C H A P T E R  6

Using the samu(1M) Operator Utility

This chapter shows how to use samu(1M) to control the devices configured within your Sun StorEdge QFS or Sun StorEdge SAM-FS environment. Many samu(1M) displays are useful only for sites using the storage and archive management mechanism. If you are using samu(1M) in a Sun StorEdge QFS environment, some displays do not apply to you.

This chapter contains the following sections:

The operations that you can perform from within samu(1M) can also be performed by using the samcmd(1M) command. For more information about samcmd(1M), see the samcmd(1M) man page.


The samu(1M) operator utility requires a display terminal that displays a minimum of 24 lines by 80 characters wide. The utility includes the following features:

The display windows shown in this chapter are representative examples. The exact format and amount of information displayed on your terminal can be different depending on your terminal model and the devices configured in your Sun StorEdge QFS or Sun StorEdge SAM-FS environment.

The following sections describe how to start and stop samu(1M), interact with the utility, access the help windows, and view operator displays.

procedure icon  To Invoke samu(1M)

single-step bulletTo start samu(1M), type the samu(1M) command from the command line.

For example:

# samu

The system starts samu(1M) and shows the help display. This is the default initial display. To view a different samu(1M) display, follow the steps in To Display a samu(1M) Screen.

The samu(1M) utility allows you to select its initial display. For more information about the samu(1M) command line options, see the samu(1M) man page.

Note - samu(1M), like the vi(1) editor, is based on the curses(3CURSES) routine. If you have trouble invoking samu(1M), make sure that your terminal type is defined correctly.

procedure icon  To Display a samu(1M) Screen

The samu(1M) command accepts options on its command line for displaying different samu(1M) screens.

1. Type a colon (:) to bring up the samu(1M) prompt.

After you type in the colon, the following appears in the lower left:


Note - You access the help screen and all the display screens in samu(1M) through this same method. After you type a colon character, the Command prompt appears.

2. Type the letter that corresponds to the display you want to view and press return.

For example, to view the v display, type a v and press Return after the Command: prompt.

For a complete list of letters to type and the displays to which they correspond, see (h) - Help Display.

procedure icon  To Stop samu(1M)

single-step bulletTo exit samu(1M), type one of the following:

The samu(1M) operator utility exits and returns you to the command shell.

Interacting With samu(1M)

Interacting with samu(1M) is similar to interacting with the UNIX vi(1) editor with respect to paging forward or backward, entering commands, refreshing the display, and quitting the utility.

Each display has its own section in this chapter, and each display section shows the control key sequences you can use to navigate in that display. The samu(1M) man page summarizes the control key navigation sequences.

The last line of the display window shows the command and display error messages. If a command error occurs, automatic display refreshing halts until the next operator action.

Entering a Device

Each device included in the Sun StorEdge QFS or Sun StorEdge SAM-FS environment is assigned an Equipment Ordinal (for example, 10) in the mcf file. Many samu(1M) commands reference a specific device.

Example. The syntax for the :off command is as follows:

:off eq

For eq, type the Equipment Ordinal for the device you are trying to address.

Getting Online Help

When you start samu(1M), the system automatically displays the first help screen. This help screen differs depending on whether you have a Sun StorEdge QFS or Sun StorEdge SAM-FS file system.

For more information about the help (h) display, see (h) - Help Display.

procedure icon  To Access Online Help From a Display Screen

single-step bulletType :h

To move forward or backward from one screen to the next, type the following key sequence:

You can return to the help display at any time by pressing the h key.

Operator Displays

You can view the samu(1M) operator displays by pressing the key corresponding to each display. The lowercase keys a through w display operational information.

Note - The uppercase samu(1M) displays (A, C, F, I, J, L, M, N, P, R, S, T, and U) are designed to be used at a customer site only with the assistance of a member of the technical support staff.

This chapter does not describe these uppercase displays as thoroughly as the lowercase displays.

For displays that overflow the screen area, the word more appears on the bottom of the screen display, indicating that the display contains additional information. CODE EXAMPLE 6-1 contains the word more, indicating that more information appears on subsequent screens.

CODE EXAMPLE 6-1 samu (1M) Screen That Indicates More Text Can Be Obtained
xb54  54  exb8505  pt03  0  yes  2  0  on
lt55  55  dlt2000  pt02  1  yes  4  0  on  ml65
hp56  56  hpc1716  pt01  1  yes  3  0  on  hp70
hp57  57  hpc1716  pt01  1  yes  4  0  on  hp70

If samu(1M) prompts you to enter a device, enter its associated Equipment Ordinal. The configuration display (c) shows Equipment Ordinals for all removable media devices. To control all displays, use the control keys listed for the display.

The following sections describe the operator displays in alphabetical order. Examples are provided, and when necessary, displays are followed by a table describing the fields displayed.

(a) - Archiver Status Display

The a display shows the archiver status.

You can invoke this display differently, depending on what you need to view, as follows:

For filesystem, specify the name of a file system


TABLE 6-1 shows the control keys you can use in the a display.

TABLE 6-1 Control Keys for the a Display




Previous file system


Next file system


Page arcopies forward (bottom portion)


Page arcopies backward (bottom portion)

TABLE 6-2 shows the control keys you can use in the :a filesystem display.

TABLE 6-2 Control Keys for the :a filesystem Display




Previous file system


Next file system

Sample Display

CODE EXAMPLE 6-2 shows activity and statistics for a single file system in the summary display.

CODE EXAMPLE 6-2 samu (1M) a Display
Archiver status                     samu 4.2 07:44:02 Sept 8 2004
License: License never expires.                   
sam-archiverd:  Waiting for resources
sam-arfind:  samfs1 mounted at /sam1    
Waiting until 2004-05-08 07:54:02 to scan .inodes
sam-arfind:  samfs2 mounted at /sam2
Waiting until 2004-05-08 07:52:57 to scan .inodes
sam-arfind:  qfs1 mounted at /qfs1      
Waiting until 2004-05-08 07:44:33 to scan .inodes
sam-arfind:  qfs2 mounted at /qfs2
Waiting until 2004-05-08 07:53:21 to scan .inodes
sam-arfind:  qfs3 mounted at /qfs3
Waiting until 2004-05-08 07:44:11 to scan .inodes
sam-arfind:  qfs4 mounted at /qfs4
Waiting until 2004-05-08 07:53:35 to scan .inodes
sam-arfind:  shareqfs1 mounted at /shareqfs1
Shared file system client.  Cannot archive.
sam-arfind:  shareqfs2 mounted at /shareqfs2
Shared file system client.  Cannot archive.
sam-arcopy:  qfs4.arset5.1.83 dt.DAT001
Waiting for volume dt.DAT001

Field Descriptions

TABLE 6-3 shows the fields in the detail display.

TABLE 6-3 samu (1M) a Display Field Descriptions



samfs1 mounted at

Mount point.

regular files

Number of regular files and their total size.

offline files

Number of offline files and their total size.

archdone files

Number of archdone files and size. Indicates that the archiver has completed processing and can perform no further processing for archdone files. Files marked as archdone have been processed for archiving but have not necessarily been archived.


Number of files and total size for archive copy 1.


Number of files and total size for archive copy 2.


Number of files and total size for archive copy 3.


Number of files and total size for archive copy 4.


Number of directories and total size.

sleeping until

Indicates when archiver runs again.

(c) - Device Configuration Display

The c display shows your configuration's connectivity. It lists all device names and Equipment Ordinals.

To invoke the device configuration display, type the command with the following format:



TABLE 6-4 shows the control keys you can use in this display.

TABLE 6-4 Control Keys for the c Display




Page backward


Half-page forward


Page forward


Half-page backward

Sample Display

CODE EXAMPLE 6-3 shows the device configuration display.

CODE EXAMPLE 6-3 samu (1M) c Display
Device configuration:                  samu     4.2 07:48:11 Sept 8 2004
License: License never expires.
ty   eq state   device_name                        fs family_set
sk  100 on      /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/dcstkconf      100 dcL700
tp  120 off     /dev/rmt/1cbn                     100 dcL700
sg  130 on      /dev/rmt/4cbn                     100 dcL700
sg  140 on      /dev/rmt/5cbn                     100 dcL700
tp  150 off     /dev/rmt/3cbn                     100 dcL700
hy  151 on      historian                         151

Field Descriptions

TABLE 6-5 shows the field descriptions for this display.

TABLE 6-5 samu (1M) c Display Field Descriptions




Device type.


Equipment Ordinal of the device.


Current operating state of the device. Valid device states are as follows:

  • on--The device is available for access.
  • ro--The device is available for read-only access.
  • off--The device is not available for access.
  • down--The device is available only for maintenance access.
  • idle--The device is not available for new connections. Operations in progress continue until completion.


Path to the device.


Family Set Equipment Ordinal.


Name of the storage Family Set or library to which the device belongs.

(C) - Memory Display

The C display shows the content of a specified memory address. To show the content at an address, enter the address in hexadecimal.

To invoke this display, type the following command:

Command:C hex_address

For hex_address, specify the address of a memory location in hexadecimal. For example:

Command:C 0x1044a998

This display is designed for debugging. It is intended to be used only with the assistance of a Sun Microsystems support staff person.

Sample Display

CODE EXAMPLE 6-4 shows the memory display. The output has been truncated for inclusion in this manual.

