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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide   

Removing Capacity Planning Schedules

Use the GUI, the VxDBA utility, or the Storage Checkpoint Capacity Planning utility to remove Capacity Planning schedules at any time. You do not need to wait until the expiration date that you supplied when creating a schedule.

Usage Notes

  • The Storage Checkpoint Capacity Planning utility stores the space-usage information it collects during the schedule duration in the log file /etc/vx/vxdba/logs/planxxxxx.out (where xxxxx is the schedule ID number). This space-usage information remains available to you in the log file even after the schedule is removed.
  • During the schedule-removal operation, you are asked if you want to remove the Storage Checkpoints that were created by the Storage Checkpoint Capacity Planning utility during the schedule duration. If you answer no (n) to this question, you can remove the associated Storage Checkpoints manually at a later time using the VxDBA utility. See Removing Storage Checkpoints for more information.

  To remove Capacity Planning schedules using the VxDBA Utility

From the Storage Checkpoint Capacity Planning menu, type 4 to select Remove Capacity Planning Schedules:


Click the thumbnail above to view full-sized image.

The Storage Checkpoint Capacity Planning utility displays all the existing Storage Checkpoint Capacity Planning schedules, so that you can remove a particular schedule, a range of schedules, or all schedules.

For information on removing Capacity Planning schedules using the GUI, see Creating Capacity Planning Schedules.


To remove the Quick Planning Schedule you created in Creating Capacity Planning Schedules, type 4 on the Storage Checkpoint Capacity Planning menu:

VxDBA: Remove Capacity Planning Schedules

 ID Start Date  End Date    Schedule Summary
-- ----------- ---------- ----------------------------------------
1 2001-12-15 2001-12-15   Daily at 1 a.m.

Do you want to delete any of these Capacity Planning schedules?
[y,n,q,?] (default: y) y

Enter a schedule number or a range of numbers to delete.
You can also enter 'all' to remove the entire list of
Capacity Planning schedules. [<number>,<number>-<number>,all,q] 1

 ID Start Date  End Date    Schedule Summary
-- ----------- ---------- ----------------------------------------
1 2001-12-15 2001-12-15   Daily at at 1 a.m.

 Do you want to delete schedule #1? [y,n,q,?] y

Do you want to remove the Storage Checkpoints created by
Capacity Planning schedule #1? [y,n,q,?] (default: y) y

Generating the output '/etc/vx/vxdba/logs/plan00001.out', please
Removed schedule '00001' successfully.

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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation