C H A P T E R  6

Upgrading the Application Software and the BSC Firmware

This chapter describes how to upgrade the software and firmware on one or more Sun Fire B10p SSL proxy blades. It also describes how to set up a TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) server if you do not already have one set up on your network. The software upgrade procedures require you to use TFTP.

Software Architecture

The Sun Fire B10p SSL proxy blade delivers high performance by utilizing optimized hardware engines and a tightly coupled embedded processor running a real time operating system. The code that runs on this processor is called the application software and can be updated using an FTP process.

In addition to the embedded processor, there is a micro controller called the blade support controller (BSC). The BSC is the primary interface to the Sun Firetrademark B1600 service controllers (SCs) and performs the advanced lights out management (ALOM) functions for a given blade. These functions include powering on and off, and the resetting and monitoring functions. The code that runs on this device is called the BSC firmware and can be updated using the flashupdate command which involves using TFTP.

The Sun Fire B10p SSL proxy blade software components are as follows:

Check the following web site to ensure you have the latest software:

To update the firmware and application software, there must be network connectivity between the B10p SSL proxy blade and the TFTP or FTP server. The B10p SSL proxy blade requires that all management traffic (including updates) must always be VLAN tagged.

A TFTP and FTP server can be made available as a:

If a server is used that has a management VLAN interface configured, the management VLAN must be added to the respective port on the switch. If a server is used that does not have the VLAN configuration, refer to Upgrading the Application Software From a non-VLAN-Capable Server for instructions how to create network connectivity between the server and the B10p SSL proxy blade.

Setting Up a TFTP Server

The procedures for upgrading software for the Sun Fire B10p SSL proxy blade involve using TFTP. Hence to use the blade, you need to have a TFTP server available on your network.

Note - If you are using separated data and management networks, set up a TFTP server available on both networks.

procedure icon  To Set Up a TFTP Server

1. On the system that you intend to set up as the TFTP server, log in as root.

2. Use a text editor to un-comment the following line in the file /etc/inetd.conf:

tftp dgram udp6 wait root /usr/sbin/in.tftpd in.tftpd -s /tftpboot

3. On the same system create a TFTP home directory by typing the following at the Solaris prompt:

# mkdir /tftpboot
# chown root /tftpboot
# chmod 755 /tftpboot

4. Restart inetd by typing:

# /etc/init.d/inetsvc stop
# /etc/init.d/inetsvc start

5. Verify that TFTP is working.

To do this, use TFTP to get a file from the /tftpboot directory. Follow the instructions below:

a. On the system that you are using as the TFTP server, copy any file (for example, the Solaris /etc/release file) to the /tftpboot directory.

Type the following command at the Solaris prompt:

# cp /etc/release /tftpboot/filename

Where filename is the name of the file you intend to make available on the TFTP server.

b. Make the file you have just copied read-only:

# chmod 444 /tftpboot/filename

Where filename is the name of the file you intend to make available on the TFTP server.

Note - Note that TFTP is not the same as FTP. It does not display the same error messages as FTP, and you cannot use the cd or ls commands (or indeed most other commands) that FTP allows you to use.

Upgrading the Application Software From a VLAN-Capable Server

The SSL proxy blade supports the ability to perform network based software upgrades to the device. The software upgrades to the SSL proxy blade are encrypted and authenticated to preserve their security. Normal operation of the SSL proxy blade must be stopped during the upgrade process because a reboot is required after activating an upgrade.

Note - Read this section completely before proceeding to perform a software upgrade.

Check http://www.sun.com/supporttraining/ for information on upgrade packages. Copy the upgrade package to a local FTP/TFTP server before performing the upgrade.

Upgrades are a two-step process. First, verify and copy the upgrade package as the backup image of the software. Then activate the new software using the
boot activate command. This command swaps the active software with the backup, thus making the upgrade active on the next boot.

The upgrade sequence is as follows. You need to log in as so (security officer) to perform upgrades.

Executing Boot Upload Commands

This section describes how to use the boot upload commands for network-based software upgrades.

Note - If you enter boot upload before the management port(s) are configured correctly, the B10p blade prints a misleading message: Admin IP or inband admin IP not set. It is confusing because the B10p does not support the set admin command. The following is an example of the message.:

CLI# boot upload
Admin IP or inband admin IP not set. Set admin IP first.
CLI# set admin
Feature not supported with this platform.

A workaround to this message is to enter the following commands:

CLI# set manage
Enter port number (1..2) (1):
Enter inband (admin) IP Address (
Enter inband (admin) netmask (
CLI# set vlan filter
Enter enable/disable (enabled): disable
CLI# config save

Once the above commands are entered, you can successfully enter boot upload.

single-step bulletUse FTP or TFTP to copy the package from the specified FTP or TFTP server.

The upgrade package is automatically decrypted and verified for authenticity. The successfully verified package is placed in the backup image location within the SSL proxy blade. An upgrade package can be up to three Megabytes in size and may take up to one minute to copy from a local FTP server. A spinning cursor shows activity during the process.

Note - The FTP/TFTP server IP address must be on the same subnet as the management (admin) IP address of the B10p SSL proxy blade.

procedure icon  To Execute Boot Upload Commands Using an FTP Server

1. Stop the B10p SSL proxy blade if it is currently running.

CLI# stop

2. Get the new image from the FTP server.

CLI# boot upload
Enter remote file name (update.pkcs): PSSL_1872.pkcs
Enter remote path (releases): /tftpboot/
Enter remote IP Address: (
Enter remote user name (labuser): root
Enter remote user password:
    connecting to
    starting to load image.
    Verification Successful.
    image loaded.
    Type boot activate to install.

3. Install the new image to take effect after the reboot.

CLI# boot activate
*** Warning. Do not turn off power! ***
    activating boot.
Updating boot image with BOOT1872.GZS
Update boot image complete.
    image updated.
    reboot to run new image.
CLI# 2003-08-07 22:02:37 UTC Sun_Fire_B1xp tCONSOLE : Config, Updated image

4. Reboot the B10p SSL proxy blade to run the new image.

CLI# reboot
          Preboot Version [ 1872 ] Oct  1 2003
              Serial port [ OK ]
                System ID [ 1100001FEF09 ]
         Preboot Checksum [ OK ]
                 Data Bus [ OK ]
             Memory Chips [ 256 Mbit ]
              Address Bus [ OK ]
                 L3 Cache [ none ]
                   Tamper [ OK ] 
              Start Cause [ Hardware Reset ]
               Start Type [ 00000000 ]
             Loading Boot [ OK ]
             Boot Version [ 1872 ]
                  Created [ Oct  1 2003, 19:34:53 ]
            Board Version [ 66 ]
          Spartan Version [ 65 ]
                 Revision [ 22 ]
                Cpu Speed [ 600 MHz ]
              Memory Size [ 400 MB ]
   PCI Boot Configuration [ OK ] 
                      RTC [ OK ] 
                     Date [ OK ] 
      Loading Application [ OK ]
              Test Memory [ OK ] 
                      RTC [ OK ] 
                     Date [ OK ] 
        Flash File System [ OK ] 
               Product ID [ SF B10p ]
                Load Mash [ OK ] 
                  Version [ MASH1005.GZ ]
                Load Buff [ OK ] 
                  Version [ BUFF3108.GZ ]
        Resetting Pci Bus [ OK ]
        PCI Configuration [ OK ] 
               ISC Driver [ OK ]
                 BootLine [ default ]
                Test Mash [ OK ] 
                Test Buff [ OK ] 
                 Test Zoo [ OK ] 
                Mash Date [ 2002/06/03 ]
                Buff Date [ 2003/07/22 ]
                     Date [ 2003/10/11 ]
                     Time [ 16:16:24 UTC ]
                DIMM Size [ 512 MB ]

procedure icon  To Execute Boot Upload Commands Using a TFTP Server

1. Stop the B10p SSL proxy blade if it is currently running.

CLI# stop

2. Get the new image from the server.

CLI# boot upload-tftpEnter remote file name (PSSL_1601.pkcs ): remote_package_filenameEnter remote IP Address: ( remote_ip-addr starting to load image
 Verification Successful. image loaded. 
 Type boot activate to install.

If the upgrade package is not successfully verified, then contact the Sun Microsystems support service to report the problem.

3. Once the upgrade is in the backup location, activate it.

CLI# boot activate               
Do you want to overwrite your existing flash.cfg file (Yes/No)? No
*** Warning. Do not turn off the power! ***
activating boot.
image updated.
reboot to run new image.