CODE EXAMPLE 6-4 samu (1M) C Display
Memory    base: 0x1234567               samu 4.2 07:52:25 Sept 8 2004
License: License never expires.
00000000  80921000 137ff801 edd05e21 40853420  ......x.mP^!@.4
00000010  00a00420 018528b0 01a604e0 02840640  . . ..(0.&.`...@
00000020  02d030a1 a0853420 0080a0a0 100a6fff  .P0! .4 ..  ..o.
00000030  f6921000 13c65e23 582d0000 0ba01020  v....F^#X-... .
00000040  00c45e20 48c608e0 2fd05e21 40920080  .D^ HF.`/P^!@...
00000050  037ff801 fa941000 16c45e20 48a600a0  ..x.z....D^ H&.
00000060  80921000 137ff801 d5d05e21 40853420  ......x.UP^!@.4
00000070  00a00420 018528b0 01a604e0 02840640  . . ..(0.&.`...@
00000080  02d030a1 c0853420 0080a0a0 100a6fff  .P0!@.4 ..  ..o.
00000090  f6921000 13c65e23 58a01020 00c45e20  v....F^#X . .D^
000000a0  48c608e0 2fd05e21 40920080 037ff801  HF.`/P^!@.....x.
000000b0  e39405a2 00c45e20 48a600a0 80921000  c..".D^ H&. ....
000000c0  137ff801 bed05e21 40853420 00a00420  ..x.>P^!@.4 . .
000000d0  018528b0 01a604e0 02840640 02d030a1  ..(0.&.`...@.P0!
000000e0  e0853420 0080a0a0 100a6fff f6921000  `.4 ..  ..o.v...
000000f0  13c65e23 58a01020 00c45e20 48c608e0  .F^#X . .D^ HF.`
00000100  02d05e21 40920080 037ff801 cc941020  .P^!@.....x.L..
00000110  10c45e20 48a600a0 80921000 137ff801  .D^ H&. ......x.
00000120  a7d05e21 40853420 00a00420 018528b0  'P^!@.4 . . ..(0
00000130  01a604e0 02840640 02d030a2 00853420  .&.`...@.P0"..4
00000140  0080a0a0 400a6fff f6921000 13c65e23  ..  @.o.v....F^#
00000150  58a01020 00c45e20 48c608e0 02d05e21  X . .D^ HF.`.P^!
00000160  40920080 037ff801 b5941020 20c45e20  @.....x.5..  D^
00000170  48a600a0 80921000 137ff801 90d05e21  H&. ......x..P^!
00000180  40853420 00a00420 018528b0 01a604e0  @.4 . . ..(0.&.`
00000190  02840640 02d030a2 80853420 0080a0a0  ...@.P0"..4 ..
000001a0  400a6fff f6921000 13c65e23 58a01020  @.o.v....F^#X .
000001b0  00c45e20 48c608e0 02d05e21 40920080  .D^ HF.`.P^!@...
000001c0  037ff801 9e941020 30c45e20 48a600a0  ..x.... 0D^ H&.
000001d0  80921000 137ff801 79d05e21 40853420  ......x.yP^!@.4
000001e0  00a00420 018528b0 01a604e0 02840640  . . ..(0.&.`...@
000001f0  02d030a3 00853420 0080a0a0 400a6fff  .P0#..4 ..  @.o.

(d) - Daemon Trace Controls Display

The d display shows the events being traced as specified in the defaults.conf file. For more information about enabling trace files, see the defaults.conf(4) man page.

To invoke this display, type the following command:


Sample Display

CODE EXAMPLE 6-5 shows trace file information. It includes information about the daemons being traced, the paths to the trace files, the events being traced, and information about the size and age of the trace files.

CODE EXAMPLE 6-5 samu (1M) d Display
Daemon trace controls                   samu 4.2 07:56:38 Sept 8 2004
License: License never expires.
sam-amld       /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/trace/sam-amld
               cust err fatal misc proc debug date
               size    0    age 0       
sam-archiverd  /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/trace/sam-archiverd
               cust err fatal misc proc debug date
               size    0    age 0       
sam-catserverd /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/trace/sam-catserverd 
               cust err fatal misc proc debug date
               size    0    age 0       
sam-fsd        /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/trace/sam-fsd 
               cust err fatal misc proc debug date
               size    0    age 0       
sam-rftd       /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/trace/sam-rftd
               cust err fatal misc proc debug date
               size    0    age 0
sam-recycler   /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/trace/sam-recycler
               cust err fatal misc proc debug date
               size    0    age 0
sam-sharefsd   /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/trace/sam-sharefsd
               cust err fatal misc proc debug date
               size    0    age 0
sam-stagerd    /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/trace/sam-stagerd
               cust err fatal misc proc debug date
               size    0    age 0
sam-serverd    /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/trace/sam-serverd
               cust err fatal misc proc debug date
               size    0    age 0
sam-clientd    /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/trace/sam-clientd
               cust err fatal misc proc debug date
               size    0    age 0
sam-mgmt       /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/trace/sam-mgmt
               cust err fatal misc proc debug date
               size    0    age 0

(f) - File Systems Display

The f display shows the components of your Sun StorEdge QFS or Sun StorEdge SAM-FS file systems.

To invoke this display, type the following command:


Sample Display

CODE EXAMPLE 6-6 shows the file systems display.

CODE EXAMPLE 6-6 samu (1M) f Display
File systems                                     samu 4.2 08:11:24 Sept 8 2004
License: License never expires.
ty     eq state          device_name      status high low mountpoint server
ms     10    on               samfs1  m----2----d 90% 70% /sam1
 md    11    on    /dev/dsk/c5t8d0s3    
 md    12    on    /dev/dsk/c5t8d0s4    
 md    13    on    /dev/dsk/c5t8d0s5    
 md    14    on    /dev/dsk/c5t8d0s6    
 md    15    on    /dev/dsk/c5t8d0s7    
ms     20    on               samfs2  m----2----d 90% 70% /sam2
 md    21    on    /dev/dsk/c5t9d0s3    
 md    22    on    /dev/dsk/c5t9d0s4    
 md    23    on    /dev/dsk/c5t9d0s5    
 md    24    on    /dev/dsk/c5t9d0s6
 md    25    on    /dev/dsk/c5t9d0s7    
ma     30    on                 qfs1  m----2----d 90% 70% /qfs1
 mm    31    on   /dev/dsk/c5t10d0s0    
 md    32    on   /dev/dsk/c5t10d0s1    
ma     40    on                 qfs2  m----2----d 90% 70% /qfs2
 mm    41    on   /dev/dsk/c5t11d0s0
 md    42    on   /dev/dsk/c5t11d0s1
ma     50    on                 qfs3  m----2---r- 90% 70% /qfs3
 mm    51    on   /dev/dsk/c5t12d0s0
 mr    52    on   /dev/dsk/c5t12d0s1
ma     60    on                 qfs4  m----2---r- 90% 70% /qfs4
 mm    61    on   /dev/dsk/c5t13d0s0
 mr    62    on   /dev/dsk/c5t13d0s1
ma    100    on            shareqfs1  m----2c--r- 80% 70% /shareqfs1 spade
 mm   101    on /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s0
 mr   102    on /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s1
ma    110    on            shareqfs2  m----2c--r- 80% 70% /shareqfs2 spade
 mm   111    on /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s6
 mr   112    on /dev/dsk/c6t50020F2300004655d0s7

Field Descriptions

TABLE 6-6 shows the field descriptions for this display.

TABLE 6-6 samu (1M) f Display Field Descriptions




Device type.


Equipment Ordinal of the device.


Current operating state of the device. Valid device states are as follows:

  • on--The device is available for access.
  • ro--The device is available for read-only access.
  • off--The device is not available for access.
  • down--The device is available only for maintenance access.
  • idle--The device is not available for new operations. Operations in progress continue until completion.


File system name or path to the device.


Device status. For a description of status codes, see Operator Display Status Codes.


High disk usage threshold percentage.


Low disk usage threshold percentage.


Mount point of the file system.


Name of the host system upon which the file system is mounted.

(F) - Optical Disk Label Display

The F display shows the label on an optical disk.

To invoke this display, type the following command:


This display is designed for debugging. It is intended to be used only with the assistance of a Sun Microsystems support staff person.

(h) - Help Display

The h display shows a summary of the samu(1M) displays available. By default, this is the first display that the system presents when you enter the samu(1M) command at the command line.

To invoke this display, type the following command:



TABLE 6-7 shows the control keys you can use in this display.

TABLE 6-7 Control Keys for the h Display




Page backward


Page forward (top portion)


Page forward


Page backward (top portion)


Toggle path display

Sample Display

There are several pages of help screens, but this manual shows only the first. Subsequent help screens show samu(1M) commands.

CODE EXAMPLE 6-7 shows the initial help screen for the Sun StorEdge SAM-FS file system. On a Sun StorEdge QFS file system, not all of the displays appear in the initial help screen. For example, the removable media displays are not available if you are running a Sun StorEdge QFS system. If you are using Sun SAM-QFS software, the help screen appears as shown in CODE EXAMPLE 6-7.

CODE EXAMPLE 6-7 samu (1M) Initial Help Screen for a Sun StorEdge SAM-FS System
Help information            page 1/15   samu 4.2          08:18:13 Sept 8 2004
License: License never expires.
    a   Archiver status                 w       Pending stage queue
    c   Device configuration            C       Memory
    d   Daemon trace controls           F       Optical disk label
    f   File systems                    I       Inode
    h   Help information                J       Preview shared memory
    l   License information             K       Kernel statistics
    m   Mass storage status             L       Shared memory tables
    n   Staging status                  M       Shared memory
    o   Optical disk status             N       File system parameters
    p   Removable media load requests   P       Active Services
    r   Removable media                 R       SAM-Remote
    s   Device status                   S       Sector data
    t   Tape drive status               T       SCSI sense data
    u   Staging queue                   U       Device table
    v   Robot catalog
    more (ctrl-f)

(I) - Inode Display

The I display shows the content of inodes.

You can invoke this display differently, depending on what you need to view, as follows:

For filesystem, specify the name of a file system

For inode_number, specify the inode number in either hexadecimal or decimal.


TABLE 6-8 shows the control keys you can use in this display.

TABLE 6-8 Control Keys for the I Display




Previous inode


Next inode


Advance display format

This display is designed for debugging. It is intended to be used only with the assistance of a Sun Microsystems support staff person.

Sample Display

CODE EXAMPLE 6-8 shows the inode display.

