A P P E N D I X  G

Alphabetical Command Reference

This appendix provides an alphabetical listing of all the SSL proxy blade commands.



Text substitution



Manage field upgrades of software versions

boot activate

Activate backup image

boot revert

Restore factory installed software

boot upload

Upload new system image using FTP.



Clear the screen


Manage system configuration

config compare

Compare configuration and flash

config default

Set configuration to factory defaults

config read

Read configuration from flash

config reset

Reset configuration from flash

config save

Save configuration to flash


Create a key, certificate, signature, or service

create certificate

Generate a certificate

create key

Create a key

create service

Create a service

create certrequest

Generate a signing request



Delete a key or service

delete all keys

Delete all keys

delete all services

Delete all services

delete features

Delete features

delete key

Delete key

delete service

Delete service



Exit intermediate mode


Export a key, certificate, signature or configuration

export certificate

Export a certificate

export ftp certificate

Export a certificate via FTP

export ftp certrequest

Export a signing request via FTP

export features

Export feature coupon

export ftp config

Export current configuration

export ftp features

FTP export feature coupon

export ftp key

Export a key via FTP

export ftp log

Export the log file via FTP

export ftp mem

FTP export memory log

export key

Export a key

export log

Export the log file

export mem

Export the log memory

export tftp certrequest

Export a signing request via TFTP

export tftp certificate

Export a certificate via TFTP

export tftp config

Export current configuration

export tftp features

TFTP export feature coupon

export tftp key

Export a key via TFTP

export tftp log

Export the log file via TFTP

export tftp trace

TFTP export trace



Show command help


Show command history



Import a key, certificate, signature or configuration

import certificate

Import a certificate via copy/paste

import key

Import a key pair via copy/paste

import ftp certificate

Import a certificate via FTP

import config

Import configuration

import ftp config

Import and set current configuration via FTP

import ftp key

Import a key pair via FTP

import tftp certificate

Import a certificate via TFTP

import tftp config

Import and set current configuration via TFTP

import tftp key

Import a key pair via TFTP

import features

Import feature license (for performance upgrade)



Log off this system



Ping a remote IP address form the admin. port.



Reboot system

reset stat

Reset statistics counters


Start SSL processing



Set information

set attrib ssl cipher

Set cipher strength

set attrib tcp idletime

Set connection idle time

set autorun

Set autorun

set clsralrt-chk

Set ClosureAlert check for SSL session end

set console

Set console-display

set defcert

Set default certificate parameters

set defservice

Set default service parameters

set gateway

Set gateway

set lines

Set number of lines for the display

set log

Set logging destinations: serial, file, syslog

set ntp

Set NTP server IP address and TCP port

set password

Set a new password

set port

Set secure and clear ports

set portpair

Set secure and clear portpair(s)

set routed

Set routed info (port no., router IP addresses)

set trace

Set trace state


First time system initialization


Show commands

show all

Display system information

show attrib ssl

Display a service's SSL attributes

show attrib tcp

Display a service's TCP attributes

show autorun

Display autorun (starts on reboot)

show boot

Display available software versions

show ca

Display the list of all known certificate authorities (CAs)

show clsralrt-chk

Display ClosureAlert check for SSL session end

show config

Display system information

show console

Display the console-display settings

show date

Display the date

show defcert

Display default certificate parameters

show defservice

Display default service parameters

show failover-opt

Display failover options (health check interval, MAC address swapping)

show features

Display the features

show gateway

Display the gateway

show inband

Display inband data info (port, IP address, netmask)

show interface

display the Ethernet interface settings

show lines

Display number of lines per screen

show log

Display log settings

show mac

Display the administration and inband MAC address

show management

Display inband admin info (port, IP address, netmask)

show ntp

Display NTP server IP address and TCP port

show port

Display secure/clear TCP ports

show portpair

Display secure/clear TCP portpair(s)

show routed

Display routed information (port, router IP addresses)

show router

Show router IP addresses

show serial

Display serial settings

show snmp

Display whether snmp support is enabled or disabled.

show state

Display system state

show stats

Display session statistics

show trace

Display trace state

show version

Display software version

show vlan client

Display global client VLAN tag

show vlan filter

Display VLAN filter state

show vlan inband

Display inband VLAN tags (one per port)

show vlan management

Display management VLAN tags (one per port)


Shut down


Start SSL connection(s) processing


Stop SSL processing



Trace route to a remote IP address



Display users currently logged in


Write text to another user