4. After the upgrade is activated, reboot the SSL proxy blade:

CLI# reboot

Verifying the Upgrade

As soon as the upgrade is finished:

Reverting to a Previous Software Version

If the upgrade has unwanted side effects, you can always revert to the previous version of software. The boot activate command swaps the current and backup versions, but does not swap the boot images. If the upgrade documentation indicates that a new version of the boot image is part of the upgrade, do not use the boot activate command to revert to the previous version.

Factory Image

The SSL proxy blade has a built in Factory Image that guarantees the SSL proxy blade platform is recoverable even if an unbootable image is loaded on it. Because SSL proxy blade software is authenticated, image corruption is extremely unlikely. Although the Factory Image can be used to process SSL traffic, it is intended to provide a safe mode to load the latest available software version for the SSL proxy blade.

The Factory Image should be used only if the SSL proxy blade is not booting to a point where new software can be loaded. Before booting from factory image, connect a serial terminal and reboot to inspect the boot up messages. The boot problem could be associated with some internal hardware malfunction. If this is the case, call support.

To boot from Factory Image, power on the SSL proxy blade, and press and hold the Esc key down until you are prompted for input. When the boot menu is displayed, press r to revert to the factory image. Under normal system operation, the command boot revert also reboots from factory image.

If the SSL proxy blade loses power during the upgrade process, the backup image may be corrupted. In this case, it is best to ignore the backup image and perform the upgrade process again.

Image Commands

The description of each CLI command relevant to software image and booting is given below.

show version

Use the show version command to display the current version of the software.

single-step bulletAs any user, enter the show version command:

CLI# show version
    software version: 1.872


Use the reboot command to restart the blade. You are prompted to save the configuration, if needed. This command resets all connections and reboots the system.

single-step bulletAs so, reboot the device:

CLI# reboot 

show boot

Use the show boot command to display version information for all system software components.

single-step bulletAs so or admin, enter the show boot command:

CLI# show boot
     BBID: 66 CPLD version: 65
     preboot 1872 Oct  1 2003
     boot 1872 Oct  1 2003
     app  1872 Oct  1 2003
     Buff: BUFF3108.GZ
     Mash: MASH1005.GZ
     Active:   BAPP: 1872, BOOT: 1872, MASH: 1005, BUFF: 3108
     Backup:   Not installed
     Required: BAPP: 1872, MASH: 1005, BUFF: 3108, CPLD: 65.22D

boot activate

Use the boot activate command to activate the backup software version. The current active version is saved as the backup. This command is used after uploading a new software version. There may be a prompt to confirm overwriting the flash configuration (which should have been previously exported). You can also use this command to revert to a backup version.

single-step bulletAs so, enter the boot activate command:

CLI# boot activate               
Do you want to overwrite your existing flash.cfg file (Yes/No)? Yes
*** Warning. Do not turn off power! ***
activating boot.
image updated.
reboot to run new image. 

boot revert

Use the boot revert command to restore the factory installed software version. This command also clears the flash memory, removing all information including configuration, log files, and other information. This command reboots the SSL proxy blade and performs the operation.

single-step bulletAs so, enter the boot revert command:

CLI# boot revert
This will reformat the system and erase all system files
Are you sure you want to do this (Yes/No)?

boot upload

Use the boot upload command to load new images of the software using FTP.

single-step bulletAs so, enter the boot upload command:

CLI# boot upload Enter remote file name (PSSL_1601.pkcs ): remote_image_filenameEnter remote path (releases): remote_directoryEnter remote IP Address: ( remote_ip-addrEnter remote user name (labuser):  remote_usernameEnter remote user password (): remote_user_password
Connecting to
starting to load image
Verification Successful.image loaded. 
Type boot activate to install.

boot upload-tftp

Use the boot upload-tftp command to load new images of the software using TFTP.

single-step bulletAs so, enter the boot upload-tftp command:

CLI# boot upload-tftp Enter remote file name (PSSL_1601.pkcs ): remote_image_filenameEnter remote IP Address: ( remote_ip-addrConnecting to
starting to load image
Verification Successful.image loaded. 
Type boot activate to install.