CODE EXAMPLE 6-8 samu (1M) I Display
Inode     0x1 (1) format: file          samu 4.2         08:27:14 Sept 8 2004
License: License never expires.                   incore: y
00008100 mode       -r--------          409cdf57 access_time
00000001 ino        (1)                 1d32ea20
00000001 gen        (1)                 4096b499 modify_time
00000002 parent.ino (2)                 02588660
00000002 parent.gen (2)                 4096b499 change_time 
00000000 size_u                         02588660
000c0000 size_l     (786432)            4096b443 creation_time 
01000000 rm:media/flags                 409a8a7c attribute_time  
00000000 rm:file_offset                 409c0ce6 residence_time
00000000 rm:mau                         00000000 unit/cs/arch/flg
00000000 rm:position                    00000000 ar_flags
00000000 ext_attrs  --------            00000000 stripe/stride/sg
00000000 ext.ino    (0)                 00000000 media  -- --
00000000 ext.gen    (0)                 00000000 media  -- --
00000000 uid        root                00000000 psize      (0)
00000000 gid        root                000000c0 blocks     (192)
00000001 nlink      (1)                 00000600 free_ino   (1536)
00011840 status -n-------  ----- -- --
Extents (4k displayed as 1k):
00_ 000000d0.00 000000e0.00 000000f0.00 00000100.00 00000110.00 00000120.00
06_ 00000130.00 00000140.00 00000150.00 00000160.00 00000170.00 00000180.00
12_ 00000190.00 000001a0.00 000001b0.00 000001c0.00 00000630.00 00000000.00
18_ 00000000.00

(J) - Preview Shared Memory Display

The J display shows the shared memory segment for the preview queue.

To invoke this display, type the following command:



TABLE 6-9 shows the control keys you can use in this display.

TABLE 6-9 Control Keys for the J Display




Page backward


Half-page forward


Page forward


Half-page backward

This display is designed for debugging. It is intended to be used only with the assistance of a Sun Microsystems support staff person.

Sample Display

CODE EXAMPLE 6-9 shows the preview shared memory display. This output has been truncated for inclusion in this manual.

CODE EXAMPLE 6-9 samu (1M) J Display
Preview shared memory   size: 155648    samu 4.2         08:30:05 Sept 8 2004
License: License never expires.
00000000  00040000 00014d58 00000000 00000000  ......MX........
00000010  00000000 00000000 73616d66 73202d20  ........samfs -
00000020  70726576 69657720 6d656d6f 72792073  preview memory s
00000030  65676d65 6e740000 00026000 00000000  egment....`.....
00000040  00025fff 00000000 00040000 00014d58  .._...........MX
00000050  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
00000060  0000d9e0 00000064 00000000 000001b8  ..Y`...d.......8
00000070  3f800000 447a0000 0000d820 00000008  ?...Dz....X ....

(K) - Kernel Statistics Display

The K display shows kernel statistics, such as the number of inodes currently in memory.

To invoke this display, type the following command:



TABLE 6-10 shows the control keys you can use in this display.

TABLE 6-10 Control Keys for the K Display




Page backward


Page forward

This display is designed for debugging. It is intended to be used only with the assistance of a Sun Microsystems support staff person.

Sample Display

CODE EXAMPLE 6-10 shows the kernel statistics display.

CODE EXAMPLE 6-10 samu (1M) K Display
Kernel statistics                       samu 4.2         08:33:19 Sept 8 2004
License: License never expires.
module: sam-qfs  name: general instance: 0 class: fs
version                       4.2.sam-qfs, gumball 2004-05-07 12:12:04
configured file systems       8         
mounted file systems          8         
nhino                         16384     
ninodes                       129526
inocount                      129527    
inofree                       128577    

(l) - License Display

The l display shows shows the licenses and expiration dates for Sun StorEdge QFS and Sun StorEdge SAM-FS software.

To invoke this display, type the following command:


Sample Display

CODE EXAMPLE 6-11 shows an example of a license display.

CODE EXAMPLE 6-11 samu (1M) l Display
License information                     samu     4.2    08:36:27 Sept 8 2004
License: License never expires.
hostid = 80e69e6e
License never expires                 
Remote sam server feature enabled       
Remote sam client feature enabled       
Migration toolkit feature enabled       
Fast file system feature enabled        
Data base feature enabled
Foreign tape support enabled            
Segment feature enabled                 
Shared filesystem support enabled       
SAN API support enabled 
Robot type STK ACSLS Library is present and licensed
    350 sg slots present and licensed   

The sample display shows license information for a Sun StorEdge SAM-FS file system. The license information is derived from the license keys in the following file:


This display shows the following information for the system:

(L) - Shared Memory Tables

The L display shows the location of the shared memory tables. It also shows some system defaults that are kept in shared memory.

To invoke this display, type the following command:


This display is designed for debugging. It is intended to be used only with the assistance of a Sun Microsystems support staff person.

Sample Display

CODE EXAMPLE 6-12 shows the shared memory tables.

CODE EXAMPLE 6-12 samu (1M) L Display
Shared memory tables                    samu 4.2 08:38:31 May  8 2004
License: License never expires.
shm ptr tbl:                            defaults:
size            12000 (73728)           optical         mo
left            44c8 (17608)            tape            lt
scanner pid     1861                    timeout         600
fifo path       01b0 /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/previews        100
dev_table       01cc                    stages          1000
first_dev       0450                    log_facility    184
scan_mess       cf50                    dio minfilesize 100
preview_shmid   1                       label barcode   FALSE 
flags           0x20000000              barcodes low    FALSE
preview stages  55776                   export unavail  FALSE
preview avail   100                     attended        TRUE
preview count   0                       start rpc       FALSE
preview sequence  445                   
age factor         1                    vsn factor      1000
fs tbl ptr 0xd820                       fs count  8
fseq  10 samfs1 state 0      0      0      0      0
fseq  20 samfs2 state 0      0      0      0      0
fseq  30 qfs1 state 0      0      0      0      0
fseq  40 qfs2 state 0      0      0      0      0
fseq  50 qfs3 state 0      0      0      0      0
fseq  60 qfs4 state 0      0      0      0      0
fseq  100 shareqfs1 state 0      0      0      0      0
fseq  110 shareqfs2 state 0      0      0      0      0

(m) - Mass Storage Status Display

The m display shows the status of mass storage file systems and their member drives. This display shows only mounted file systems.

To invoke this display, type the following command:


Sample Display

CODE EXAMPLE 6-13 shows the m display. Member drives are indented one space and appear directly below the file system to which they belong.

CODE EXAMPLE 6-13 samu (1M) m Display
Mass storage status                     samu 4.2         08:41:11 Sept 8 2004
License: License never expires.
ty      eq  status       use state ord  capacity      free    ra  part high low
ms      10  m----2----d   1% on          68.354G   68.343G    1M    16  90% 70%
 md      11               1% on      0   13.669G   13.666G
 md      12               1% on      1   13.669G   13.667G
 md      13               1% on      2   13.669G   13.667G
 md      14               1% on      3   13.674G   13.672G
 md      15               1% on      4   13.674G   13.672G
ms      20  m----2----d   1% on          68.354G   68.344G    1M    16  90% 70%
 md      21               1% on      0   13.669G   13.667G
 md      22               1% on      1   13.669G   13.667G
 md      23               1% on      2   13.669G   13.667G
 md      24               1% on      3   13.674G   13.672G
 md      25               1% on      4   13.674G   13.672G
ma      30  m----2----d   4% on          64.351G   61.917G    1M    16  90% 70%
 mm      31               1% on      0    4.003G    3.988G [8363840 inodes]
 md      32               4% on      1   64.351G   61.917G  
ma      40  m----2----d   1% on          64.351G   64.333G    1M    16  90% 70%
 mm      41               1% on      0    4.003G    3.997G [8382784 inodes]
 md      42               1% on      1   64.351G   64.333G
ma      50  m----2---r-   1% on          64.351G   64.333G    1M    16  90% 70%
 mm      51               1% on      0    4.003G    3.997G [8382784 inodes]
 mr      52               1% on      1   64.351G   64.333G
ma      60  m----2---r-   1% on          64.351G   64.331G    1M    16  90% 70%
 mm      61               1% on      0    4.003G    3.997G [8382784 inodes]
 mr      62               1% on      1   64.351G   64.331G
ma     100  m----2c--r-   2% on         270.672G  265.105G    1M    16  80% 70%
 mm     101               1% on      0    2.000G    1.988G [4168992 inodes]
 mr     102               2% on      1  270.672G  265.469G
ma     110  m----2c--r-   3% on         270.656G  263.382G    1M    16  80% 70%
 mm     111               1% on      0    2.000G    1.987G [4167616 inodes]
 mr     112               2% on      1  270.656G  264.736G

Field Descriptions

TABLE 6-11 shows the field descriptions for this display.

TABLE 6-11 samu (1M) m Display Field Descriptions




Device type.


Equipment Ordinal of the mass storage device.


Device status. For a description of status codes, see Operator Display Status Codes.


Percentage of disk space in use.


Current operating state of the mass storage device.


Ordinal number of the disk device within the storage Family S et.


Number of 1024-byte blocks of usable space on the disk.


Number of 1024-byte blocks of disk space available.


Readahead size in kilobytes.


Partial stage size in kilobytes.


High disk usage threshold percentage.


Low disk usage threshold percentage.

(M) - Shared Memory Display

The M display shows the raw shared memory segment in hexadecimal. This is a device table.

To invoke this display, type the following command:



TABLE 6-12 shows the control keys you can use in this display.

TABLE 6-12 Control Keys for the M Display




Page backward


Half-page forward


Page forward


Half-page backward

This display is designed for debugging. It is intended to be used only with the assistance of a Sun Microsystems support staff person.

Sample Display

CODE EXAMPLE 6-14 shows the shared memory display. The output has been truncated for inclusion in this manual.

