuration.
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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration  
VERITAS Software Corporation