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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide   

Creating Capacity Planning Schedules

The VERITAS Storage Foundation GUI and the Storage Checkpoint Capacity Planning utility prompt you through the entire schedule-creation process.


  • You must have the appropriate permissions to create and execute a cron job to create Capacity Planning schedules.
  • For more information on setting up and using cron, see the cron(1) and crontab(1) manual pages.

  To create Capacity Planning schedules using the VxDBA utility

  1. From the Storage Checkpoint Capacity Planning menu, type 1 to select Create Capacity Planning Schedules: :

    Click the thumbnail above to view full-sized image.

  2. Select the type of schedule you want to create:

    Click the thumbnail above to view full-sized image.

    Select from the following operations:

    Operation Description

    Create Quick Planning Schedule

    Creates a schedule for the VxFS file systems associated with the current database instance's datafiles.

    Create Custom Planning Schedule

    Creates a schedule for the VxFS file systems listed in a user-supplied list file.

    Create Complete Planning Schedule

    Creates a schedule for all VxFS file systems on the host.

  3. Supply the schedule-creation information when prompted. When you finish entering the schedule information, the Storage Checkpoint Capacity Planning utility displays the schedule you created and lets you confirm or edit it.


To create a Quick Planning Schedule, type 1 on the Create Capacity Planning Schedules menu:

VxDBA: Create Quick Planning Schedule

NOTICE: To correctly create schedule on current database instance,
you must have up-to-date tablespace information stored in VxDBA's

 Are you certain the tablespace information is up-to-date? [y,n,q,?] y

How often do you want to create Storage Checkpoints?
[d(daily),w(specify days of week),m(specify days of month),q]
(default: d) d

Specify the hours of the day to create Storage Checkpoints,
where 00 is midnight and 23 is 11:00 p.m..
Use ',' to separate multiple entries. [00-23,q] (default: 00) 01

On what date do you want to start this Capacity Planning schedule?
[yyyy-mm-dd,q] (default: 2001-12-10) 2001-12-15

On what date do you want to end this Capacity Planning schedule?
[yyyy-mm-dd,q] (default: 2001-12-10) 2001-12-15

Do you want to remove all Storage Checkpoints created when
this Capacity Planning schedule ends? [y,n,q,?] (default: y) y

 You created the following schedule for Capacity Planning:

  Start date: 2001-12-15 End date: 2001-12-15
  You set the remove Storage Checkpoints option to: 'y'
You specified Storage Checkpoints are to be created as follows:

  On the following hour(s) of the day:  (1 a.m.)

Press <Return> to confirm this schedule, 'm' to modify
the schedule, or 'q' to quit. [<Return>,m,q] <Return>

Press <Return> to activate this schedule, 'a' to add a new
schedule, or 'q' to quit. [<Return>,a,q]? <Return>

For information on creating capacity planning schedules using the GUI, see Creating Capacity Planning Schedules.

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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation