C H A P T E R  5

Command-Line Interface

The command-line interface (CLI) for the Sun Fire B10p SSL proxy blade is used for viewing and configuring information and statistics. The interface is accessible by using the console command from the Sun Fire B1600 service controller command-line (sc>). See the Sun Fire B1600 Blade System Chassis Software Setup Guide section 1.5 for details on connecting to the service controller. This provides a good framework to present all commands and their relationship to each other. In Appendix G, the commands are listed alphabetically.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Command-Line Interface Basics

Commands are organized by function using a hierarchy of menus. Each menu supports its own set of commands, prompt, and help messages. The main (root) menu is the first menu accessible to the operator. Depending on the operator's access level different menus and commands are available and displayed.

Parameters to commands can be entered directly on the command line or be entered by the operator when prompted for the input. Some commands do not accept command-line parameters and will prompt for all input (for example, set management). Default values for prompts are set whenever possible and can be entered by hitting the Return or Enter key. The "." character can be used to cancel the current command.

Operator-specified names must be 32 characters or less, alphanumeric, and may contain spaces.

The command-line interface supports features such as automatic command completion, history, context-sensitive help, and other editing commands and shortcuts. For example, the command to create a key can be entered as either create key or cr k (or by as few characters as necessary to avoid conflict). The logout command must be entered in full to avoid conflict with the log command.

The following two command sequences are equivalent.

CLI# create key keyname 1024 


CLI# create
CLI(create)# key
Enter key name: keyname
Enter key strength(1024): 1024

Note - Enter ? or help to see a list of available commands and context-sensitive help.

User Access

Users must first log on to the command interface before access to any commands is allowed.

The SSL proxy blade supports three access levels for initialization and configuration purposes. The three levels are: User, Administrator, and Security Officer, each with its own password. The privileges for each access level are described in the table below.

TABLE 5-1 User Privileges

Access Level





Can only display certain system information.

Cannot change any system information or state of the SSL proxy blade.



All User privileges.

Perform network administration.

Manage services.

Cannot manage keys or certificates.

Cannot backup and restore device configuration.

Security Officer


All User privileges.

All Administrator privileges.

Can perform initial setup.

Manage (add, delete) keys or certificates.

Can backup and restore device configuration.

The following command descriptions include the required access levels (User, Administrator, or Security Officer) for each command. Commands are not accessible if the access level of the command is higher than the access level of the logged in user.

Concurrent access to the SSL proxy blade is supported. Multiple users of any type can access the SSL proxy blade at a given time. This includes any combination of Telnet or console. The who and write commands arrange single Security Officer or Administrator access during delicate configuration tasks.

User Access Commands

The CLI enables operators to log on, log off, change operator password, and write to other users who are currently logged on.

TABLE 5-2 User Access Commands


Access Level





Security Officer

Initiates access to the CLI.




Security Officer

Issues the following reminders:

  1. Reminder to save the configuration.
  2. Reminder to set auto-run to true, if false.
  3. Reminder to issue start command, if the SSL proxy blade is stopped.

The normal SSL proxy blade state during operation should be:

Configuration saved, SSL processing ON, and Watchdog fully enabled by

set password



Security Officer

Enables current users to change their password.

Concurrent User Commands

TABLE 5-3 Concurrent User Commands


Access Level





Security Officer

Displays all users currently logged in for administration.

write user message



Security Officer

Inter-user communication.

A message sent to multiple users with the same login is delivered to only one of them.

Concurrent User Examples

All commands are typed at the CLI# prompt.

For example, for the who command:

CLI# who
so  console

Following is an example using the write command:

CLI# write user "Please log out now."

Global Commands

The following commands can be entered from within any menu.

TABLE 5-4 Global Commands


Access Level





Security Officer

Start SSL processing.




Security Officer

Stop SSL processing.




Security Officer

Reboot the system.

alias token message



Security Officer

Provides command-line text substitution for the current user session. Aliases are only valid for full commands and are not valid for use as input when the operator is prompted for input.

Up to 32 aliases can be defined. Aliases are not saved across reboots.

Note: Use quotes for aliases that contain spaces.




Security Officer

Clear the screen.




Security Officer

Go up one menu level (or to root menu).




Security Officer

Provides a numbered list of the last 10 commands.

To recall a command, use exclamation mark and the command number in the list, for example, CLI# !3.




Security Officer

Displays the current time.

Note that 'show date' is not a command.

show ntp

Administrator Security Officer

Shows NTP settings

set ntp

Administrator Security Officer

Sets NTP settings.*

Port 123 is standard for NTP.

show config

Administrator Security Officer

Displays the system configuration information.



Administrator Security Officer

Log off this system


Administrator Security Officer

Display users currently logged in


Administrator Security Officer

Write text to another user

? or help


Administrator Security Officer

Provides context-sensitive help about the commands and parameters in the current menu.

* When NTP is enabled, the SSL proxy blade synchronizes the time at the time of enabling NTP, every 12 hours, and at boot time. To force an immediate synchronization, disable and enable NTP. By enabling NTP, the UTC or Universal Time Code is used. Previous local time setting based on local time and local time zone are reset by enabling NTP. Table describing the global commands.

Global Command Examples

Following are examples of the global commands listed in TABLE 5-4.

show ntp

The show ntp command returns output similar to the following:

CLI# show ntp
NTP server IP address:
NTP server IP port:       123
NTP service :             enable

set ntp

single-step bulletAs so or admin, type the set ntp, command.:

CLI# set ntp
Enter NTP server IP address ( 
Enter NTP port (123): 
Enter NTP enable/disable (enable): 
    NTP synchronization enabled.
      2002-04-02 23:22:01 UTC

show config

The show config command provides a great deal of system information. It returns output similar to the following:

CLI# show config
   name:              Sun_Fire_B1xp
   state:             Started
   date:              2003-10-09 22:28:03 UTC
   version:           1.873
   secure port:       443
   clear port:        880
   https forward:     disabled
   mode:              routed
   trace state:       stopped
   serial rate:       9600
   web access enabled: disabled
   connection timeout (seconds):  120
   mode:              routed
   routed settings:
   port 1:
     router inbound IP              :
     router outbound IP (primary)   :
     router outbound IP (secondary) :
   port 2:
     router inbound IP              :
     router outbound IP (primary)   :
     router outbound IP (secondary) :
   inband settings:
   port 1:
     inband IP:
     inband netmask:
   port 2:
     inband IP:
     inband netmask:
   port 1:
     vlan:           1234
   port 2:
     vlan:           1234
   client vlan:      1234
   server vlan:      0
   vlan filter enabled: enabled
   management settings:
   port 1:
     management (admin) IP:
     management (admin) netmask:
     management (admin) gateway:
   port 2:
     management (admin) IP:
     management (admin) netmask:
     management (admin) gateway:
   port 1:
      vlan:           1234
   port 2:
      vlan:           1234
   link settings:
   link pairs:    disabled
   port 1:        enabled
   port 2:        enabled
   ethernet interface settings:
   port 1: link:   up: (  auto, speed:   - , duplex:   - , flow control:  - )
               actual:          speed: 1000, duplex: full, flow control:  on
   port 2: link:   up: (  auto, speed:   - , duplex:   - , flow control:  - )
              actual:          speed: 1000, duplex: full, flow control:  on
     features settings:
     UnitID:             1100001EAF01
     TPS [SSL/sec]:          4000 [options: 2500, 5000]
     BULK [Mbps]:             300 [options: 300, 400]
     SESSIONS:              64000 [options: 32000, 64000]
     log settings:
     file:           off
     mem:            off
     serial:         off
     snmp:           off
     syslog:         off
     ntp settings:
     NTP server IP address:
     NTP server IP port:       123
     NTP service:              disabled
     dns settings:
     DNS IP address (primary):
     DNS IP address (secondary):
     Domain name:
     DNS service:                 disabled
     Key Name            Cert            Use Count
     1024                cert            2
     port pairs:
     portpair 1:
       secure port:     443
       clear port:      880
     portpair 2:
       secure port:     0
       clear port:      0
     portpair 3:
       secure port:     0
       clear port:      0
     portpair 4:
       secure port:     0
       clear port:      0
     Service       IP Address        Key         Cipher        PortPair
     svc1       1024        best          443|880

System State Commands

The SSL proxy blade can be in one of several different operating states: Un-initialized, Stopped, Started, and Fault. During normal operating conditions the SSL proxy blade will be in one of two main states:




SSL processing on


SSL processing off

During error or fault conditions, the SSL proxy blade will be in one of two secondary states:




No secure content (for example, no keys), state after tamper detection.


An unrecoverable error has occurred.

TABLE 5-5 describes the system state commands:

TABLE 5-5 Show State Commands


Access Level


show state


Displays the current state of the system. The state is one of un-initialized, started, stopped, or fault.

set autorun [enable|disable]


If autorun is enabled then upon reboot the SSL proxy blade will start processing traffic.

This is the mode for benefiting from automatic reboot (watchdog) protection. If the SSL proxy blade is set to reboot to the stop state, SSL processing will not resume until the operator enters the start command.

A warning is given when logging out if autorun is disabled.

set password


Administrator Security Officer

Enables current users to change their password.


Administrator Security Officer

Enables SSL processing. Otherwise NO SSL sessions will be accepted.


Administrator Security Officer

Disables SSL processing.

No new SSL sessions are accepted.

Existing connections are closed.

Commands and Processing States

Most commands can be used while the SSL proxy blade is processing traffic. Some commands require the system to be stopped before they can be performed. Configuration changes, like software upgrades and feature installation, cannot be made while the SSL proxy blade is processing SSL traffic and require reboot after completion.

TABLE 5-6 lists the commands that require the SSL proxy blade to be stopped or rebooted or both. If the command cannot be executed in the current SSL proxy blade state, the CLI will display a message and tell you to reboot when completed.

TABLE 5-6 Commands That Require the SSL Proxy Blade to be Stopped or Rebooted


SSL Off Required

Reboot Required

import config



config default



config reset



Software upgrade (boot upload, boot activate)



import feature



set link pair



set dns



Fault State

When the SSL proxy blade detects an unrecoverable problem, it goes to a limited functionality fault state. The fault state allows some commands for diagnostics purposes.

SSL Traffic Commands

The SSL proxy blade has two traffic ports dedicated to processing SSL traffic for the servers. Both ports use the same TCP port number for encrypted traffic, typically 443, and the same TCP port number for clear text, for example, 880.

There are commands available for port numbers, enabling traffic ports, and setting network interface parameters for duplex, speed, and flow control.

TCP Port Numbers

In the context of TCP/IP protocol specifications, the TCP port numbers below 1024 are reserved for TCP services. Some numbers in this range are reserved for specific protocols, such as FTP (20,21), HTTP (80), HTTPS (443), while other numbers are available for new services (see TABLE 5-7). The port numbers 1024 and above are used by clients, which typically assign them sequentially to new TCP connections.

TABLE 5-7 TCP Port Numbers

TCP Services

Port Number


Service Description

FTP data



File Transfer Protocol, data

FTP control



File Transfer Protocol, control








Simple Mail Transfer




Trivial File Transfer Protocol




World Wide Web HTTP




Post Office Protocol - Version 3




Simple Network Management Protocol




Interactive Message Access Protocol v3




HTTP protocol over TLS/SSL




imap4 protocol over TLS/SSL




pop3 protocol over TLS/SSL





Currently, the SSL proxy blade supports the HTTPS/HTTP protocol. In addition, the SSL proxy blade has been successfully used in lab settings with POP3S and IMAPS protocols.

The SSL proxy blade requires a secure TCP port number to listen to traffic from the clients, and a clear TCP port number to send traffic to the server. The secure port number is usually 443, the standard port number for HTTPS clients. The clear port must be an available TCP number below 1024.

In the SSL proxy blade, the secure and clear port numbers apply to all services.

External access, for example, from remote browsers or even local machines, can be prevented by combining one or more of the following techniques:

procedure icon  To Display the Current TCP Port Settings

single-step bulletAs any user, type the show portpair command:

CLI# show portpair
     portpair 1:
       secure port:     443
       clear port:      880
     portpair 2:
       secure port:     0
       clear port:      0
     portpair 3:
       secure port:     0
       clear port:      0
     portpair 4:
       secure port:     0
       clear port:      0

procedure icon  To Set the TCP Port Numbers

Use the set portpair command to set the TCP port numbers used for processing secure and clear traffic.


Typical standard settings are:

These port numbers are used for all services.

single-step bulletAs so or admin, type the set portpair command:

CLI# set portpair
Enter portpair number (1..4) (1): 
Enter secure port (https) (443): 
Enter clear port (http) (880): 
    config save & reboot to use activate portpair(s).

procedure icon  To Show HTTPS Forwarding

Use the show httpsforward command to learn whether HTTPS forwarding is enabled or disabled.

single-step bulletAs any user type the show httpsforward command:

CLI# show httpsforward
httpsforward:   disabled 

procedure icon  To Set HTTPS Forwarding

Use the set httpsforward command to set the HTTPS forward function.

single-step bulletAs so or admin, type set httpsforward command:

CLI# set httpsforward

Traffic Port Network Settings

You can enable and configure each of the SSL proxy blade's two traffic ports with IP address and netmask. This allows the port to respond to ARP and ping requests and to be used for health check purposes. In addition, you can specify each port's network link and interface settings.

TABLE 5-8 Traffic Network Settings Worksheet

Parameter Name



Port 1





Enables/disable the port for all traffic

Management (admin) IP


IP address for the port



Netmask for the port

Port 2





Enables/disable the port for all traffic

Management (admin) IP


IP address for the port



Netmask for the port

procedure icon  To Display the Current Link Settings

Use the show link command to display the current link settings for all traffic ports.

single-step bulletAs any user, type the show link command:

CLI# show link
Link pairs: disabled
port 1: enabled
port 2: enabled

procedure icon  To Set the Link Availability for Ports

Use the set link command to set the link availability for a specified port or for all ports. You can save the configuration to make it permanent to exist after power off. You can also disable the link, which turns off the interface until the link is enabled again.

Use the set link restart command to apply the link settings instead of rebooting the SSL proxy blade. If the blade is not stopped you will be prompted to stop it when you try to change the link settings.

single-step bulletAs so or admin, type the set link command and the desired variable:

CLI# set link [port|all] [enable|disable|restart]

The following example enables all ports.

CLI# set link all enable

Network Interfaces

The SSL proxy blade has two network interfaces for traffic running at 1000 Mbps full duplex.

procedure icon  To Display the Current Interface Settings

Use the show interface command to display the current interface settings for the two traffic ports. The configuration appears in parenthesis, the non-parenthesis is the negotiated setting. The port LEDs reflect the negotiated setting.

single-step bulletAs any user, type the show interface command:

CLI# show interface
     ethernet interface settings:
     port 1: link:   up: (  auto, speed:   - , duplex:   - , flow control:  - )
                 actual:          speed: 1000, duplex: full, flow control:  on
     port 2: link:       (  auto, speed:   - , duplex:   - , flow control:  - )

procedure icon  To Display the Current Router Information

single-step bulletAs any user, type the show routed command:

CLI# show routed
    port 1:
      router inbound IP              :
      router outbound IP (primary)   :
      router outbound IP (secondary) :
    port 2:
      router inbound IP              :
      router outbound IP (primary)   :
      router outbound IP (secondary) :

Configuration Storage

The SSL proxy blade stores all configuration information in encrypted form with a device-unique key. The SSL proxy blade stores a permanent configuration, which is read and decrypted when the device is powered on or rebooted with an operator command. All changes to the active configuration must be saved for the change to be made permanent.

The configuration can be exported and saved as a backup. The import command allows a configuration to be set from a backup. All backups are encrypted using a pass-phrase.

Note - Save changes often, using the config save command.

Except for the commands that only display information, most CLI# commands change the active configuration immediately. Be sure to save the configuration after changes are made. In addition, when logging out or performing a shut down you are prompted to save the configuration.

The config compare command displays any difference between the RAM configuration and the Active Configuration file. The config default command overwrites the permanent configuration stored in flash.

FIGURE 5-1 Configuration State

Illustration showing the configuration state.

Configuration Management Commands

Following are descriptions of the configuration management commands.

procedure icon  To Display Differences Between Configurations

Use the config compare command to display the differences between the current running configuration and the configuration saved as permanent in the flash memory.

single-step bulletAs so or admin, type the config compare command.

If the configuration matches, you see the following output:

CLI# config compare
Configuration matches.

If the configuration does not match, you see the following output:

CLI# config compare
Configuration is different.

procedure icon  To Reset the Default Configuration Settings

Use the config default command to reset the permanent configuration information to its initial default settings. All values are set to defaults. The resulting state is called uninitialized because there is no secure content.

single-step bulletAs so or admin, type the config default command:

CLI# config default
    This will clear all configuration settings in flash. Continue (Yes/No)?

procedure icon  To Reset the Configuration

Use the config reset command to reset the active configuration with the permanent configuration.

Note - The config reset command overwrites any changes to the active configuration. You must stop all SSL processing before performing this command.

single-step bulletAs so or admin, type the config reset command:

CLI# config reset  
This will erase current configuration in memory
Are you sure you want to do this (Yes/No)?

procedure icon  To Save the Configuration

Use the config save command to save the active configuration to flash. This overwrites the permanent configuration in flash. Use this command after you make changes to the active configuration.

single-step bulletAs so or admin, type the config save command:

CLI# config save
permanent configuration updated.


The SSL proxy blade allows the security officer to create encrypted backups of configurations. The import and export commands are used for this purpose. During the export command, the operator is prompted to enter a user defined pass-phrase that is used to encrypt the configuration. The pass-phrase must be re-entered when the configuration is imported. Configurations are encrypted and then imported or exported using PEM format.

Configurations may be imported from another SSL proxy blade. There are some restrictions regarding licenses for software features that are imposed when importing configurations from another SSL proxy blade. See the section on licensing for more information.

Import and Export

Only the security officer (so) can export and import configurations because the user pass -phrase must be entered to decrypt the configuration. The configuration is exported using TFTP or FTP. Copy and paste functions are not provided because the configuration can span many pages.

procedure icon  To Export the Active Configuration Using FTP or TFTP

Note - This example uses FTP; however, to use TFTP, simply replace ftp with tftp in the following commands.

Use the export ftp config command to export the active configuration using FTP to copy the configuration to a remote computer.

single-step bulletAs so, type the command export ftp config:

CLI# export ftp config
Enter remote file name (flash.cfg): remote_filename
Enter remote path (configurations): remote_directory
Enter remote IP Address: ( remote_ip-addr
Enter remote user name (labuser): remote_username
Enter remote user password: remote_user_password
Enter pass phrase: pass_phrase
Re-enter pass phrase: pass_phrase
   connecting and writing configurations/flash.cfg to
   config exported.


The operator can import a configuration using FTP, TFTP, or by pasting the configuration into the CLI when prompted. It is also possible to perform a partial import, where only a specified section of a configuration is imported. The SSL proxy blade must be stopped before an import can be performed.

