

access commands

add public key 98

add trust 93

add user 102

delete public keys 100

delete trust 95

delete user 103

directory services subcommands 88

disable service 88

enable service 89

get group 82

get groups 83

get map 84

get public key users 99

get services 91

get trusts 96

get users 105

groups subcommands 82

map 85

map subcommands 84

public key subcommands 98

subcommand groups summary 81

trust subcommands 93

unmap 86

update password 106

update user 107

user subcommands 102

Agent X for SNMP 46

autoconfiguring the SP 24


BIOS POST codes table 191

BIOS settings for console redirection 68


boot block codes for flash ROM 196



command type overview table 77

return codes summary table 78

community name for SNMP 46

configuring service processor 10

console redirection over serial

overview 63

creating initial manager account 14


daisy-chain server configuration 20

diagram of server interconnections 20

diagram of server management options 6

diags commands

cancel tests 111

get state 113

get tests 114

run tests 115

start 117

subcommands summary table 110

terminate 119

documentation, 1


enabling IPMI access 15

enabling IPMI LAN access 17


flash ROM boot block codes 196



host key pairs for scripting 59


integration of SNMP protocol 42


inventory commands

compare versions 122

get all 126

get hardware 123

get software 125

subcommand summary table 121

IPMI access

enabling 15

in-band enabling on Linux server 15

in-band enabling on Solaris x86 server 17

upgrading the kernel 19

ipmi commands

disable channel 128

disable pef 131

enable channel 129

enable pef 132

get channels 130

get global enables 133

reset 136

set global enable 134

subcommand summary table 127

IPMI interface

baseboard management controller 28

compliance 29

IPMItool 30

LAN channel access 29

LAN interface for the BMC 36

lights out management 30

Linux kernel device driver 36

manageability features 28

overview 27

troubleshooting 39

IPMI LAN access

enabling 17

in-band enabling on Linux server 17

in-band enabling on Solaris x86 server 18

out-of-band enabling on Linux server 18


command expressions and parameters 32

command options 31

command syntax 30

download sources 30


LAN diagram 20

logging in with setup account 14



management information base (MIB) for SNMP 42

MIB browser 47

MIB tree diagram 42


network share volume

extracted content 69

structure 69


operator panel buttons

functions defined 8

illustration 7

organization of this book xix

overview of book chapters xix

overview of server management options 3


platform commands

console 138

console subcommands summary 138

get console 142

get hostname 154

get os state 146

get power state 151

get product-id 155

os state subcommands summary 146

power state subcommand summary 151

set console 144

set os state 148

set os state boot 149

set power state 152

subcommand summary table 137

platform MAC address 25

POST codes table 191

propagating SP settings 24

public keys for scripting 58


related documentation xx

remote console escape sequences 73

return codes summary table 78


scripts, using

command output 61

guidelines 61

host key generation 57

host key pair generation 59

multiple system configuration 57

overview 55

remote scripting with SSH 56

shell scripts overview 55

SSH access using public keys 60

SSH access using trusted hosts 59

tips for best results 62

trusted host relationship 58

sensor commands

get 158

set 162

subcommand summary table 157

serial over LAN feature

disabling 71

enabling 70

launching and terminating sessions 71

server management overview 3

service processor

autoconfiguration 24

initial setup 10

MAC address 25

securing with accounts 14

SNMP agent 45

updating SP base component 23

updating SP software 21



SNMP interface

agent on the SP 45

Agent X 46

architecture diagram 44

configuring 44

integration overview 42

management information base (MIB) 42

MIB details 50

overview 41

prerequisites 44

proxy agent 45

server event trap destinations 49

server event traps 48

SP events table 51

third-party MIB browser 47

troubleshooting 53

sp commands

add mount 205

add snmp-destination 216

create test events 189

date subcommands summary 166

delete event 172

delete mount 207

delete snmp-destination 218

disable dns 169

disable ssl-required 222

dns subcommands summary 169

enable dns 170

enable ssl-required 223

get date 166

get dns 171

get events 173

get hostname 175

get ip 178

get jnet 181

get locatelight 184

get logfile 186

get mount 208

get port80 190

get smtp server 209

get smtp subscribers 212

get snmp proxy community 220

get snmp-destinations 219

get ssl 224

get status 198

get tdulog 199

hostname subcommand summary table 175

ip subcommands summary 178

JNET address subcommand summary 181

load settings 197

locatelight subcommand summary 184

logfile subcommand summary 186

miscellaneous subcommand summary 189

mount subcommands summary 205

reboot 201

reset 202

set date 167

set hostname 176

set ip 179

set jnet 182

set locatelight 185

set logfile 187

set smtp server 211

set snmp proxy community 220

set ssl 225

smtp subcommands summary 209

snmp subcommands summary 216

SP events subcommand summary 172

ssl subcommands summary 222

subcommand group summary table 165

update diags 230

update flash all 226

update flash applications 228

update flash pic 229

update smtp subscriber 213

update subcommands summary 226

ssh command protocol 76

summary of command types 77

Sun Fire V20z

back panel overview 4

connectors 4

Sun Fire V40z

back panel overview 3

connectors 3


troubleshooting dump utility (TDU) 199

troubleshooting IPMI 39

troubleshooting SNMP 53


updating service processor software 21

updating SP base component 23