CODE EXAMPLE 6-14 samu (1M) M Display
Shared memory       size: 73728         samu 4.2         08:43:20 May  8 2004
License: License never expires.
00000000  00040000 00014d58 00000000 00000000  ......MX........
00000010  00000000 00000000 73616d66 73202d20  ........samfs -
00000020  73686172 6564206d 656d6f72 79207365  shared memory se
00000030  676d656e 74000000 00012000 000044c8  gment..... ...DH
00000040  0000dd20 00000000 00000742 00000745  ..] .......B...E
00000050  00000001 00000000 00000000 c0000000  ............@...
00000060  00000001 0001534d 00000000 00000000  ......SM........
00000070  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
00000080  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
00000090  20000000 000001b0 000001cc 00000450   ......0...L...P
000000a0  0000cf50 00000001 00000001 4c696365  ..OP........Lice
000000b0  6e73653a 204c6963 656e7365 206e6576  nse: License nev
000000c0  65722065 78706972 65732e00 00000000  er expires......
000000d0  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
000000e0  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
000000f0  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
00000100  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
00000110  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
00000120  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
00000130  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
00000140  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
00000150  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
00000160  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
00000170  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
00000180  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
00000190  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
000001a0  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
000001b0  2f766172 2f6f7074 2f53554e 5773616d  /var/opt/SUNWsam
000001c0  66732f61 6d6c6400 00000000 00040000  fs/amld.........
000001d0  00014d58 00000000 00000000 00000000  ..MX............
000001e0  00000000 00000097 00000000 00000000  ................
000001f0  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................

(n) - Staging Status Display

The n display shows the status of the stager for all media. It displays a list of outstanding stage requests.

You can invoke this display differently, depending on what you need to view, as follows:

For mt, specify one of the media types shown in the mcf(4) man page.

Sample Display

CODE EXAMPLE 6-15 shows the staging status display.

CODE EXAMPLE 6-15 samu (1M) n Display
Staging status                          samu 4.2         08:47:16 May  8 2004
License: License never expires.
Log output to: /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/stager/log
Stage request: dt.DAT001
Loading VSN DAT001
Staging queues
ty pid    user         status     wait files vsn
dt 16097  root         active     0:00    12 DAT001

(N) - File System Parameters Display

The N display shows all mount point parameters, the superblock version, and other file system information.

To invoke this display, type the following command:



TABLE 6-13 shows the control keys you can use in this display.

TABLE 6-13 Control Keys for the N Display




Previous file system


Page partitions forward


Next file system


Detailed status interpretations


Page partitions backward

This display is designed for debugging. It is intended to be used only with the assistance of a Sun Microsystems support staff person.

Sample Display

CODE EXAMPLE 6-16 shows the file system parameters display.

CODE EXAMPLE 6-16 samu (1M) N Display
File system parameters                  samu 4.2         08:55:19 Sept 8 2004
License: License never expires.
mount_point    : /sam1                  partial        : 16k
fs_type        : 6                      maxpartial     : 16k
server         :                        partial_stage  : 16384
filesystem name: samfs1                 flush_behind   : 0
eq  type       : 10 ms                  stage_flush_beh: 0
state version  :    0    2              stage_n_window : 262144
(fs,mm)_count  :    5    0              stage_retries  : 3
sync_meta      : 0                      stage timeout  : 0
stripe         : 0                      dio_consec r,w :    0    0
mm_stripe      : 1                      dio_frm_min r,w:  256  256  
high  low      :  90%  70%              dio_ill_min r,w:    0    0
readahead      : 1048576                ext_bsize      : 4096
writebehind    : 524288 
wr_throttle    : 16777216               
rd_ino_buf_size: 16384                  
wr_ino_buf_size: 512
config         : 0x08520530             mflag          : 0x00000044
status         : 0x00000001
Device configuration:
ty   eq state   device_name                        fs family_set
md   11 on      /dev/dsk/c5t8d0s3                  10 samfs1
md   12 on      /dev/dsk/c5t8d0s4                  10 samfs1
md   13 on      /dev/dsk/c5t8d0s5                  10 samfs1
md   14 on      /dev/dsk/c5t8d0s6                  10 samfs1
md   15 on      /dev/dsk/c5t8d0s7                  10 samfs1

(o) - Optical Disk Status Display

The o display shows the status of all optical disk drives configured within the Sun StorEdge SAM-FS environment.

To invoke this display, type the following command:



TABLE 6-14 shows the control keys you can use in this display.

TABLE 6-14 Control Keys for the o Display




Page backward


Page forward


Page backward


Half-page forward


Page forward


Select (manual, automated library, both, priority)


Half-page backward

Sample Display

CODE EXAMPLE 6-17 shows the optical disk status display.

CODE EXAMPLE 6-17 samu (1M) o Display
Optical disk status            samu    4.2   Thu Oct 11 13:15:40
ty  eq  status      act  use  state  vsn
mo  35  --l---wo-r    1  29%  ready  oper2

Field Descriptions

TABLE 6-15 shows the field descriptions for this display.

TABLE 6-15 samu (1M) o Display Field Descriptions




Device type.


Equipment Ordinal of the optical disk.


Device status. For a description of status codes, see Operator Display Status Codes.


Activity count.


Percentage of cartridge space used.


Current operating state of the optical disk. Valid device states are as follows:

  • ready--The device is on, and the disk is loaded in the transport; available for access.
  • notrdy--The device is on, but no disk is present in the transport.
  • idle--The device is not available for new connections. Operations in progress continue until completion.
  • off--The device is not available for access.
  • down--The device is available only for maintenance access.


Volume serial name assigned to the optical disk, or the keyword nolabel if the volume is not labeled.

(p) - Removable Media Load Requests Display

The p display lists information about pending load requests for removable media. You can use the mt argument to select either a specific type of media, such as DLT tape, or a family of media, such as tape. The priority display lists the priority in the preview queue, rather than the user queue, and sorts the entries by priority.

It displays mount requests in the following formats:

You can invoke this display differently, depending on what you need to view, as follows:

For mt, specify one of the media types shown in the mcf(4) man page.


TABLE 6-16 shows the control keys you can use in this display.

TABLE 6-16 Control Keys for the p Display




Page backward


Half-page forward


Page forward


Toggle between the different display formats


Half-page backward

Sample Display

CODE EXAMPLE 6-18 shows the removable media load requests display.

CODE EXAMPLE 6-18 samu (1M) p Display
Removable media load requests all both  samu 4.2 09:14:19 Sept 8 2004
License: License never expires.                   count: 1
index type pid     user         rb   flags     wait count  vsn
   0  dt   15533   root         150  W--f---   0:00        DAT001

Field Descriptions

TABLE 6-17 shows the field descriptions for this display.

TABLE 6-17 samu (1M) p Display Field Descriptions




Index number in the preview table.


Device type code assigned to the removable media.


UNIX process identifier. A process identifier of 1 indicates NFS access.


Name assigned to the user requesting the load.


Priority of the request.


Equipment Ordinal of the automated library in which the requested VSN resides.


Flags for the device. See TABLE 6-18.


The elapsed time since the mount request was received.


The number of requests for this VSN, if it is a stage.


Volume serial name of the volume.


TABLE 6-18 shows the flags for the p display.

TABLE 6-18 Flags Field for the samu (1M) p Display




Write access requested


Entry is busy


Clear VSN requested


File system requested


Media is foreign to the Sun StorEdge SAM-FS file system


Flip side already mounted


Stage request flag

(P) - Active Services Display

The P display lists the services registered with the Sun StorEdge QFS and Sun StorEdge SAM-FS single port multiplexer.

To invoke this display, type the following command:



TABLE 6-19 shows the control keys you can use in this display.

TABLE 6-19 Control Keys for the P Display




Page backward


Page forward

This display is designed for debugging. It is intended to be used only with the assistance of a Sun Microsystems support staff person.

Sample Display

CODE EXAMPLE 6-19 shows the active services display.

CODE EXAMPLE 6-19 samu (1M) P Display
Active Services                         samu     4.2    09:08:33 Sept 8 2004
License: License never expires.
Registered services for host 'pup':
  2 service(s) registered.

(r) - Removable Media Status Display

The r display enables you to monitor the activity on removable media devices such as tape drives. You can monitor either a specific type of device, such as video tape, or a family of devices such as all tape devices.

You can invoke this display differently, depending on what you need to view, as follows:

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal for the device.

Sample Display

CODE EXAMPLE 6-20 shows the removable media status display.

CODE EXAMPLE 6-20 samu (1M) r Display
Removable media status: all             samu 4.2         09:11:27 Sept 8 2004
License: License never expires.
ty   eq  status      act  use  state    vsn
dt  150  --l------r    0  63%  ready    DAT001

Field Descriptions

TABLE 6-20 shows the field descriptions for this display.

TABLE 6-20 samu (1M) r Display Field Descriptions




Device type.


Equipment Ordinal of the drive.


Device status. For a description of status codes, see Operator Display Status Codes.


Activity count.


Percentage of cartridge space used.


Current operating state of the removable media. Valid device states are as follows:

  • ready--The device is on, and the disk or tape is loaded in the transport; available for access.
  • notrdy--The device is on, but no disk or tape is present in the transport.
  • idle--The device is not available for new connections. Operations in progress continue until completion.
  • off--The device is not available for access.
  • down--The device is available only for maintenance access.


Volume serial name assigned to the volume, or the keyword nolabel if the volume is not labeled. Blank if no volume is present in the transport, or device is off.

(R) - Sun SAM-Remote Information Display

The R display shows information and status on Sun SAM-Remote configurations.

To invoke this display, type the following command:


This display is designed for debugging. It is intended to be used only with the assistance of a Sun Microsystems support staff person.

(s) - Device Status Display

The s display shows the status for all devices configured within the Sun StorEdge SAM-FS environment.

To invoke this display, type the following command:



TABLE 6-21 shows the control keys you can use in this display.

TABLE 6-21 Control Keys for the s Display




Page backward


Half-page forward


Page forward


Half-page backward

Sample Display

CODE EXAMPLE 6-21 shows the device status display.