The import command will prompt the operator for the specific section to import. The choices are:



Import a complete configuration


Import password information only


Import system configuration: Includes networks, logging, and settings


Import SSL configuration: Includes certificates and services settings

procedure icon  To Import the Active Configuration Using FTP

Use the import ftp config command to import a configuration using FTP and set it to the active configuration.

Note - The SSL proxy blade must be stopped before importing a configuration.

single-step bulletAs so, type the command import ftp config:

CLI# import ftp config
Enter import options (all/password/system/services) (all): import_option
Enter remote file name (flash.cfg): remote_filename
Enter remote path (configurations): remote_directory
Enter remote IP Address: ( remote_ip-addr
Enter remote user name (labuser): remote_username
Enter remote user password: remote_user_password
Enter pass phrase: pass_phrase
    connecting and reading configurations/flash.cfg to 
    configuration imported.
    To save the configuration enter: config save

Keys and Certificates

The SSL proxy blade requires that keys and certificates be installed before SSL traffic can be processed. The SSL handshake requires a private key and signed certificate to be associated with each server. The certificate contains the public key and key issuer information, and is digitally signed by a recognized Certificate Authority (CA).

To create a valid certificate, a key and certificate signing request are created. The certificate request contains the public key, key issuer information, and other information. The key is then submitted to a certificate signing request for signing. The signed certificate is then imported back to the SSL proxy blade to be used with the original key.

The SSL proxy blade can hold up to 1024 keys, which are identified by key names. For each key, information including private keys and certificates are stored. The show keys command lists the available keys and their signing status. Other CLI commands are used to generate private/public key pairs, create signing requests for the CA, and import and export certificates and keys. See the Certificate Formats for information on certificate format compatibility.

There are three basic operations associated with keys and certificates. Self-signing is used for testing or for intranet use.

procedure icon  To Create a Self-Signed Certificate.

1. Create a private-public key pair.

CLI# create key 
      Enter key name: keyname
      Enter key strength (1024): 512/1024/2048
      Key keyname generated.

2. Create a self-signed certificate from the new key pair.

#  create certificate 
Enter key name: keyname
Enter country (US): 
Enter state or province (CA): 
Enter locality (US): 
Enter common name (US): 
Enter organization (www.company.com): 
Enter organization unit (): 
Enter email(): 
Certificate generated. 

3. Use show keys, export ftp certificate , or export ftp key commands to see the resulting key and certificate.

Note - When a server or SSL proxy blade uses a certificate that is not signed by a certificate authority recognized by the browser, as is the case for self-signed certificates, the browser displays a warning to the user indicating that this server may not be trusted. The self-signed certificate authority could be installed in all relevant browsers of an intranet to avoid this message.

procedure icon  To Create a CA-Signed Certificate.

This is the standard way to create a certificate that most browsers recognizes as valid. This method does not generate any errors or warnings for the user.

1. Create a private-public key pair.

CLI# create key
      Enter key name: keyname
      Enter key strength (1024): 512/1024/2048
      Key keyname generated.

2. Create a certificate signing request using the new key pair.

CLI#  create certrequest 
Enter key name: previously_created_keyname
Enter country (US): 
Enter state or province (CA): 
Enter locality (Company Town): 
Enter common name (www.company.com): 
Enter organization (Company Name): 
Enter organization unit (Company Unit): 
Enter email(support@companyname.com): 
Certificate request generated. 

single-step bulletObserve the following restrictions when creating a certificate.

a. Enter the two-letter ISO code for the country.

b. To avoid client browser warnings the common name should be the same as the domain name for the web site that is requesting the certificate.

c. Do not use any of these characters: !, @, #, $, %, ^, *, (, ), \, /, ?, ~

d. Make sure the email address contains an at sign (@)

3. Use show keys, or export tftp certrequest commands to see the resulting key and certificate.

4. Copy and paste the certificate request into a file.

You can also export the certificate request using ftp or tftp.

CLI# export tftp certrequest
Enter key name: previously_created_keyname
Enter remote file name (certificate-request.txt): filename_with_certrequest
Enter remote IP Address: ( tftp_server_ip-addr
certrequest exported.

5. Send the certificate request file to the CA and receive a signed certificate.

See Appendix C for details.

6. Import the certificate received from the CA into the SSL proxy blade by using either import certificate command and cut and paste the certificate, or by using the import ftp/tftp certificate command.

CLI# import tftp certificate
Enter key name: previously_created_keyname
Enter remote file name (certificate.txt): filename_with_certificate
Enter remote IP Address: ( tftp_server_ip-addr
Enter format: 1 - PEM,
              2 - DER,
              3 - PKCS12 (.p12 or .pfx),
              4 - Netscape (.net),
              5 - PKCS7 (.p7b)
              6 - PKCS7 (.pem) certificate_format
certificate imported

procedure icon  To Import a Certificate From a Server

When you install the SSL proxy blade, you might have an existing certificate in the server that you may want to load into the SSL proxy blade. Following are instructions to load an existing key and associated certificate from a server. The SSL proxy blade supports copy and paste as well as FTP and TFTP methods for import.

1. Import the certificate.

CLI# import ftp certificate
Enter key name: keyname
Enter remote file name (certificate.txt): remote_filename
Enter remote path (/tmp): remote_directory
Enter remote IP Address: ( remote_ip-addr
Enter remote user name (root): remote_username
Enter remote user password: remote_password
Enter format: 1 - PEM,
               2 - DER,
               3 - PKCS12 (.p12 or .pfx),
               4 - Netscape (.net),
               5 - PKCS7 (.p7b)
               6 - PKCS7 (.pem)
: 1
     connecting and reading [/tmp/cert.txt] from

Certificate Formats

The SSL proxy blade supports the X.509 V3 standard certificate format used by most servers, and issued by recognized certificate authorities (for example, Verisign, Thawte, and others).

The X.509 format defines the data fields in the certificate. The PEM standard is commonly used to encode x.509 certificates for storage and transfer. PEM uses a character representation of text and binary data that is easy to handle for email, copy and paste, and other data transfer mechanisms. The SSL proxy blade supports importing and exporting of keys and certificates in PEM format.

Most Certificate Authorities provide PEM encoded certificates. Most servers provide facilities to export certificates and keys in PEM format. Private keys are often encrypted such that user must enter a pass-phase during export and import operations.

Note - You can set the default values for a certificate (country, state, and so on) by using the set defcert command.

