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Sun StorEdge QFS and Sun StorEdge SAM-FS File System Administration Guide

Release 4.2




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Typographic Conventions

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1. Overview

Common Features

vnode Interface

Enhanced Volume Management

Support for Paged and Direct I/O

Preallocation of File Space

Application Programming Interface Routines

High Capacity

Fast File System Recovery

Adjustable Disk Allocation Unit

File System Differences

Metadata Storage

Support for Multiple Striped Groups

SAM Interoperability

Sun Cluster Interoperability

Sun StorEdge QFS Shared File System Support

2. File System Design

Design Basics

Inode Files and File Characteristics

File Attributes and File States

User-Specified File Attributes

System-Specified File States

Displaying File Information

Archive Copy Line Explanation

Checksum Line Explanation

Specifying Disk Allocation Units and Stripe Widths

DAU Settings and File System Geometry

Dual Allocation Scheme

Single Allocation Scheme

Allocation Scheme Summary

Stripe Widths on Data Disks

Sun StorEdge SAM-FS Stripe Widths

Sun StorEdge QFS Stripe Widths - Not Using Striped Groups

Sun StorEdge QFS Stripe Widths - Using Striped Groups

Sun StorEdge QFS Data Alignment

Stripe Widths on Metadata Disks

File Allocation Methods

Metadata Allocation

Round-Robin Allocation

Striped Allocation

Striped Groups (Sun StorEdge QFS File Systems Only)

Mismatched Striped Groups (Sun StorEdge QFS File Systems Only)


3. Volume Management

Creating the mcf File

The Equipment Identifier Field

The Equipment Ordinal Field

The Equipment Type Field

The Family Set Field

The Device State Field

The Additional Parameters Field

Examples of mcf Files

Sun StorEdge SAM-FS Volume Management Example

Sun StorEdge QFS and Sun SAM-QFS Volume Management Examples

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Interactions Between File Settings, Options, and Directives

Initializing a File System


Configuration Examples

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Create a Sun StorEdge QFS Round-Robin Disk Configuration

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Create a Sun StorEdge SAM-FS Round-Robin Disk Configuration

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Create a Sun StorEdge QFS Striped Disk Configuration

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Create a Sun StorEdge SAM-FS Striped Disk Configuration

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Create a Sun StorEdge QFS Striped Groups Configuration

4. File System Operations

Initializing a File System

Propagating Configuration File Changes to the System

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Change mcf(4) or defaults.conf(4) Information in a Sun StorEdge QFS Environment

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Change mcf(4) or defaults.conf(4) File System Information in a Sun StorEdge SAM-FS or Sun SAM-QFS Environment

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Change mcf(4) or defaults.conf(4) Removable Media Drive Information

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Change archiver.cmd(4) or stager.cmd(4) Information

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Change the Shared Hosts File Information on a Mounted File System

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Change the Shared Hosts File Information on an Unmounted File System

Mounting a File System

The mount(1M) Command

The /etc/vfstab File

The samfs.cmd File

Unmounting a File System

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Unmount Standalone Sun StorEdge SAM-FS and Sun SAM-QFS File Systems

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Unmount Sun StorEdge QFS and Sun SAM-QFS Shared File Systems

Checking File System Integrity and Repairing File Systems

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Check a File System

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Repair a File System

Preserving Information for an Upgrade

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Preparing for a Hardware Device Upgrade

Adding Disk Cache to a File System

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Add Disk Cache to a File System

Replacing Disks in a File System

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Back Up and Recreate a File System

Upgrading a Host System

Upgrading the Solaris OS

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Upgrade Your Solaris OS in a Sun StorEdge SAM-FS or Sun SAM-QFS Environment

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Upgrade Your Solaris OS in a Sun StorEdge QFS Environment

5. Sun StorEdge QFS Shared File System


Configuring the Sun StorEdge QFS Shared File System

Converting an Unshared File System to a Shared File System

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Convert an Unshared File System to Shared on the Server

