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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration   

Using the installsfrac Script to Install SFRAC

Review this section to install SFRAC using the installsfrac utility; you can also install SFRAC using the VERITAS product installer as described on .

Verifying Installation Requirements

  1. Navigate to the folder containing the installsfrac script:
      # cd /cdrom/storage_foundation_for_oracle_rac
  2. Start installsfrac:
      # ./installsfrac
  3. Enter the names of the nodes where you want to install the software:

      Enter the system names separated by spaces on which to install
      SFRAC: slpas06 slpas07 slpas08 slpas09
  4. Review the output as the script checks the operating system and patches on each node and verifies that the local node running the script can communicate with remote nodes:
      Verifying communication with slpas06 .......... ping successful
      Attempting remsh with slpas06 ................ remsh successful
      Attempting rcp with slpas06 .................... rcp successful
      Checking OS version on slpas06 .................. HP-UX B.11.23
      Checking VRTSdbac package ....................... not installed
      Checking for patch PHKL_31500 ....................... installed
      Checking for patch PHCO_32611 ....................... installed
      Checking for patch DiskQuota-Enh .................... installed
      Checking for patch FSLibEnh ......................... installed
      Checking for patch FSCmdsEnh ........................ installed
      Creating log directory on slpas09 ........................ Done

    At the conclusion of these checks, the script:

    • Creates a log called installsfracdate_time on each system in the directory /var/tmp. See Summary of Configuration for information about this log and other files created during installation.
    • Specifies the utilities it uses to communicate with remote systems (typically remsh and rcp).

  5. Review the output as the utility checks whether the VERITAS infrastructure packages, VRTScpi and VRTSvlic, are present on each node.
      Installing VERITAS Infrastructure packages on slpas06:

        Checking VRTScpi package ...................... not installed
        Checking VRTSvlic package ..................... not installed
        Checking file system space ...... required space is available
        Installing VRTScpi 4.1 on slpas06 ...................... Done
        Installing VRTSvlic 3.02.006c on slpas06 ............... Done

    • If the VRTSvlic package is not present, the utility installs it on each node after checking for sufficient disk space.
    • If the VRTSvlic package is not the current version, the utility prompts you to upgrade the package to the current version. The utility exits if you decline to upgrade the package.
    • If the VRTScpi package is not present, the utility installs it on each node.

  6. Enter the license key for VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC. You can also enter keys for additional product features:
      SFRAC Licensing Verification:

      Checking SFRAC license key on slpas06 ............ not licensed
    Enter a SFRAC license key for slpas06: [?]

    Registering VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC PERMANENT
    key on slpas06

      Do you want to enter another license key for slpas06? [y,n,q,?]

      Checking SFRAC license key on slpas07 ............ not licensed

      Do you want to enter another license key for slpas09? [y,n,q,?]
      SFRAC licensing completed successfully.
  7. View the list of packages to install on each node:
     installer will install the following SFRAC packages:
     VRTSperl     VERITAS Perl 5.8.0 Redistribution
     VRTSob       VERITAS Enterprise Administrator Service
     VRTSobgui    VERITAS Enterprise Administrator
     VRTSat       VERITAS Authentication Service
     VRTSvxvm     VERITAS Volume Manager Binaries
     VRTSalloc    VERITAS Volume Manager Intelligent Storage
     VRTSvmpro    VERITAS Volume Manager Management Services Provider
     VRTSddlpr    VERITAS Device Discovery Layer Services Provider
     VRTSfspro    VERITAS File System Management Services Provider
     VRTSvmdoc    VERITAS Volume Manager Documentation
     VRTSvxfs     VERITAS File System
     VRTSfsman    VERITAS File System Manual Pages
     VRTSfsdoc    VERITAS File System Documentation
     VRTSap       VERITAS Action Provider
     VRTStep      VERITAS Task Provider
     VRTSllt      VERITAS Low Latency Transport
     VRTSgab      VERITAS Group Membership and Atomic Broadcast
     VRTSvxfen    VERITAS I/O Fencing
     VRTSvcs      VERITAS Cluster Server
     VRTSvcsag    VERITAS Cluster Server Bundled Agents
     VRTSvcsmg    VERITAS Cluster Server Message Catalogs
     VRTSvcsmn    VERITAS Cluster Server Man Pages
     VRTSvcsdc    VERITAS Cluster Server Documentation
     VRTSjre      VERITAS Java Runtime Environment Redistribution
     VRTScutil    VERITAS Cluster Utilities
     VRTScscm     VERITAS Cluster Server Cluster Manager
     VRTSweb      VERITAS Java Web Server
     VRTSvcsw     VERITAS Cluster Manager (Web Console)
     VRTScscw     VERITAS Cluster Server Configuration Wizards
     VRTScssim    VERITAS Cluster Server Simulator
     VRTSglm      VERITAS Group Lock Manager
     VRTScavf     VERITAS Cluster Server Agents for Cluster File
    VRTSdbac VERITAS Oracle Real Application Cluster Support