Certificate Management Commands

procedure icon  To Display Information About Keys

Use the show keys command to display the keys, the status (if a certificate or certificate signing request exists) and the number of services that are actively using the key.

single-step bulletAs so or admin, enter the show keys command:

CLI# show  keys
    Key Name            Cert            Use Count
    key1024             cert|csr        1
    key512                              0

procedure icon  To Create a Key

Use the create key command to create a new key with the specified name. A key is generated using the specified strength. The default strength is 1024 bits.

single-step bulletAs so or admin, enter the create key command:

CLI# create key 
Enter key name: keyname
Enter key strength (1024): 512/1024/2048
Key keyname generated.

procedure icon  To Delete a Key

Use the delete key command delete the specified key and any certificates or certificate requests associated with the key.

Note - The key will not be deleted if it is currently in use by a service.

1. As so, enter the delete key command:

CLI# delete key keyname
Key keyname deleted.

2. Use the show keys command to see if the key has been deleted:

CLI# show  keys
    Key Name            Cert            Use Count
    key1024             cert|csr        1
    key512                              0

procedure icon  To Import a Key Using FTP

Use the import ftp key command to import a key using FTP.

single-step bulletAs so, enter the import ftp key command:

CLI# import ftp key
Enter key name: keyname
Enter remote file name (key.pem): remote_filename
Enter remote path (keys): remote_directory
Enter remote IP Address: ( remote_ip-addr
Enter remote user name (labuser): remote_username
Enter remote user password: remote_password
Enter pass phrase (or enter): pass_phrase
    key imported.

procedure icon  To Import a Key Using TFTP

Use the import tftp key command to import a key using TFTP.

single-step bulletAs so, enter the import tftp key command:

CLI# import tftp key
Enter key name: keyname
Enter remote file name (key.pem): remote_filename
Enter pass phrase (or enter): pass_phrase
    key imported.

procedure icon  To Import a Key

Use the import key command to import a key. Paste the key into the CLI and type a period (.).

1. As so, enter the import key command:

CLI# import key
Enter pass phrase (or return):
Enter key, '.' to stop:

2. Paste the key into the CLI, then type a period.

> .
 key imported.

procedure icon  To Export a Key Using FTP

Use the export ftp key command to export a key.

single-step bulletAs so, enter the export ftp key command:

CLI# export ftp key
Enter key name: keyname
Enter remote file name (key.pem): remote_filename
Enter remote path (keys): remote_directory
Enter remote IP Address: ( remote_ip-addr
Enter remote user name (labuser): remote_username
Enter remote user password: remote_password
Enter pass phrase: pass_phrase
Re-enter pass phrase: pass_phrase
    Key exported.

procedure icon  To Export a Key Using TFTP

Use the export tftp key command to export a key using tftp.

single-step bulletAs so, enter the export tftp key command:

CLI# export tftp key
Enter key name: keyname
Enter remote file name (key.pem): remote_filename
Enter pass phrase: pass_phrase
Re-enter pass phrase: pass_phrase
    Key exported.

procedure icon  To Export a Key

Use the export tftp key command to export a key. The key is displayed in PEM format.

single-step bulletAs so, enter the export tftp key command:

CLI# export tftp key keynameEnter pass-phrase <or return>: pass_phrase
key:  -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- 
Proc-Type: 4,Encrypted
DEK-Info: DES-EDE3-CBC,365E321C0C05C656MIICXQIBAAKBgQDNLK7/ADQQV22yi3u77vUKhwA/R99NfvVzjtVypCHN7I12MCuq wesgJYfNSqNrfsLOdk4aWWHJOx7luXLD69t7YPNJAMhi4E2pbzAvWvnzz/G9+B4z e3wzNHXMuAVwjMVCtLk5tVR0/OkCEbei/ZN+wBxzUECP2DuZyq6FXdIiHQIDAQAB AoGAFqdMWxNmrDc7AW+tJb7oh1UIjfQdj6zo5O1sW9ALe3UW2WnQKHZow4/hQqVv DbtdPvaJARfFWDaS3sJvDXrJLM9vgw+DkxVpDMkCl6m2R8pdKJHcxC4ZyXx1kKVr C51wAxpNbAmiHTSHXCWfeLGBRB0Lg+7FPqHNhyrl6U/mj3ECQQD37Wdn01fokrFL XTUT3Qfwo5jV+hlxTPe2M9uTi6BNrYfqyF1We6TgZBVuIZTi6Jbx38eJ/x71YeVv 9roOzwIXAkEA09rp+zd2e+Z6ZuyRZ5ez84IeYBPBWaVpZ+6M/HAnZwNVGXQah2Kw dcuEKprI3nRddstIfeZlvXwhBcVfRNPh6wJAPiLQvLO6H37MUnAMwmqt98B4qIAi 6kN4/cAncuYWigFIxC3tPqSEYPyUZmKiNvBGDF6iWtKGxsb/Qr1aSiXVhwJBAKR9 s/CnRqq68Ezb36YkZsdqPzVwAU8enLHiybrzRdS5BKknubVmzgYYB72gwtfeV/d1 rQp8CoDOUUGO1wK01RMCQQC9zYJ+uYYdkYAchPzKmoqu+ZVZh5B8WtlUhMws0L4L fKq7RHoi2quyAAEZXQ7z0ON6LVM5cLYeEb44l49QaLRH -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- 

procedure icon  To Create a Certificate

Use the create certificate command to create a certificate for a specified key. The security officer is prompted for the information required to create a self-signed certificate. A self-signed certificate can be used for testing purposes.

Be sure to observe the following restrictions when creating a certificate:

single-step bulletAs so, type the create certificate command:

CLI#  create certificate 
Enter key name: keyname
Enter country (US): 
Enter state or province (CA): 
Enter locality (Company Town): 
Enter common name (www.company.com): 
Enter organization (Company Name): 
Enter organization unit (Company Unit): 
Enter email(support@companyname.com): 
Certificate generated. 

procedure icon  To Import a Certificate Using FTP

Use the import ftp certificate command to set the certificate for an existing key.

single-step bulletAs so, enter the import ftp certificate command:

CLI# import ftp certificate
Enter key name: keyname
Enter remote file name (key.pem): remote_file_name
Enter remote path (keys): remote_directory 
Enter remote IP Address: ( remote_ip-addr
Enter remote user name (labuser): remote_username
Enter remote user password: remote_password
Enter pass phrase (or enter): pass_phrase
    key imported.

procedure icon  To Import a Certificate Using TFTP

Use the import tftp certificate command to set the certificate for an existing key.