CODE EXAMPLE 6-21 samu (1M) s Display
Device status                           samu     4.2    09:14:05 Sept 8 2004
License: License never expires.
ty     eq state   device_name                        fs status   pos
sk    100 on      /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/dcstkconf      100 m--------r
        stk_dismount(2275) 0, volser 700073     
sg    120 on      /dev/rmt/2cbn                     100 ---------p
sg    130 on      /dev/rmt/5cbn                     100 --l----o-r
        Ready for data transfer
sg    140 on      /dev/rmt/6cbn                     100 ---------p
sg    150 on      /dev/rmt/4cbn                     100 ---------p
hy    151 on      historian                         151 ----------

Field Descriptions

TABLE 6-22 shows the field descriptions for this display.

TABLE 6-22 samu (1M) s Display Field Descriptions




Device type.


Equipment ordinal of the device.


Current operating state of the device.


Path to the device. For file system devices, this is the file system name.


Equipment Ordinal of the family, set to which the device belongs.


Device status. For a description of status codes, see Operator Display Status Codes.

(S) - Sector Data Display

The S display shows raw device data.

To invoke this display, type the following command:



TABLE 6-23 shows the control keys you can use in this display.

TABLE 6-23 Control Keys for the S Display




Previous sector


Page forward (top portion)


Next sector


Advance display format


Page backward (top portion)

This display is designed for debugging. It is intended to be used only with the assistance of a Sun Microsystems support staff person.

(t) - Tape Drive Status Display

The t display shows the status of all tape drives configured within the Sun StorEdge SAM-FS environment.

To invoke this display, type the following command:



TABLE 6-24 shows the control keys you can use in this display.

TABLE 6-24 Control Keys for the t Display




Page backward


Page forward

Sample Display

CODE EXAMPLE 6-22 shows the tape drive status display.

CODE EXAMPLE 6-22 samu (1M) t Display
Tape drive status                       samu     4.2    09:21:07 Sept 8 2004
License: License never expires.
ty   eq  status      act  use  state    vsn
sg  120  ---------p    0   0%  notrdy
sg  130  ---------p    0   0%  notrdy   
sg  140  ---------p    0   0%  notrdy   
sg  150  --l------r    0  41%  ready    700088  

Field Descriptions

TABLE 6-25 shows the field descriptions for this display.

TABLE 6-25 samu (1M) t Display Field Descriptions




Device type.


Equipment Ordinal of the drive.


Device status. For a description of status codes, see Operator Display Status Codes.


Activity count.


Percentage of cartridge space used.


Current operating state of the removable media. Valid device states are as follows:

  • ready--The device is on and the disk or tape is loaded in the transport; available for access.
  • notrdy--The device is on but no disk or tape is present in the transport.
  • idle--The device is not available for new connections. Operations in progress continue until completion.
  • off--The device is not available for access.
  • down--The device is available only for maintenance access.


Volume serial name assigned to the volume, or the keyword nolabel if volume is not labeled. Blank if no volume is present in the transport, or device is off.

(T) - SCSI Sense Data Display

The T display shows the SCSI status of a SCSI device.

To invoke this display, type the following command:



TABLE 6-26 shows the control keys you can use in this display.

TABLE 6-26 Control Keys for the T Display




Previous equipment


Next equipment

This display is designed for debugging. It is intended to be used only with the assistance of a Sun Microsystems support staff person.

(u) - Staging Queue Display

The u display lists all files in the staging queue.

To invoke this display, type the following command:



TABLE 6-27 shows the control keys you can use in this display.

TABLE 6-27 Control Keys for the u Display




Page backward


Half-page forward


Page forward


Display the path on the second line of each entry


Half-page backward

Sample Display

CODE EXAMPLE 6-23 shows the staging queue display.

CODE EXAMPLE 6-23 samu (1M) u Display
Staging queue by media type: all        samu 4.2         09:24:23 Sept 8 2004
License: License never expires.                   volumes 1 files 22
ty     length  fseq        ino   position     offset vsn
dt   451.611k    20       1030      207cc        473 DAT001
dt   341.676k    20       1031      207cc        7fc DAT001
dt   419.861k    20       1032      207cc        aa9 DAT001
dt   384.760k    20       1033      207cc        df2 DAT001
dt   263.475k    20       1034      207cc       10f5 DAT001
dt   452.901k    20       1035      207cc       1305 DAT001
dt   404.598k    20       1036      207cc       1690 DAT001
dt   292.454k    20       1037      207cc       19bb DAT001
dt   257.835k    20       1038      207cc       1c05 DAT001
dt   399.882k    20       1040      207cc       1e0b DAT001
dt   399.882k    40       1029      208d7          2 DAT001
dt   257.835k    40       1030      208d7        323 DAT001
dt   292.454k    40       1031      208d7        528 DAT001
dt   404.598k    40       1032      208d7        772 DAT001
dt   452.901k    40       1033      208d7        a9d DAT001
dt   263.475k    40       1034      208d7        e28 DAT001
dt   384.760k    40       1035      208d7       1038 DAT001
dt   419.861k    40       1036      208d7       133b DAT001
dt   341.676k    40       1037      208d7       1684 DAT001
dt   451.611k    40       1038      208d7       1931 DAT001
dt   161.326k    40       1039      208d7       1cba DAT001
dt   406.400k    40       1040      208d7       1dfe DAT001

Field Descriptions

TABLE 6-28 shows the field descriptions for this display.

TABLE 6-28 samu (1M) u Display Field Descriptions




Device type.


File length.


File system equipment number.


The inode number.


The position of the archive file on the specific medium.


Offset of the archive file on the specific medium.


Volume serial name of the volume.

(U) - Device Table Display

The U display shows the device table in a human-readable form.

You can invoke this display differently, depending on what you need to view, as follows:

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal of the device.


TABLE 6-29 shows the control keys you can use in this display.

TABLE 6-29 Control Keys for the U Display




Previous equipment


Next equipment

This display is designed for debugging. It is intended to be used only with the assistance of a Sun Microsystems support staff person.

Sample Display

CODE EXAMPLE 6-24 shows the device table display.

CODE EXAMPLE 6-24 samu(1M) U Display
Device table: eq: 10    addr: 00000450  samu 4.2         09:28:40 Sept 8 2004
License: License never expires.
0004000000014d58 0000000000000000       00000000 delay
0000000000000000 mutex                  00000000 unload_delay
00000aa8 next
73616d66 set:  samfs1                   
000a000a eq/fseq
08010801 type/equ_type
0000     state
00000000 st_rdev
00000000 ord/model
00000000 mode_sense
00000000 sense                   
00000000 space
00000000 capacity
00000000 active
00000000 open
00000000 sector_size
00000000 label_address
00000000 vsn:
00000000 status: ----------
00000000 dt
73616d66 name: samfs1

(v) - Automated Library Catalog Display

The v display shows the location and VSN of all disks or tapes currently cataloged in the automated library.

You can invoke this display differently, depending on what you need to view, as follows:

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal of the device. Type the keyword historian to view the historian catalog.

At certain times, samu(1M) prompts for a device to be entered, as follows:

Enter robot:eq

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal of the device or press return. Pressing return displays information for the previous device specified.

For a list of all device names and Equipment Ordinals, see (c) - Device Configuration Display.


TABLE 6-30 shows the control keys you can use in this display.

TABLE 6-30 Control Keys for the v Display




Page backward.


Next library catalog.


Page forward.


Detailed, 2-line display format. When you enter Ctrl-i once, it shows times and barcodes. When you enter Ctrl-i a second time, it shows volume reservations on the second line.


Advance sort key. After you enter Ctrl-k, you can enter one of the following to select a sort key:


1 - sort by slot.


2 - sort by count.


3 - sort by usage.


4 - sort by VSN.


5 - sort by access time.


6 - sort by barcode.


7 - sort by label time.


Previous automated library catalog.


Search for VSN


Search for barcode


Search for slot

Sample Display

CODE EXAMPLE 6-25 shows the automated library catalog display.

CODE EXAMPLE 6-25 samu (1M) v Display
Robot VSN catalog by slot       : eq 100samu     4.2    09:30:25 Sept 8 2004
License: License never expires.                             count 32
slot          access time count use flags         ty vsn
   0     2004/05/08 08:35   64   0% -il-o-b-----  sg 700071
   1     2004/05/08 09:08   27  12% -il-o-b-----  sg 700073
   2     2004/05/08 09:12   26  12% -il-o-b-----  sg 700077
   3     2004/05/08 08:39   37  40% -il-o-b-----  sg 700079
   4     2004/05/08 09:16   24   6% -il-o-b-----  sg 700084
   5     2004/05/08 09:18   24  41% -il-o-b-----  sg 700088
   6     none                0   0% -il-o-b-----  sg 700090
   7     none                0   0% -il-o-b-----  sg 700092
   8     none                0   0% -il-o-b-----  sg 000155
   9     none                0   0% -il-o-b-----  sg 000156
  10     none                0   0% -il-o-b-----  sg 000157
  11     none                0   0% -il-o-b-----  sg 000158
  12     none                0   0% -il-o-b-----  sg 000154
  13     none                0   0% -il-o-b-----  sg 000153
  14     none                0   0% -il-o-b-----  sg 000152

Field Descriptions

TABLE 6-31 shows the field descriptions for this display.

TABLE 6-31 samu (1M) v Display Field Descriptions



Robot VSN catalog

Name of the specified automated library and time the display refreshed.


Number of slots allocated in this library's catalog.


Slot number within the specified library.

access time

Time the volume was last accessed.


Number of accesses to this volume since the last audit operation.


Percentage of space used for the volume.


Flags for the device. See TABLE 6-32 for information about the flags.


Device type.


Volume serial name of the volume.


In some cases, more than one flag can occur in a field, and one flag overrides the other. TABLE 6-32 shows the flags from the flags field in TABLE 6-31.

TABLE 6-32 Flags Field for samu (1M) v Display




Volume needs audit.


Slot in use.


Labeled. Overrides N.


Unlabeled. This volume is foreign to the Sun StorEdge SAM-FS environment.


Media error. Set when the Sun StorEdge SAM-FS software detects a write error on a cartridge.


Slot occupied.


Volume is a cleaning tape. Overrides p.


Priority VSN.


