
This manual, the Sun StorEdgetrademark QFS and Sun StorEdge SAM-FS File System Administration Guide, describes the file system software included in the Sun StorEdge QFS and Sun StorEdge SAM-FS 4.2 releases. The software products and the file systems they include are as follows:

Note - You can purchase licenses for both Sun StorEdge QFS and Sun StorEdge SAM-FS software with the intent to run the Sun StorEdge QFS file system with the storage and archive manager found in the Sun StorEdge SAM-FS software. Such a system is referred to as Sun SAM-QFS.

This manual does not call out the Sun SAM-QFS configuration unless it is necessary for clarity. In this manual, you can assume that references to Sun StorEdge SAM-FS also apply to Sun SAM-QFS configurations when talking about storage and archive management. Likewise, you can assume that references to Sun StorEdge QFS also apply to Sun SAM-QFS configurations when talking about file system design and capabilities.

The Sun StorEdge QFS and Sun StorEdge SAM-FS file systems are technologically similar, but within this manual, differences are noted when necessary.

The Sun StorEdge QFS and Sun StorEdge SAM-FS 4.2 releases are supported on the following minimum Sun Solaristrademark Operating System (OS) platform levels.

TABLE P-1 Minimum Sun Solaris OS Platform Levels


Minimum Platform Levels

Sun StorEdge QFS

Solaris 8 07/01

Solaris 9 04/03

Sun StorEdge SAM-FS

Solaris 8 07/01

Solaris 9 04/03

Sun StorEdge QFS in a Sun Cluster environment

Solaris 8 02/02

Solaris 9 04/03

This manual is written for system administrators responsible for installing, configuring, and maintaining Sun StorEdge QFS and Sun StorEdge SAM-FS file systems. You, the system administrator, are assumed to be knowledgeable about Solaris OS procedures, including installation, configuration, creating accounts, performing system backups, and other basic Solaris OS system administration tasks.

How This Book Is Organized

This manual contains the following chapters:

The glossary defines terms used in this and other Sun StorEdge QFS and Sun StorEdge SAM-FS documentation.

Using UNIX Commands

This document does not contain information on basic UNIX® commands and procedures such as shutting down the system, booting the system, and configuring devices. Refer to one or more of the following for this information:

Shell Prompts

TABLE P-2 shows the shell prompts that this manual uses.

TABLE P-2 Shell Prompts



C shell


C shell superuser


Bourne shell and Korn shell


Bourne shell and Korn shell superuser


Typographic Conventions

TABLE P-3 lists the typographic conventions used in this manual.

TABLE P-3 Typographic Conventions

Typeface or Symbol




The names of commands, files, and directories; on-screen computer output.

Edit your .login file.

Use ls -a to list all files.

% You have mail.


What you type, when contrasted with on-screen computer output.

% su



Book titles; new words or terms; words to be emphasized; and command line variables to be replaced with a real name or value.

Read Chapter 6 in the User's Guide.

These are called class options.

You must be root to do this.

To delete a file, type rm filename.

[ ]

In syntax, brackets indicate that an argument is optional.

scmadm [-d sec] [-r n[:n][,n]...] [-z]

{ arg | arg }

In syntax, braces and pipes indicate that one of the arguments must be specified.

sndradm -b { phost | shost }


At the end of a command line, the backslash (\) indicates that the command continues on the next line.

atm90 /dev/md/rdsk/d5 \

/dev/md/rdsk/d1 atm89

Related Documentation

This manual is part of a set of documents that describes the operations of the Sun StorEdge QFS and Sun StorEdge SAM-FS software products. TABLE P-4 shows the complete release 4.2 documentation set for these products.

TABLE P-4 Related Documentation


Part Number

Sun SAM-Remote Administration Guide


Sun QFS, Sun SAM-FS, and Sun SAM-QFS Disaster Recovery Guide


Sun StorEdge QFS and Sun StorEdge SAM-FS File System Administration Guide


Sun StorEdge QFS and Sun StorEdge SAM-FS Software Installation and Configuration Guide


Sun StorEdge SAM-FS Storage and Archive Management Guide


Sun StorEdge QFS and Sun StorEdge SAM-FS 4.2 Release Notes


Accessing Sun Documentation Online

The Sun StorEdge QFS and Sun StorEdge SAM-FS software distribution includes PDF files for the documents for these products. You can view these PDF files from the following locations:

This web site contains documentation for many storage software products.

a. To access this web site, go to the following URL:

The Storage Software page is displayed.

b. Click on the appropriate link from the following list:

This web site contains documentation for the Solaris OS and many other Sun software products.

a. To access this web site, go to the following URL:

The page is displayed.

b. Find the documentation for your product by searching for one of the following products in the search box:

Third-Party Web Sites

Sun is not responsible for the availability of third-party web sites mentioned in this document. Sun does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content, advertising, products, or other materials that are available on or through such sites or resources. Sun will not be responsible or liable for any actual or alleged damage or loss caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any such content, goods, or services that are available on or through such sites or resources.

Contacting Sun Technical Support

If you have technical questions about this product that are not answered in this document, go to the following web site:


For information on obtaining licenses for Sun StorEdge QFS and Sun StorEdge SAM-FS software, contact your Sun sales representative or your authorized service provider (ASP).


The Sun StorEdge QFS and Sun StorEdge SAM-FS software includes the samexplorer(1M) script. This diagnostic script can be very useful to you and to the Sun customer support staff. This script produces a diagnostic report of the server configuration and collects log information. After the software is installed, you can access the samexplorer(1M) man page for more information about this script.

Installation Assistance

For installation and configuration services please contact Sun's Enterprise Services at 1-800-USA4SUN or contact your local Enterprise Services sales representative.

Sun Welcomes Your Comments

Sun is interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and suggestions. You can submit your comments by going to the following web site:

Please include the title and part number of your document with your feedback (Sun StorEdge QFS and Sun StorEdge SAM-FS File System Administration Guide, part number 817-7721-10).