single-step bulletAs so, enter the import tftp certificate command:

CLI# import tftp certificate
Enter key name: previously_created_keyname
Enter remote file name (certificate.txt): filename_with_certificate
Enter remote IP Address: ( tftp_server_ip-addr
Enter format: 1 - PEM,
              2 - DER,
              3 - PKCS12 (.p12 or .pfx),
              4 - Netscape (.net),
              5 - PKCS7 (.p7b)
              6 - PKCS7 (.pem) certificate_format
certificate imported

procedure icon  To Import a Certificate

Use the import tftp certificate command to import a certificate for an existing key.

single-step bulletAs so, enter the import tftp certificate command:

CLI# import tftp certificate
Enter pass phrase (or return):
Enter key, '.' to stop:

procedure icon  To Export a Certificate Using FTP

Use the export ftp certificate command to export a certificate.

single-step bulletAs so, enter the export ftp certificate command:

CLI# export ftp certificate
Enter key name: keyname
Enter remote file name (key.pem): remote_filename
Enter remote path (keys): remote_directory
Enter remote IP Address: ( remote_ip-addr
Enter remote user name (labuser): remote_username
Enter remote user password: remote_password
    certrequest exported.

procedure icon  To Export a Certificate Using TFTP

Use the export tftp certificate command to export a certificate.

single-step bulletAs so, enter the export tftp certificate command:

CLI# export tftp certificate
Enter key name: keyname
Enter remote file name (cert.pem): remote_filename
    certificate exported.

procedure icon  To Export a Certificate

Use the export tftp certificate command to export a certificate.

single-step bulletAs so, enter the export tftp certificate command:

CLI# export tftp certificate keynameEnter pass-phrase <or return>: pass_phrase

Setting Default Information for Certificates

procedure icon  To Display the Default Settings for Creating Certificates

Use the show defcert command to display the default settings used for creating certificates and signing requests.

single-step bulletAs so or admin, enter the show defcert command:

CLI# show defcert
country: US
state/province: CA
locality: Company Town
common name: www.companyname.com
organization: Company Name
organization unit: Company Unit
email address: email@companyname.com 

procedure icon  To Set the Default Certificate Parameters

Use the set defcert command to set the default certificate parameters used when creating certificates or signing requests.

single-step bulletAs so, enter the set defcert command:

CLI# set defcert
Enter country (US): 
Enter state or province (CA): 
Enter locality (Company Town): 
Enter common name (www.company.com): 
Enter organization (Company Name): 
Enter organization unit (Company Unit): 
Enter email(support@companyname.com): 

Creating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

The security officer can create, export, or import a certificate signing request. The security officer is prompted for the information required to create the request. A signing request can be exported and sent to a recognized signing authority (CA) and then be imported back into the system.

procedure icon  To Create A Certificate Signing Request

Use the create certrequest command to create a certificate signing request (CSR).

single-step bulletAs so, enter the create certrequest command:

CLI# create certrequest 
Enter key name: previously_created_keyname
Enter country (US): 
Enter state or province (CA): 
Enter locality (Company Town): 
Enter common name (www.company.com): 
Enter organization (Company Name): 
Enter organization unit (Company Unit): 
Enter email(support@companyname.com): 
Certificate request generated.

procedure icon  To Export a Certificate Signing Request Using FTP

Use the export ftp certrequest command to export a CSR using FTP.

single-step bulletAs so, enter the export ftp certrequest command:

CLI# export ftp certrequest
Enter key name: keyname
Enter remote file name (csr.pem): remote_filename
Enter remote path (keys): remote_directory
Enter remote IP Address: ( remote_ip-addr
Enter remote user name (labuser): remote_username
Enter remote user password: remote_password
    connecting & writing ... keys/csr.pem
    Certificate request exported.

procedure icon  To Export a Certificate Signing Request Using TFTP

Use the export tftp certrequest command to export a CSR using TFTP.

single-step bulletAs so, enter the export tftp certrequest command:

CLI# export tftp certrequest
Enter key name: previously_created_keyname
Enter remote file name (certificate-request.txt): filename_with_certrequest
Enter remote IP Address: ( tftp_server_ip-addr
certrequest exported.

procedure icon  To Export a Certificate Signing Request

Use the export tftp certrequest command to export a CSR using TFTP.

single-step bulletAs so, enter the export tftp certrequest command:

CLI# export tftp certrequest
Enter key name: keyname
certificate request:


Services are used to represent each virtual IP (VIP) server and its associated IP address. The server IP should be a virtual IP with many load balanced servers. The SSL proxy blade can support up to 1024 services and services are stored in the configuration.

A service is associated with an existing certificate. Many services may be associated with the same certificate. The service also defines the level of cipher strength supported for secure connections.

When the SSL proxy blade receives encrypted data for an IP address, the associated service will be identified. The service determines the certificate and cipher strength to be used for SSL processing. If the service is not found, the SSL connection will not be accepted. No unassigned SSL traffic is allowed through the SSL proxy blade.

If DNS is enabled, the service name will be used as a DNS name. See DNS Name for a Service for details on DNS.

Service Commands

The Security Officer (so) or Administrator (admin) can create, delete, or show services.

procedure icon  To Create a Service

Use the create service command to specify the servers that will have SSL processing. The service must specify a valid IP address and a valid key.

TABLE 5-9 describes the six available cipher suites.

single-step bulletAs so or admin type the create service command:

CLI# create service   Enter service name: servicename  Enter key name: keyname   Enter server IP Address: ( server_ip-addr  Enter cipher (export/best/optimal/high/medium/low) (best)
  Service created.

TABLE 5-9 Available Cipher Suites.

Cipher Suite




































procedure icon  To Delete a Service

Use the delete service command to delete the specified service.

Use the show service command to see if it is active or pending deletion.

single-step bulletAs so or admin type the delete service command:

CLI# delete service servicename
Service deleted.

Note - The service will not be deleted immediately if it is currently servicing a client browser connection. In this case, the service is marked "pending deletion" and is finally deleted in a few seconds.

procedure icon  To Display Current Services

Use the show services command to display current services.

single-step bulletAs so or admin type the show services command:

CLI# show services
Service    IP Address     Key     Cipher     PortPair
svc1    1024    best       443|880

procedure icon  To Display Available Ciphers

Use the show config command to display the available ciphers.

single-step bulletAs so or admin type the show config command.

DNS Name for a Service

If DNS is properly setup (set dns) and enabled, the service name is used as a DNS name to obtain the service IP address.