Barcode detected.


Write protect. Set when the physical write protection mechanism is enabled on a cartridge.


Read only.




Duplicate VSN. Overrides U.


Volume unavailable.


Archiver found volume full.


Export slot.

(w) - Pending Stage Queue

The w display shows queued stage requests for which the volumes have not yet been loaded.

You can invoke this display differently, depending on what you need to view, as follows:

For mt, specify one of the media types shown in the mcf(4) man page.


TABLE 6-33 shows the control keys you can use in this display.

TABLE 6-33 Control Keys for the w Display




Page backward


Half-page forward


Page forward


Display the path on the second line of each entry


Half-page backward

Sample Display

CODE EXAMPLE 6-26 shows the pending stage queue.

CODE EXAMPLE 6-26 samu (1M) w Display
Pending stage queue by media type: all     samu     4.2   Thu Oct 11 13:20:27
License: License never expires.                       volumes 1 files 13
ty     length  fseq  ino  position  offset  vsn
at     1.383M     1   42     3a786    271b  000002
at     1.479M     1   56     3a786    5139  000002
at  1018.406k     1   60     3a786    6550  000002
at     1.000M     1   65     3a786    7475  000002
at     1.528M     1   80     3a786    99be  000002
at     1.763M     1   92     3a786    ce57  000002
at     1.749M     1  123     3a786   11ece  000002
at   556.559k     1  157     3a786   1532f  000002
at   658.970k     1  186     3a786   17705  000002
at   863.380k     1  251     3a786   1dd58  000002
at     1.268M     1  281     3a786   1f2b7  000002
at     1.797M     1  324     3a786   23dfa  000002
at     1.144M     1  401     3a786   2bb6d  000002

Field Descriptions

TABLE 6-34 shows the field descriptions for this display.

TABLE 6-34 samu (1M) w Display Field Descriptions




Device type.


File length.


File system Equipment Ordinal.


The inode number.


The position (in decimal format) of the archive file on the specific medium.


Offset of the archive file on the specific medium.


Volume serial name of the volume.

Operator Display Status Codes

The operator displays have different status codes for the removable media device displays and the file system displays. The following sections describe these displays.

Removable Media Device Display Status Codes

The o, r, s, and t operator displays show status codes for removable media devices. Status codes are displayed in a 10-position format, reading from left (position 1) to right (position 10).

The status codes in this section do not apply to the samu(1M) f, m, and v displays. For information about the status codes for the f and m displays, see File System Display Status Codes. For information about the status codes for the v display, see (v) - Automated Library Catalog Display.

TABLE 6-35 defines the valid status codes for each position.

TABLE 6-35 Removable Media Device Display Status Codes

Status Bit

Meaning for a Device


Media is being scanned.


The automated library is operational.


Maintenance mode.


Device received an unrecoverable error in scanning.


Device is in audit mode.


Media has a label.


Foreign media.


Media is being labeled.


Waiting for device to idle.


Needs operator attention.


Needs cleaning.


Unload has been requested.


Device is reserved.


A process is writing on the media.


Device is open.


Device is positioning (tape only).


For automated libraries, all storage slots occupied. For tape and magneto-optical drives, media is full.


Device is ready and the media is read-only.


Device is spun up and ready.


Device is present.


Device is write protected.

File System Display Status Codes

The f and m operator displays show status codes for file systems. Status codes are displayed in an 11-position format, reading from left (position 1) to right (position 11).

The status codes in this section do not apply to the samu(1M) c, o, r, s, t, or v displays. For information about the status codes for the c, o, r, s, and t displays, see Removable Media Device Display Status Codes. For information about the status codes for the v display, see (v) - Automated Library Catalog Display.

TABLE 6-36 defines the valid status codes for each position.

TABLE 6-36 File System Display Status Codes

Status Bit

Meaning for a File System


File system is currently mounted.


File system is being mounted.


File system is being unmounted.


File system data is being archived.


File system data is being released.


File system data is being staged.


Sun StorEdge SAM-FS file system version 1.


Sun StorEdge SAM-FS file system version 2.


Sun StorEdge QFS shared file system.


Single writer.




mr devices.


md devices.

Operator Display Device States

The c, m, o, r, s, and t operator displays show device state codes. These codes represent the current access state for the device. TABLE 6-37 defines the valid state codes.

TABLE 6-37 Operator Display Device States

Device State



The device is available for access. For certain displays, this state might be superseded by the states ready or notrdy.


The device is available for read-only access. For certain displays, this state might be superseded by the states ready or notrdy.


The device is not available for access. For tape and optical disk drives, possible reasons for the device to be in the off state include the following:

  • Cleaning was requested, but no cleaning cartridge was found in the automated library.
  • The cleaning cartridge cannot be loaded or unloaded from the drive.
  • Initialization found the drive status to be full, and attempts to clear the drive failed.
  • The system was unable to clear a cartridge from a drive.
  • Opening the drive for I/O failed during spin-up.
  • An error other than NOT READY was received when spinning down the drive for unloading.
  • Opening the standard tape driver on the drive failed during spin-up.


The device is available for maintenance access only.


The device is not available for new connections. Operations in progress continue until completion.


The device is on and the disk or tape loaded in the transport is available for access.


The device is on, but no disk or tape is present in the transport.


The device is unavailable for access and cannot be used for automatic Sun StorEdge SAM-FS operations. You can continue to use the load(1M) and unload(1M) commands for moving media while the device is in the unavail state.

You can use the samu(1M) down, off, and on device state commands to change device states to down, off, or on. You can enter these commands from any samu(1M) display, but if you enter them from the c, m, o, r, s, or t display, you can see the device state change in the display. For example, you could set a device state to off from within the P display, but you would not be able to see the new device state reflected in the display.

The following procedures show what to type to change a device's state from down to on and from on to down.

procedure icon  To Change a Drive State from down to on

1. Bring up a samu(1M) display that shows drive and automated library device states.

The following samu(1M) displays all show device states: c, m, o, r, s, and t.

2. Visually inspect the display to verify that the device is in the down state.

3. Type :off.

Turning the device off halts all activity so the device can be started cleanly in the next step. For example:

Command:off eq

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal of the device.

4. Type :on.

For example:

Command:on eq

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal of the device.

procedure icon  To Change a Drive State from on to down

1. Bring up a samu(1M) display that shows drive and automated library device states.

The following samu(1M) displays all show device states: c, m, o, r, s, and t.

2. Visually inspect the display to verify that the device is in the on state.

3. Type :off.

Turning the device off halts all activity so the device can be stopped cleanly in the next step. For example:

Command:off eq

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal of the device.

4. Type :down.

For example:

Command:down eq

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal of the device.

Operator Commands

The following sections describe the operator commands that you can enter from the samu(1M) operator utility's command interface. You can enter the commands from any display.

The following types of operator commands are available:

If you want to enter any operator commands from the Solaris operating system (OS) command line, you must use them as arguments to the samcmd(1M) command. For more information about the samcmd(1M) command, see the samcmd(1M) man page.

In the following subsections, each samu(1M) command is prefaced with a colon (:) when it is entered to designate that a command is being entered and not a series of hot keys.

Device Commands

TABLE 6-38 shows the device commands and their actions.

TABLE 6-38 Device Command Actions




Terminates operation on device eq.


Restricts access to device eq by preventing new connections to the device. Existing operations continue until completion.


Logically turns off device eq.


Logically turns on device eq.


Selects device eq and makes it unavailable for use with the Sun StorEdge SAM-FS file system. You might set a drive state to unavail, for example, in a disaster recovery situation in which you are trying to load media to restore a file system and you do not want the Sun StorEdge SAM-FS software to attempt to use this drive.


Unloads the mounted media for the specified removable media device eq. For magazine devices, the unload command unloads the mounted cartridge and ejects the magazine.

CODE EXAMPLE 6-27 shows the formats for the device control commands.

CODE EXAMPLE 6-27 Formats for the Device Control Commands
:down eq
:idle eq
:off eq
:on eq
:unavail eq
:unload eq

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal of the device.

SAM Commands -- Archiver Control

TABLE 6-39 shows the archiver commands and their actions.

TABLE 6-39 Archiver Command Actions




Stops all archiving at the next convenient point. For example, at the end of the current tar(1) file for sam-arcopy operations. You can also use this command to stop all archiving activity for all file systems prior to unmounting the file systems.


Performs a soft restart on the archiver. The archiver daemons are restarted, and all work in progress is recovered.


Interrupts the archiver and restarts the archiver. This action occurs regardless of the state of the archiver. Therefore, use arrestart with caution. Some copy operations to archive media might not complete and must be repeated. This wastes space on the media.


Removes an archive request.


Causes the archiver to begin archiving. This command overrides any existing global wait command in the archiver.cmd file.


Scans the file system.


Stops all archiving immediately.


Performs archiver tracing.

CODE EXAMPLE 6-28 shows the formats for the archiver commands.

CODE EXAMPLE 6-28 Formats for the Archiver Commands
:aridle [ dk | rm | fs.fsname ]
:arrmarchreq fsname.[* | archreq]
:arrun [ dk | rm | fs.fsname ]
:arscan fsname[.dir | ..inodes][int]
:arstop [ dk | rm | fs.fsname ]
:artrace [fs.fsname]

The arguments to these commands are optional. If no arguments are specified, all file systems are affected. If arguments are specified, the command takes action based on the type of archive file specified (dk or rm) or the file system specified. TABLE 6-40 shows the archiver command arguments.

TABLE 6-40 Archiver Command Arguments




Specifies that this command pertains to disk archive files.


Specifies that this command pertains to removable media files.


Specifies that this command pertains to a specific file system. Enter a file system name for fsname.


Specifies the name of a specific archive request file in the following format:


This file name has three components. Use a period to separate each component. The first component is the name of the archive set. The second component is the copy number (1, 2, 3, or 4). The third component is a sequence number that the archiver assigns. More than one archive request can exist at one time.