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Convert an Unshared File System to Shared on Each Client

Converting a Shared File System to an Unshared File System

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Convert a Shared File System to Unshared on Each Client

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Convert a Shared File System to Unshared on the Server

Mounting and Unmounting Sun StorEdge QFS Shared File Systems

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Mount a Sun StorEdge QFS Shared File System

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Unmount a Sun StorEdge QFS Shared File System

Adding and Removing a Client Host

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Add a Client Host

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Remove a Client Host

Changing the Metadata Server in a Sun StorEdge QFS Environment

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Change the Metadata Server When the Metadata Server Is Available

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Change the Metadata Server When the Metadata Server Is Unavailable


Mount Options in a Sun StorEdge QFS Shared File System

Mounting in the Background: the bg Option

Reattempting a File System Mount: the retry Option

Declaring a Sun StorEdge QFS Shared File System: the shared Option

Tuning Allocation Sizes: the minallocsz=n and maxallocsz=n Options

Using Leases in a Sun StorEdge QFS Shared File System: the rdlease=n, wrlease=n, and aplease=n Options

Enabling Multiple Host Reads and Writes: the mh_write Option

Setting the Number of Concurrent Threads: the nstreams=n Option

Retaining Cached Attributes: the meta_timeo=n Option

Specifying Striped Allocation: the stripe Option

Specifying the Frequency With Which Metadata is Written: the sync_meta=n Option

Mount Semantics in a Sun StorEdge QFS Shared File System

File Locking in a Sun StorEdge QFS Shared File System

Performance Considerations

Troubleshooting a Failed or Hung sammkfs(1M) or mount(1M) Command

Recovering a Failed sammkfs(1M) Command

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Verify the mcf(4) File and Propagate mcf(4) File Changes to the System

Recovering a Failed mount(1M) Command

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Verify that the File System can be Mounted

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Use the samfsinfo(1M) and samsharefs(1M) Commands

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Use the samfsconfig(1M) Command

Recovering a Hung mount(1M) Command

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Verify Network Connections

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Verify that the Client Can Reach the Server (Optional)

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Verify that the Server Can Reach the Client (Optional)

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Examine the sam-sharefsd Trace Log (Optional)

6. Using the samu(1M) Operator Utility


procedure iconsmall spaceTo Invoke samu(1M)

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Display a samu(1M) Screen

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Stop samu(1M)

Interacting With samu(1M)

Entering a Device

Getting Online Help

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Access Online Help From a Display Screen

Operator Displays

(a) - Archiver Status Display


Sample Display

Field Descriptions

(c) - Device Configuration Display


Sample Display

Field Descriptions

(C) - Memory Display

Sample Display

(d) - Daemon Trace Controls Display

Sample Display

(f) - File Systems Display

Sample Display

Field Descriptions

(F) - Optical Disk Label Display

(h) - Help Display


Sample Display

(I) - Inode Display


Sample Display

(J) - Preview Shared Memory Display


Sample Display

(K) - Kernel Statistics Display


Sample Display

(l) - License Display

Sample Display

(L) - Shared Memory Tables

Sample Display

(m) - Mass Storage Status Display

Sample Display

Field Descriptions

(M) - Shared Memory Display


Sample Display

(n) - Staging Status Display

Sample Display

(N) - File System Parameters Display


Sample Display

(o) - Optical Disk Status Display


Sample Display

Field Descriptions

(p) - Removable Media Load Requests Display


Sample Display

Field Descriptions


(P) - Active Services Display


Sample Display

(r) - Removable Media Status Display

Sample Display

Field Descriptions

(R) - Sun SAM-Remote Information Display

(s) - Device Status Display


Sample Display

Field Descriptions

(S) - Sector Data Display


(t) - Tape Drive Status Display


Sample Display

Field Descriptions

(T) - SCSI Sense Data Display


(u) - Staging Queue Display


Sample Display

Field Descriptions

(U) - Device Table Display


Sample Display

(v) - Automated Library Catalog Display


Sample Display

Field Descriptions


(w) - Pending Stage Queue


Sample Display

Field Descriptions

Operator Display Status Codes

Removable Media Device Display Status Codes

File System Display Status Codes

Operator Display Device States

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Change a Drive State from down to on