The service IP address has priority over DNS lookup. Thus, service IP must be for DNS IP lookup to occur.

procedure icon  To Create a New Service With a DNS Name (IP=

1. At the CLI# prompt, set DNS or make sure DNS is already enabled.

2. Create a new service:

CLI# create service
Enter service name: test-service
Enter key name: 1024
Enter server IP Address ( 
Enter cipher (export/best/optimal/high/medium/low) (best): 
Enter portpair number (1..4) (1): 
    Service test-service created.

procedure icon  To Display DNS Server Settings

Use the show dns command to display the DNS server settings.

single-step bulletAs so or admin type the show dns command:

CLI# show dns
     DNS IP address (primary):    DNS_ip-addr
     DNS IP address (secondary):
     Domain name:                 foo.com
     DNS service:                 enabled

procedure icon  To Set the DNS Server Settings

Use the set dns command to set the DNS server settings.

single-step bulletAs any user, type the set dns command:

CLI# set dns
Enter DNS IP address (primary) (
Enter DNS IP address (secondary) (
Enter domain name (foo.com):
Enter DNS enable/disable (enabled):
     DNS enabled.


The following commands are typically used for diagnostics. Additional informational commands, such as show boot, are described in TABLE 3-2.

procedure icon  To Send a ping Request

single-step bulletAs any user, enter the ping command:

CLI# ping
PING from 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=0 ms
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 0/0/0 ms
    host is alive.

procedure icon  To Set the Number of Lines for a Telnet Session

Use the set lines command set the number of lines for the Telnet session.

Note - The typical number of lines on a Telnet terminal is 24. On terminals with small windows, or after windows resize, the display might request: Press any key to continue, to continue the output.

Using a value of 0 sets an infinite number of lines.

With some indirect connections such as Expect scripts, the negotiation that tells the server how many lines is turned off. This command can be helpful in these cases.

single-step bulletAs any user, enter the set lines command plus the number of lines:

CLI# set lines
Enter lines: 24


The SSL proxy blade maintains global statistics that can accumulate for long periods. The reset stats commands clears the statistics. The per-service statistics are cleared every time the SSL proxy blade is rebooted.

Statistics provide information regarding system load, traffic mix, and some types of network errors.

The SSL proxy blade statistics are focused on SSL proxy blade performance and SSL related statistics. You can obtain additional statistics from the servers (for service related statistics) and from supporting network equipment, such as load balancers and switches, for network related statistics.

The following commands support the statistics functionality.

procedure icon  To View the Global Accumulated Statistics

single-step bulletAs so or admin, type the command show stats glob accum.

CLI# show stats glob accum
System Up time           0 dys 19 hrs 32 min 41 sec
Acc. Up time                   21 hrs 11 min 21 sec
Acc. SSL time                  19 hrs 21 min 44 sec
Start stat. date            2003-07-24 02:00:01 UTC
Connection rate ave. (1min)                   0 [SSL/sec]
Connection rate max.                       1062 [SSL/sec]
Concurrent connections (now)                  0
Concurrent connections max.                8642
Concurrent SSL handshakes                     0
Clear data in                     2,821,849,429
Clear data out                  292,978,491,579
Connections Succeeded                44,248,523
SSL requests                         44,265,606
    Reuse                            24,529,732
SSL handshakes                       44,265,116
SSL requests rejected (forces client to retry)
    Max TPS reached                  21,786,664
    Max concurrent TPS reached                0
    Max SSL handshakes reached                0

procedure icon  To View the Global Detailed Statistics

single-step bulletAs so or admin, type the command show stats glob detail.

CLI# show stats glob detail
System Up time           0 dys  0 hrs  7 min 17 sec
Acc. Up time                    0 hrs 12 min 33 sec
Acc. SSL time                   0 hrs 10 min  9 sec
Start stat. date            2003-07-16 08:42:19 UTC
Connection rate ave. (1min)                1449 [SSL/sec]
Connection rate max.                       1556 [SSL/sec]
Concurrent connections (now)              11517
Concurrent connections max.               13195
Concurrent SSL handshakes                   496
Clear data in                        35,919,814
Clear data out                    3,695,152,580
Connections Succeeded                   559,357
Connections Succeeded                   559,357
SSL requests                            571,605
    Reuse                               251,706
SSL handshakes                          571,003
SSL requests rejected (forces client to retry)
    Max TPS reached                           0
    Max concurrent TPS reached                0
    Max SSL handshakes reached                0
Detail statistics:
SSL Reuse
    Reuse hits                          251,706
    Reuse drops
        Look-up miss                        393
        Timeout                               0
        Session Cache full               56,866
Concurrent Handshakes                       496
Corrected ECC Errors                          0
Connections Terminated
    Total                               563,776
    Bad Crypto Recv                           0
    Bad Crypto Sent                           0
    Connection Reset                          9
    Connection Timeout                    4,117
    Handshake Fail                            0
    Protocol Violation                        0
     Bad Decryption                           0
     Bad Signature                            0
     SSL Data after Closure                   0
     Data After FIN or RST                    0
    Others                                    0

procedure icon  To View the Service Statistics

single-step bulletAs so or admin, type the command show stats serv servicename.

CLI# show stats serv servicename

procedure icon  To Reset the Statistics

single-step bulletAs so or admin, type the command reset stats.

CLI# reset stats
    statistics reset.

Note - Run the config save command after reset stats to save the changes.

Event Logging Commands

The SSL proxy blade logs messages (events) associated with various system and user activity. For diagnostic purposes it can also monitor traffic activity and exceptions. Each tracked event generates a log entry consisting of time stamp, category, and event description. There are many levels of logging, and the log destination(s) can be external or internal.

Log Levels

The SSL proxy blade provides five progressive levels of detail that determine the amount of information and quantity of events sent to each log destination. The set log command is used to set one of the following levels: off, alert, error, info, debug, from low to high amount of detail.

TABLE 5-10 Progressive Levels of Log Detail

Log Level



Displays only most important events (least amount of information).


Displays alerts and error events.


Displays alerts, error, and informational events.


Shows all events including debug-level events.

Each log level will log all events for the specified level and all lower log levels. Each log destination may have a different level.

Info Events

Info level events track various management events such as login, logout, reboot, back up configuration and can be categorized as State, Access, and Config.