You can use the showqueue(1M) command to obtain the names of the archive request files in the system. CODE EXAMPLE 6-29 shows how to use this command. Alternatively, you can go to the following directory and list the files present:



Signifies all files.


Specifies a specific directory name. This is the directory to scan.


Specifies that the inodes should be scanned.


An integer number of seconds to delay the scan.

CODE EXAMPLE 6-29 shows using the showqueue(1M) command to obtain an archreq file name that can be used as input to the arrmarchreq samu(1M) command.

CODE EXAMPLE 6-29 Using showqueue (1M)
# showqueue samfs9
Filesystem samfs9:  
Scan list: empty
Archive requests
arset1.2.0 schedule 2004-01-22 16:23:07
    files:697 space:   4.934G flags: offline
 (min:    1.000k)    priority: 0 0
    No volumes available
    Drive 1 
      Files: 695, bytes:    1.932G (min:    1.000k)
  Stage volumes:
arset1.1.1 schedule 2004-01-22 16:23:07
    files:3 space:   6.236M flags:
 (min:  826.000k)    priority: 0 0
    No volumes available
    Drive 1 
      Files: 3, bytes:    6.236M (min:  826.000k)

CODE EXAMPLE 6-29 shows that files arset1.2.0 and arset1.1.1 are archive request files.

The :hwm_archive eq and :nohwm_archive eq Commands

The hwm_archive command invokes the archiver when the amount of data in the file system increases to a level above the releaser's high-water mark. You can set the releaser's high-water mark by using the thresh command. For information about the thresh command, see The :thresh eq high low Command. The nohwm_archive command disables this capability and is the default.

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal for the file system.

The :thresh eq high low Command

The thresh command sets the high and low thresholds for a file system to control file archiving.

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal of the storage family set.

For high, specify the high threshold.

For low, specify the low threshold.

For example, the following command sets the high threshold to 50 percent and the low threshold to 40 percent for the storage Family Set whose file system Equipment Ordinal is 10:

:thresh 10 50 40

SAM Commands -- Releaser Control

The following commands allow you to control aspects of the partial release feature. For more information about the partial release feature, see the Releasing chapter in the Sun StorEdge SAM-FS Storage and Archive Management Guide.

The :maxpartial eq value Command

The maxpartial command sets the maximum partial release size for the file system to value kilobytes. The partial release size cannot be set larger than this maxpartial setting.

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal for the file system.

For value, specify an integer such that 0 less than or equal value less than or equal 2097152.

The :partial eq value Command

The partial command sets the number of kilobytes to leave online after release of the file. For more information, see the Releasing chapter in the Sun StorEdge SAM-FS Storage and Archive Management Guide.

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal for the file system.

For value, specify the number of kilobytes to leave online. The default size is 16.

SAM Commands -- Stager Control

The following commands allow you to control staging activities.

The :partial_stage eq value Command

The partial_stage command sets the partial stage size for the file system to value kilobytes. For a file with the partial release attribute, value specifies the file offset past which access results in the entire file being staged to disk.

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal for the file system.

For value, specify an integer that is greater than 0 but is less than the value specified for the maxpartial setting. For more information about the maxpartial setting, see The :maxpartial eq value Command. For more information about the partial release feature, see the Releasing chapter in the Sun StorEdge SAM-FS Storage and Archive Management Guide.

The :stage_flush_behind eq value Command

The stage_flush_behind command sets the maximum stage flush-behind value. Pages being staged are written to disk asychronously to help the Solaris VM layer keep the pages clean.

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal for the file system.

For value, specify an integer number of kilobytes such that 0 less than or equal value less than or equal 8192. By default, value=0, which disables stage_flush_behind.

The :stage_n_window eq value Command

The stage_n_window command works with the stage(1) command's -n option. This samu(1M) command sets the stage(1) command's -n option for the file system to value. This command is effective for files read directly from the archive media and for which stage -n has been specified. For a file with the stage -n attribute set, value is the amount of data that is staged to the application's buffer at any one time.

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal for the file system.

For value, specify an integer such that 64 less than or equal value less than or equal 2097152 kilobytes. The default is 256 for all for all file systems except for the Sun StorEdge QFS shared file system, which is set to the value of the minallocsz mount option.

The :stage_retries eq value Command

The stage_retries command sets the number of stage retries attempted per archive copy when certain errors are encountered.

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal for the file system.

For value, specify a number such that 0 less than or equal value less than or equal 20. When value=0, retries are not attempted. The default is 3.

The :stclear mt.vsn Command

The stclear command clears a stage request.

For mt, specify the media type; for information about valid media types, see the mcf(4) man page.

For vsn, specify the volume to mount.

The :stidle Command

The stidle command idles the stager. Use this command if you want the stager to finish its current tasks and not commence any additional staging.

The :strun Command

The strun command restarts staging activity. You can use this command to restart the stager after you have issued the stidle command.

File System Commands -- I/O Management

The following commands allow you to manage I/O characteristics dynamically.

The :flush_behind eq value Command

The flush_behind command sets the maximum flush_behind value. When set to a value greater than 0, modified pages that are being written sequentially are written to disk asynchronously to help the Solaris kernel layer keep the pages clean. This option sets the maximum flush_behind value.

For value, specify an integer number of kilobytes such that 0 less than or equal value less than or equal 8192. By default, value=0, which disables flush_behind.

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal for the file system.

The :force_nfs_async eq
and :noforce_nfs_async eq Commands

These commands allow you to control whether the file system caches NFS data written to the server even if NFS has requested that the data be written synchronously through to disk. The force_nfs_async command caches NFS data. The noforce_nfs_async command, which is the default, synchronously writes data through to disk.

The force_nfs_async command is effective only if the file system is mounted as an NFS server and only if the clients are mounted with the noac NFS mount option. For more information about mounting an NFS file system, see the mount_nfs(1M) man page.

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal for the file system.

caution icon

Caution - The force_nfs_async option violates NFS protocols. Use this command with caution. In the event of a server interruption, data can be lost. Data is cached on the NFS server and cannot be seen immediately by all the clients if there are multiple NFS servers. Multiple NFS servers can be enabled within the Sun StorEdge QFS shared file system. For more information about the Sun StorEdge QFS shared file system, see Sun StorEdge QFS Shared File System.

The :readahead eq contig Command

The readahead command specifies the maximum number of bytes that can be read ahead by the file system.

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal for the file system.

For contig, specify units of 1-kilobyte blocks. This must be an integer such that 1 < contig < 8192. The contig specified is truncated to a multiple of 8 kilobytes. The default contig is 8 (131072 bytes).

For example, the following command sets the maximum contiguous block size to 262,144 bytes for the file system defined as Equipment Ordinal 3:

:readahead 3 256

This value can also be configured in the samfs.cmd file by specifying the readahead directive. For more information, see the samfs.cmd(4) man page.

The :sw_raid eq and :nosw_raid eq Commands

These options specify whether or not the file system aligns the writebehind buffer. Specify sw_raid if the software RAID feature of a package such as Solstice DiskSuite is also used on this file system. The default setting is nosw_raid.

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal for a file system.

The :writebehind eq contig Command

The writebehind command specifies the maximum number of bytes that can be written behind by a file system.

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal for a file system.

For contig, specify units of 1-kilobyte blocks. This must be an integer such that 1 < contig < 8192. The default contig is 8 (131072 bytes).

For example, the following command sets the maximum contiguous block size to 262,144 bytes for the file system defined as Equipment Ordinal 50:

:writebehind 50 256

This value can also be configured in the samfs.cmd file by specifying the writebehind directive. For more information, see the samfs.cmd(4) man page.

The :wr_throttle eq value Command

The wr_throttle command sets the number of outstanding write bytes for one file to value kilobytes.

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal for a file system.

For value, specify an integer number of kilobytes. If value=0, there is no limit. The default is 16384.

File System Commands -- Direct I/O Management

The commands in this section control I/O on Sun StorEdge QFS and Sun StorEdge SAM-FS file systems. They allow you to change the type of I/O for an individual file based on I/O size and history. If direct I/O is specified for a file, for example, through the setfa(1) command, these options are ignored and all I/O to regular files is direct, if possible.

These commands refer to both well-aligned and misaligned I/O. Well-aligned I/O occurs when the file offset falls on a 512-byte boundary and when the length of the I/O transfer is at least 512 bytes. Misaligned I/O occurs when the file offset does not fall on a 512-byte boundary and the length of the transfer is less than 512 bytes.

For more information about I/O and I/O management, see Advanced Topics.

The :dio_rd_form_min eq value
and :dio_wr_form_min eq value Commands

These commands set the lower limits for well-aligned I/O to value 1024-byte blocks. Use the dio_rd_form_min command to set the value for reads, and use the dio_wr_form_min command to set the value for writes.

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal for the file system.

For value, specify an integer number of 1024-byte blocks to use for the lower limit. By default, value=256. If value=0, automatic I/O switching is disabled.

The :dio_rd_ill_min eq value
and :dio_wr_ill_min eq value Commands

These commands set the lower limit for misaligned I/O to value 1024-byte blocks. Use the dio_rd_ill_min command to set the value for reads, and use the dio_wr_ill_min command to set the value for writes.

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal for the file system.

For value, specify an integer number of 1024-byte blocks to use for the lower limit. By default, value=256. If value=0, automatic I/O switching is disabled.

The :dio_rd_consec eq value
and :dio_wr_consec eq value Commands

These commands set the number of consecutive I/O transfers that can occur, with a buffer size greater than the specified lower limits, to value operations.

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal for the file system.

For value, specify the the number of consecutive I/O transfers with a buffer size greater than the specified lower limit. The specified lower limit is the value of dio_rd_form_min for aligned reads or dio_rd_ill_min for misaligned reads. By default, value=0, which means that no default direct reads occur based on I/O sizes.

For more information, see one or more of the following commands or mount parameters:

The :forcedirectio eq
and :noforcedirectio eq Commands

These commands allow you to control whether direct I/O be used as the default I/O mode. By default, the I/O mode is buffered and uses the page cache. The forcedirectio command enables direct I/O for all transfers. The noforcedirectio command enables the default, which is buffered I/O.