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Change a Drive State from on to down

Operator Commands

Device Commands

SAM Commands -- Archiver Control

The :hwm_archive eq and :nohwm_archive eq Commands

The :thresh eq high low Command

SAM Commands -- Releaser Control

The :maxpartial eq value Command

The :partial eq value Command

SAM Commands -- Stager Control

The :partial_stage eq value Command

The :stage_flush_behind eq value Command

The :stage_n_window eq value Command

The :stage_retries eq value Command

The :stclear mt.vsn Command

The :stidle Command

The :strun Command

File System Commands -- I/O Management

The :flush_behind eq value Command

The :force_nfs_async eq and :noforce_nfs_async eq Commands

The :readahead eq contig Command

The :sw_raid eq and :nosw_raid eq Commands

The :writebehind eq contig Command

The :wr_throttle eq value Command

File System Commands -- Direct I/O Management

The :dio_rd_form_min eq value and :dio_wr_form_min eq value Commands

The :dio_rd_ill_min eq value and :dio_wr_ill_min eq value Commands

The :dio_rd_consec eq value and :dio_wr_consec eq value Commands

The :forcedirectio eq and :noforcedirectio eq Commands

File System Commands -- Sun StorEdge QFS Shared File Systems

The :meta_timeo eq interval Command

The :mhwrite eq and :nomh_write eq Commands

The :minallocsz eq value and :maxallocsz eq value Commands

The :rdlease eq interval, :wrlease eq interval, and :aplease eq interval Commands

File System Commands - Miscellaneous

The :invalid eq interval Command

The :mm_stripe eq value Command (Sun StorEdge QFS File Systems Only)

The :qwrite eq and :noqwrite eq Commands (Sun StorEdge QFS File Systems Only)

The :refresh_at_eof eq and :norefresh_at_eof eq Commands (Sun StorEdge QFS File Systems Only)

The :setuid eq and :nosetuid eq Commands

The :stripe eq value Command

The :sync_meta eq value Command

The :trace eq and :notrace eq Commands

Automated Library Commands

The :audit [ -e ] eq [ :slot [ :side ]] Commands

The :export eq:slot and :export mt.vsn Commands

The :import eq Command

The :load eq:slot [ :side ] and :load mt.vsn Commands

The :priority pid newpri Command

Miscellaneous Commands

The :clear vsn [ index ] Command

The :devlog eq [ option ] Command

The :dtrace Commands

The :fs fsname Command

The :mount mntpt Command

The :open eq Command

The :read addr Command

The :refresh i Command

The :snap [ filename ] Command

The :! shell_command Command

7. File System Quotas


Types of Quotas, Quota Files, and Quota Records

Soft Limits and Hard Limits

Quotas and Archive Media

Disk Blocks and File Limits

Enabling Quotas

Guidelines for Setting Up Quotas

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Configure a New File System to Use Quotas

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Configure an Existing File System to Use Quotas

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Assign Admin Set IDs to Directories and Files

Setting Infinite Quotas

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Set an Infinite Quota

Enabling Default Quota Values

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Enable Default Quota Values for Users, Groups, or Admin Sets

Enabling Limits

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Enable Limits for Users, Groups, or Admin Sets

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Enable or Change Limits for Users, Groups, or Admin Sets Using an Existing Quota File

Checking Quotas

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Check for Exceeded Quotas

Changing and Removing Quotas

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Change the Grace Period

Changing the Grace Period Expiration

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Inhibit Additional File System Resource Allocations

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Remove a File System's Quotas