The following is an example of a log output:

2003-07-24 02:19:08 UTC SSL proxy blade tBeeapp : software version: 1.873 
2003-07-24 02:19:09 UTC SSL proxy blade tBeeapp : configuration version: 1.873
2003-07-24 02:19:10 UTC SSL proxy blade tBeeapp : State,  SYSTEM start
2003-07-24 02:19:12 UTC SSL proxy blade tCONSOLE : Access, login so [ok]
2003-07-24 02:21:16 UTC SSL proxy blade tCONSOLE : State,  SYSTEM stop

Debug level events is reserved for diagnostic purposes. The debug level can effect performance and should be off during normal operation. At logout or reboot, you will be prompted if the log is set to debug.

Log Destination

The SSL proxy blade can log messages to any of four destinations at the same time:

Each destination method is described below.

Serial Port

Serial port logging displays messages on the blade console of the Sun Fire B1600 Blade.

syslog Server File

syslog logging sends UDP-based messages to remote UNIX-based syslogd servers. Both the log level and log facility can be used to direct the log events to a unique file on the UNIX-based host.

On a UNIX host, add the following line in /etc/syslog.conf:

local6.*     /var/log/sslp.log 

Note - On a UNIX host, syslogd must be restarted to read changes in /etc/syslog.conf.

SSL Proxy Blade Permanent Storage Logging

The permanent log is intended to keep limited information about important system events. It is limited to a circular file of 64KB and is permanent across reboots. The internal log can be retrieved with the export log command.

SSL proxy blade internal memory logging.

The internal memory log is intended to keep information about important system events. It is limited to a circular file of 1MB. The log is not preserved across reboots. The internal memory log can be retrieved with the export mem command.

Log Commands

set log serial

The set log serial command sets serial port logging to the SSL proxy blade console.

The initial default and preferred setting is off. The serial off setting does not turn-off boot messages to the serial port.

single-step bulletAs so or admin, set the serial port logging to the serial port:

CLI# set log serial level
Enter log level (off, alert, error, info, debug):

set log syslog

The set log syslog command sets the remote UNIX syslog logging. The default and recommended setting is off.

single-step bulletAs so or admin, set the remote UNIX syslog logging:

CLI# set log syslog level  ip-addr  facility
Enter log level (off, alert, error, info, debug):  Input syslog server IP Address (  Enter facility (auth, user, local1,.. local6): 

set log file

The set log file command sets permanent logging to an internal file in flash memory. The initial default and recommended setting is off.

single-step bulletAs so or admin, set the remote UNIX syslog logging:

CLI# set log file level
Enter log level (off, alert, error, info, debug):

set log mem

The set log mem command sets permanent logging to an internal memory. The current release does not allow you to set mem and serial log at the same time.

The initial default and recommended setting is off.

single-step bulletAs so or admin, set the permanent logging to an internal memory:

CLI# set log mem level
Enter log level (off, alert, error, info, debug):

show log

The show log command displays the current log settings.

single-step bulletAs so or admin, display the current log settings:

CLI# show log
serial:     info syslog:     error file:       off Note: "file" refers to an internal file in flash memory.

export ftp log

The export ftp log command exports the permanent log to a remote computer using FTP.

single-step bulletAs so or admin, export the permanent log to a remote computer:

CLI# export ftp log

Enter remote file name (file): remote_filename

Enter remote path (keys): remote_directory

Enter remote IP Address: ( remote_ip-addr

Enter remote user name (labuser): remote_username

Enter remote user password: remote_password

log exported.

export tftp log

The export tftp log command exports the permanent log to a remote computer using TFTP.

Use this command when the permanent log in flash is one of the log targets. To set this up, use the set log file info command.

Commands such as start and stop create log entries.

When you have some entries, export tftp log will export the entries to an external file.

single-step bulletAs so or admin, export the permanent log to a remote computer:

CLI# export tftp log
Enter remote file name (file): remote_filename
Enter remote IP Address: remote_ip-addr
log exported.

export ftp mem

The export ftp mem command exports the permanent log to a remote computer using FTP.

single-step bulletAs so or admin, export the internal memory log to a remote computer:

CLI# export ftp mem

Enter remote file name (file): remote_filename

Enter remote path (keys): remote_directory

Enter remote IP Address: ( remote_ip-addr

Enter remote user name (labuser): remote_username

Enter remote user password: remote_password

log exported.

export log

The export log command exports the permanent log kept to the serial port.

single-step bulletAs so or admin, export the permanent log to the serial port:

CLI# export log

SNMP Commands

The following three files are related to SNMP and are available at the download site (http://wwws.sun.com/software/download/network.html).

The first two files describe the SNMP MIB structure for the SSL proxy blade and are used to enable SNMP manager software for communicating with the SNMP agent on the blade.

For example, if you use the SNMP manager software from SNMP Research International on a UNIX system, you can rename the SUN-B10P-SSL-ACCELERATOR-MIB.dat file to snmpinfo.dat and save it in /etc/srconf/mgr, which is the default configuration directory used by SNMP Research.

v2ConfTrap.sun_B10p is a configuration file that should be imported to the SSL proxy blade for its SNMP agent to run.

procedure icon  To Enable the SSL Proxy Blade for SNMP Support

1. Enable SNMP.

CLI# set snmp enable
SNMP agent enabled.

2. Import the v2ConfTrap.sun_B10p configuration file.

CLI# import ftp snmp
Enter remote file name (configuration.txt): v2ConfTrap.sun_B10p
Enter remote path (releases): /tmp
Enter remote IP Address: (
Enter remote user name (labuser): username
Enter remote user password: password
    connecting and reading [/tmp/v2ConfTrap.sun_B10p] from
Command TYPE I.(2) done!
Command CWD /tmp.(2) done!
Command PORT 192,168,1,125,4,1.(2) done!
Command RETR v2ConfTrap.sun_B10p.(1) done!
    Received: [5476] bytes
    SNMP Configuration imported.

Note - There are several SNMP manager software packages. This example uses the SNMP Research SNMP manager.

3. Use the following SNMP Research commands to start the SNMP manager from the platform to exchange SNMP messages with the SSL proxy blade.

# getone -v2c -retries 0 pt2cPssl maxConnRate.0


# getmany -v2c -retries 0 pt2cPssl sslAcceleratorStats

In these examples, pt2cPssl is the password specified in the v2ConfTrap.sun_B10p configuration file.

procedure icon  To Disable SNMP

single-step bulletUse the following command to disable SNMP:

CLI# set snmp disable
SNMP agent disabled.

procedure icon  To Check the SNMP State

single-step bulletUse the following command to check the SNMP status:

CLI# show snmp
    snmp:       disabled