     VRTSgms      VERITAS Group Messaging Services
     VRTSodm      VERITAS Oracle Disk Manager
     VRTSdbckp    VERITAS Storage Foundation Checkpoint Scripts
     VRTSormp     VERITAS Storage Mapping Services for Oracle Database
     VRTSvcsor    VERITAS Cluster Server Oracle Enterprise Extension
     VRTScsocw    VERITAS Cluster Server Oracle 9i RAC Wizard
     VRTSvxmsa    VERITAS Mapping Service, Application Libraries
  8. Review and respond to the script as it verifies system requirements.

    • The utility determines if any of the packages to install are already installed.
    • The utility checks for the required file system space.
    • The utility checks for the presence of processes that could conflict with the installation.
    • If requirements for installation are not met, the utility stops and indicates the actions required to proceed with the process:

        Checking system installation requirements:

        Checking SFRAC installation requirements on slpas06:

          Checking VRTSperl package ..................... not installed
          Checking VRTSob package ....................... not installed
          Checking VRTSobgui package .................... not installed
          Checking VRTSvxvm package ..................... not installed
          Checking VRTSalloc package .................... not installed
          Checking lmx driver ............................. not running
          Checking vxglm driver ........................... not running
          Checking vxfen driver ........................... not running
          Checking gab driver ............................. not running
          Checking llt driver ............................. not running

        Installation requirement checks completed successfully.

installer: Installing Packages

  1. After the installer checks for system and installation requirements, choose to install SFRAC packages simultaneously or consecutively on each node:
      SFRAC can be installed on systems consecutively or
    simultaneously. Installing on systems consecutively takes more
    time but allows for better error handling.

    Would you like to install Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC on
    all systems simultaneously? [y,n,q,?] (y)
  2. Verify the installation process completes successfully. This step usually takes about 20 minutes on a 2 GB machine with two CPUs:
    Installing Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC 4.1 on all systems

       Installing VRTSperl 4.0.11 on slpas07 ..... Done 1 of 168 steps
       Installing VRTSperl 4.0.12 on slpas06 ....  Done 2 of 168 steps
       Installing VRTSperl 4.0.12 on slpas09 ..... Done 3 of 168 steps
       Installing VRTSperl 4.0.12 on slpas08 ..... Done 4 of 168 steps
       Installing VRTSob 3.2.532.0 on slpas06 .... Done 5 of 168 steps
       Installing VRTScsocw 4.1 on slpas09 ..... Done 165 of 168 steps
       Installing VRTScsocw 4.1 on slpas07 ..... Done 166 of 168 steps
    Installing VRTSvxmsa 4.2.1-REV=build218_2004.10.29 on slpas09
    ........................................ Done 167 of 168 steps

    Installing VRTSvxmsa 4.2.1-REV=build218_2004.10.29 on slpas07
    ........................................ Done 168 of 168 steps

      Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC installation completed

Summary of Installation

Review the output at the end of the installation:

Installation of Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC 4.1 has
completed successfully.
The installation summary is saved at:
The installsfrac log is saved at:

Note that the summary and log files contain the date as part of their names. The script also prompts you to reboot the nodes using the /usr/sbin/shutdown -r now command before proceeding to configure SFRAC.

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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration  
VERITAS Software Corporation