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Correct Quotas

8. Sun StorEdge QFS in a Sun Cluster Environment

Before You Begin


How the Sun Cluster and the Sun StorEdge QFS Software Interact

Data Access With a Shared File System

Data Access With an Unshared File System

About Configuration Examples

Configuring a Sun StorEdge QFS Shared File System on a Sun Cluster

Metadata Server Resource Considerations

Example Configuration

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Prepare to Create Sun StorEdge QFS Shared File Systems

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Create the Sun StorEdge QFS Shared File System and Configure Sun Cluster Nodes

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Validate the Configuration

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Configure the Sun Cluster Data Service for Oracle Real Application Clusters

Configuring an Unshared File System on a Sun Cluster

Example 1

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Prepare to Create an Unshared Sun StorEdge QFS File System

procedure iconsmall spaceStep 2: Create the Sun StorEdge QFS File System and Configure The Sun Cluster Nodes

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Configure the Network Name Service and the IPMP Validation Testing

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Configure HA-NFS and the Sun StorEdge QFS File System for High Availability

Example 2

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Prepare the Solstice DiskSuite/Solaris Volume Manager Software

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Prepare to Create a Sun StorEdge QFS File System

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Create the Sun StorEdge QFS File System and Configure Sun Cluster Nodes

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Configure the Network Name Service and the IPMP Validation Testing

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Configure HA-NFS and the Sun StorEdge QFS File System for High Availability

Example 3

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Configure the VxVM Software

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Prepare to Create a Sun StorEdge QFS File System

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Create the Sun StorEdge QFS File System and Configure Sun Cluster Nodes

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Validate the Configuration

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Configure the Network Name Service and the IPMP Validation Testing

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Configure HA-NFS and the Sun StorEdge QFS File System for High Availability

Changing the Sun StorEdge QFS Configuration

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Change the Shared File System Configuration

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Disable HA-NFS on a File System That Uses Raw Global Devices

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Disable HA-NFS on a File System That Uses Solaris Volume Manager-Controlled Volumes

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Disable HA-NFS on a Sun StorEdge QFS File System That Uses VxVM-Controlled Volumes

9. Advanced Topics

Daemons, Processes, and Tracing

Daemons and Processes

Trace Files

Trace File Content

Trace File Rotation

Determining Which Processes Are Being Traced

Using the setfa(1) Command to Set File Attributes

Selecting File Attributes for Files and Directories

Preallocating File Space

Selecting a File Allocation Method and Stripe Width

Selecting a Striped Group Device

Accommodating Large Files

Multireader File System

Using the SAN-QFS File System in a Heterogeneous Computing Environment

Before You Begin

Enabling the SAN-QFS File System

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Enable the SAN-QFS File System on the Metadata Controller

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Enable the SAN-QFS File System on the Clients

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Install the SANergy Software on the Clients

Unmounting the SAN-QFS File System

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Unmount the SAN-QFS File System on the SANergy Clients

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Unmount the SAN-QFS File System on the Metadata Controller

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Unmount the SAN-QFS File System on the Sun StorEdge QFS Clients

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Unmount the SAN-QFS File System on the Sun StorEdge QFS Server

Troubleshooting: Unmounting a SAN-QFS File System with SANergy File Holds

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Unmount a File System in the Presence of SANergy File Holds

Block Quotas in a SAN-QFS File System

File Data and File Attributes in a SAN-QFS File System

Using samgrowfs(1M) to Expand SAN-QFS File Systems

SAN-QFS Shared File System and Sun StorEdge QFS Shared File System Comparison

I/O Performance

Paged I/O

Direct I/O

I/O Switching

Increasing Large File Transfer Performance

procedure iconsmall spaceTo Increase File Transfer Performance


Setting the Write Throttle

Setting the Flush-Behind Rate

Tuning the Number of Inodes and the Inode Hash Table

The ninodes Parameter

The nhino Parameter

When to Set the ninodes and nhino Parameters