Upgrading the Application Software From a non-VLAN-Capable Server

You can configure the Sun Fire B1600 blade chassis to update the Sun Fire B10p SSL proxy blade image from a server that is not VLAN capable.

procedure icon  To Update the Image From a Non-VLAN-Capable Server

1. Connect the network with this server to one of the eight uplinks of the chassis. In this example, the server is connected to port 0.

2. Insert the B10p SSL proxy blade into the chassis. In this example, slot 0 is used.

a. Choose a VLAN tag to be used for the management VLAN configured on the B10p SSL proxy blade. In this example, VLAN tag 3 is used.

b. Configure the B10p SSL proxy blade's networking with this VLAN and an appropriate IP address on the server's subnet.

3. From the SSC console, connect to the switch console.

sc> console SSC0/SWT

4. Log in to the switch console as the admin user; the default password is admin.

5. Add the VLAN to the database.

Console# config    
Console(config)# vlan database 
Console(config-vlan)# vlan 3 name SSL-mgmt media ethernet 
Console(config-vlan)# end

6. Verify that the output of the show VLAN command contains the following line:

Console# show VLAN
3  Static         SSL-mgmt    Active

7. Add the VLAN to the B10p SSL proxy blade port.

Console# configure   
Console(config)# interface ethernet SNP0
Console(config-if)# switchport allowed vlan add 3 tagged
Console(config-if)# end

8. Add the VLAN as the native VLAN to the uplink port.

Console# configure   
Console(config)# interface ethernet NETP0
Console(config-if)# switchport allowed vlan add 3 untagged 
Console(config-if)# switchport native vlan 3
Console(config-if)# end

9. Verify that the output of the show VLAN command contains the following line:

Console# show VLAN 
3  Static         SSL-mgmt    Active    SNP0   NETP0

10. Verify that the output of the show interfaces command is similar to the following:

Console# show interfaces
VLAN membership mode: Hybrid
 Ingress rule: Disabled
 Acceptable frame type: All frames
 Native VLAN: 3
 Priority for untagged traffic: 0
 Allowed Vlan:    1(u),    3(u), 

11. For the B10p SSL proxy blade slot, verify that the output of the show interfaces switchport ethernet SNP0 command is similar to the following:

Console# show interfaces switchport ethernet SNP0
VLAN membership mode: Hybrid
 Ingress rule: Disabled
 Acceptable frame type: All frames
 Native VLAN: 1
 Priority for untagged traffic: 0
 Allowed Vlan:    1(u),    3(t), 

There should now be network connectivity between the server and the B10p SSL proxy blade.

Upgrading the BSC Firmware

Note - To perform the update procedures in this chapter, you need to log into one of the system controllers using Telnet. This is because you need to transfer the new firmware from a location on your network.

The BSC on each blade server is a management agent for the system controller. It communicates information about the blade server it resides in to the system controller. It also receives and processes any commands that you type into the system controller's command-line interface.

Follow the instructions in this chapter if you have been advised by a Sun support engineer to download new firmware onto a System Controller, blade server, or integrated switch.

single-step bulletUsing the TFTP server from the server controller enter the following command:

sc> flashupdate -s tftp_ip -f filename Sn

Where S indicates the slot and n is the number of the slot containing the blade you want to update. Valid slot numbers range from 0 to 15.

The following example shows the TFTP IP address as and the file as /tftpboot/FRU/bsc-rel/scg-nrst-03.flash, updating the blade in slot 4. It also shows the messages that are returned and prompts:

sc> flashupdate -s -f /tftpboot/FRU/bsc-rel/scg-nrst-03.flash S4
Warning: Are you sure you want to flashupdate the S4 bsc image;
all console connections to S4 will be lost (y/n)? y
S4: Preparing to flashupdate.
Warning: Cannot determine supported blade type.
Do you want to continue (y/n)? y
Apr 10 19:22:46: MINOR: S4: Environmental monitoring disabled.               
flashupdate: update 131072 bytes of 131072 completed on S4                    
S4: flashupdate complete.
Apr 10 19:23:55: MINOR: S4: OS Running.                                      
Apr 10 19:23:56: MINOR: S4: Active LED state changed to ON.                  
Apr 10 19:23:56: MINOR: S4: Environmental monitoring enabled.