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal for the file system.

When direct I/O is specified, the system transfers data directly between the user's buffer and disk. Use direct I/O only if the file system is used for large, block-aligned, sequential I/O.

For more information about I/O, see Advanced Topics.

File System Commands -- Sun StorEdge QFS Shared File Systems

The following file system commands are supported on Sun StorEdge QFS shared file systems only.

The :meta_timeo eq interval Command

The metatimeo command sets the Sun StorEdge QFS shared file system metadata cache time out value. For more information about using this feature, see Retaining Cached Attributes: the meta_timeo=n Option.

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal of the file system.

For interval, specify an interval in seconds. The default interval is 15. After this interval expires, the client host systems obtain a new copy of the metadata information from the metadata server host.

The :mhwrite eq and :nomh_write eq Commands

These commands enable or disable multihost reads and writes. For information about this feature, see Enabling Multiple Host Reads and Writes: the mh_write Option.

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal of the file system.

The :minallocsz eq value
and :maxallocsz eq value Commands

These commands set the minimum and maximum block allocation size.

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal of the file system.

For value, and for more information about this feature, see Tuning Allocation Sizes: the minallocsz=n and maxallocsz=n Options.

The :rdlease eq interval, :wrlease eq interval,
and :aplease eq interval Commands

These commands tune the amount of time granted for read, write, and append leases. For information about this feature, see Using Leases in a Sun StorEdge QFS Shared File System: the rdlease=n, wrlease=n, and aplease=n Options.

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal of the file system.

For interval, specify an integer number of seconds. All three leases enable you to specify an interval such that 15 less than or equal interval less than or equal 600. The default interval is 30.

File System Commands - Miscellaneous

The following commands allow you to control leases, allocation sizes, and various other file system characteristics.

The :invalid eq interval Command

The invalid command specifies that the file system hold cached attributes for at least interval seconds after a file is modified. You can specify this command only if the file system was mounted originally with the reader mount option. For information about mount options, see the mount_samfs(1M) man page.

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal for the file system.

For interval, specify the number of seconds to hold the attributes after file modification. For example, assume that interval=30. In such a file system, if you issue an ls(1) command, you might not see a newly created file appear in its output for 30 seconds after it has been created on its writer host.

The :mm_stripe eq value Command
(Sun StorEdge QFS File Systems Only)

The mm_stripe command sets the metadata stripe width for the file system to value 16-kilobyte disk allocation units (DAUs).

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal of the file system.

For value, specify either 0 or 1. If value=1, which is the default, the file system writes one DAU of metadata to one LUN before switching to another LUN. If value=0, the metadata is round-robined across all available metadata LUNs.

The :qwrite eq
and :noqwrite eq Commands
(Sun StorEdge QFS File Systems Only)

The qwrite and noqwrite commands control the ability to perform simultaneous reads and writes to the same file from different threads. Specify qwrite only if file system users handle multiple simultaneous transactions to the same file. For example, this is useful in database applications. The qwrite feature improves I/O performance by queuing multiple requests at the drive level. The qwrite specification is disabled for NFS reads or writes of the file system.

The default setting is noqwrite, so the file system disables simultaneous reads and writes to the same file. This is the mode defined by the UNIX vnode interface standard that gives exclusive access to only one writer and forces other writers and readers to wait.

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal of the file system.

The :refresh_at_eof eq
and :norefresh_at_eof eq Commands
(Sun StorEdge QFS File Systems Only)

The refresh_at_eof and norefresh_at_eof commands can be used for fast updates to a Sun StorEdge QFS multireader file system on hosts that are mounted with the reader mount option in a multireader file system. This option ensures that the system refreshes the current file size when the read buffer exceeds the end of file. You can use this, for example, if the writer host system is appending to a file and the reader is issuing tail(1) commands with the -f option. The default is norefresh_at_eof.

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal of the file system.

The :setuid eq and :nosetuid eq Commands

The setuid and nosetuid commands control whether setuid execution is allowed for this file system. These mount options control whether running programs are allowed to automatically change their owner IDs. For more information about the implications of using these mount options, see the suid and nosuid mount option descriptions on the mount_ufs(1M) man page and see the setuid(2) man page.

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal of the file system.

The :stripe eq value Command

The stripe command sets the stripe width for the file system to value disk allocation units (DAUs). The stripe width specifies that value multiplied by the DAU bytes are written to one LUN before switching to the next LUN. You can use the sammkfs(1M) -a command to set the DAU size on the file system when it is initialized.

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal of the file system.

For value, specify an integer such that 0 < value < 255. If value=0, files are round-robin on each slice. The default value on file systems with an ms Equipment Type and on file systems with an ma Equipment Type with no striped group (gXXX) components is as follows:

By default, value=0 on a Sun StorEdge QFS shared file system.

By default, value=0 on file systems with an ma Equipment Type with any striped group (gXXX) components.

The system sets value=0 if mismatched striped groups exist.

For more information about file system types, see File System Design and see Volume Management.

The :sync_meta eq value Command

The sync_meta command determine whether metadata is written to disk every time it changes. If you are using this command on Sun StorEdge QFS shared file system, also see Specifying the Frequency With Which Metadata is Written: the sync_meta=n Option.

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal of the file system.

For value, specify either 0 or 1, as follows:

The :trace eq and :notrace eq Commands

The trace command enables tracing for a file system. The notrace command disables tracing. These are global directives that affect all operations. For more information about file system tracing, see the defaults.conf(4) man page.

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal of a file system.

Automated Library Commands

The following commands control media activities in an automated library.

The :audit [ -e ] eq [ :slot [ :side ]] Commands

The audit command causes the specified automated library device to mount each volume, read the VSN, and rebuild the library catalog.

If -e is specified, and the volume is on a tape cartridge, the tape skips to the end of data (EOD) and updates the space available. Note that the skip to EOD is not interruptible. Under certain conditions, it can take hours to complete.

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal of an automated library device.

For slot, specify the slot number containing the volume you want to load.

For side, specify the side of a magneto-optical disk. Must be 1 or 2. This argument is not applicable to tape cartridges.

This command is not supported for network-attached libraries.

The :export eq:slot and :export mt.vsn Commands

The export command causes the specified automated library to export a volume to the mail slot. The volume is identified by its slot position within the automated library.

The :import eq Command

The import command causes the specified automated library to allow you to add a cartridge. For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal of the automated library.

The :load eq:slot [ :side ] and :load mt.vsn Commands

The load command enables you to load by either a physical or a logical identifier, as follows:

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal or device name.

For slot, specify the slot number containing the volume you want to load.

For side, specify the side of a magneto-optical disk. Must be 1 or 2. This argument is not applicable to tape cartridges.

For mt, specify the media type; for information about valid media types, see the mcf(4) man page.

For vsn, specify the volume to mount.

The :priority pid newpri Command

The priority command sets the load priority for a process. You can specify this command from the removable media mount requests display. For more information, see (p) - Removable Media Load Requests Display.

For pid, specify the priority shown in the p display.

For newpri, specify the priority you want to give the request. This should be an integer number.

Miscellaneous Commands

The following commands allow you to control tracing, open access to a disk device, and perform several other miscellaneous tasks.

The :clear vsn [ index ] Command

The clear command clears the specified VSN from the removable media mount requests display. For more information, see (p) - Removable Media Load Requests Display.

For vsn, specify the volume to mount. Any process waiting for the VSN mount is aborted.

For index, specify the decimal ordinal of the VSN in the removable media display.

The :devlog eq [ option ] Command

The devlog command sets one or more events to be logged.

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal of a device.

For option, specify one or more event types. Possible event types are as follows: all, date, default, detail, err, event, label, mig, module, msg, none, retry, stage, syserr, and time. For information about these options, see the defaults.conf(4) man page. If no option is specified, the system does not change the current events being logged for the eq specified.

The :dtrace Commands

The dtrace commands are as follows:

The dtrace commands specify various tracing options. TABLE 6-41 shows the tracing control command arguments.

TABLE 6-41 Tracing Command Arguments




Specify the keyword all or a process name. If the keyword all is specified, the tracing command affects all daemons. If one of the following process names is specified, the tracing command affects that process only: sam-archiverd, sam-catserverd, sam-fsd, sam-rftd, sam-recycler, sam-sharefsd, and sam-stagerd. One of the keywords on or off can be specified after a process name. If on or off is specified, tracing is turned off or on for all processes specified.

variable value

Many different variable and value arguments can be specified. The defaults.conf(4) man page contains comprehensive information about these arguments. Specify one of the following variable and value combinations:

  • file value. For value, specify the name of a file to which trace files can be written. This can be a full path name.
  • options value. For value, specify a space-separated list of trace options.
  • age value. For age, specify the trace file rotation age.
  • size value. For value, specify the size of the trace file at which rotation will begin.

The :fs fsname Command

The fs command sets the file system to be displayed through the N display.

For fsname, specify the name of the file system to be examined.

The :mount mntpt Command

The mount command selects a Sun StorEdge QFS or Sun StorEdge SAM-FS file system. For mntpt, specify the mount point of a file system.

The :open eq Command

The open command enables access to the specified disk device. You must issue this command before you can use the read command, disk sector display (S), or file label display (F).

For eq, specify the Equipment Ordinal of a device.

The :read addr Command

The read command reads the specified sector from the currently opened disk device. You must open the device before it can be read.

For addr, specify the hexadecimal sector address.

The :refresh i Command

The refresh command determines the amount of time between samu(1M) screen refreshes.

For i, specify a time in seconds.

The :snap [ filename ] Command

The snap command sends a snapshot of a display window to filename, which is the name of a file to receive the display information.

To aid in problem reporting, you can take a snapshot of all the samu(1M) utility's displays. Each new snapshot is appended to the snapshots file. The default file is snapshots in the current working directory. The file can be printed, examined using vi(1), or faxed to Sun Microsystems customer support staff.

The :! shell_command Command

The ! command enables you to run a shell command without leaving the samu(1M) operator utility.